2010: The Truth of this Momentous Year (Part IV)

2 05 2009

When you reach the precipice, that´s when you are mostly likely to change. When you reach the precipice, that´s when you are most likely to make a huge leap forward.

There are many Astrologers who look to their ephemeris, who dig out their history books, though most Astrologers don´t actually own History books since they are far more focused on the future than on the past. They dig out their History Books and glance backwards in time through the ephemeris and wonder with awe and amazement at the coming configuration that is being formed by the planets in the sky during the late Summer of next year; 2010.

At first I did the same, I looked and I was shocked, by some of the historical events which occurred during similar times, and I thought to myself, perhaps it would be better to not be around, to not be in the thick of things in the year 2010, and the years immediately afterwards, for it is not an “event” as such, more simply a vortex, which is at the beginning of new things; at the beginning of a decade that is sure to be noted down in History for the “new” things which occur, for events, people, discoveries, happenings, ideas, books, music, politics, that will change everything.

I was affraid to begin with contemplating personal points which are to be transited by this great and momentous outer planet line up. But further study has revealed to me that these on the surface frightening Cardinal Transits do not necessarily bring death, nor do they necessarily bring accidents or malignity. Whatever the rest of the Astrological world proclaims, I am confident that my 1st house Cardinally placed planets on a personal transit level will be brought into consciousness, into physical manifestation 100 times what they have been for my entire life.

I stand obviously at the edge of a personal precipice. A precipice which is not frightening, and it´s not equal to death, not for me, because I am ready for it with a parachute, with a para-glider. I see the cliff and I am taking a run up. I have natal Mars in the last minutes of Tropical Virgo, 180 degrees from the Aries Point, and so to me the experience will be one of reckless, bold, fearless, and courageous enterprise. I feel the juice of the 2010 T-Square in my bones already.

The mystery of 2010 and the years that follow is not difficult to decipher. There is a cliff, there are difficulties, there is a proposition to most persons on the planet at this time, and depending on how much enthusiasm you have and how eager you are for change, for revolution on a personal level, the Grand Transits of next year will endow you with the gifts and the genius to create the future that you so desire.

The opportunities that are around the corner are there because of the nature of the transit. The challenges that the human species set itself creates the opportunities to find ways around them. The problems in society and the problems in individual lives are often solved at the point when there seems to be the most pressure to either concede defeat, or take a new road, or come up with something new.

The greatest opportunity is about to be presented to both individuals, and to humanity over the next year and the years that follow next year. The question we ought to ask ourselves, is whether we all look to the past and stay stuck in that past and concentrate on things which no longer are important, things which cannot be changed, or whether we make choices which are in accordance with higher principles, in which as individuals we all face the precipice and jump. If you are asked to give up your personal fortune in the name of saving humanity, or fight for it, difficult choices, but the nobler one would probably be the one in which you as an individual “do” something which in itself has worth.

To be ready for anything should be the slogan for the next decade. To be ready to change job, occupation, outlook. It is certain that the ideology, that the modes of thought are changing. Sure there is a continuity within history, and it does not escape my judgement to acknowledge that humanity, and the systems and eternal truths of human life are unchanging. It may even be possible that what is old, what is thought of as outmoded and ancient, will in fact come back with avengeance, simply because it is a human truth that has been with society since it first began.

The nature of the family, the social group, the network of friends, the national conscience, and now the global conscience are things which are in one sense unchanging. What unites and disunites, is knowledge, and lack of knowledge. This is not empirical knowledge that sociologists or philosophers talked about in gross material terms, but knowledge of basic human life and its continuity and its “NATURAL” state which is has moral and spiritual dimensions that cannot be explained away by 3rd house writers and 9th house philosophers.

The opportunity is now here because the rules are in the air so to speak. The opportunity now is to not “write the rules again” in the visage of your own self, but to appreciate the eternal truth. To see what is really true in the light of what has passed. This is a new CARDINAL era. Fire is of the nature of spirit, and Air is of the nature of intellect, so understanding shall be brought that will Enlighten, all underpinned by Cardinal Earth and material foundations, structures and practical needs.

2010: The Next Ideology; the U.S.A. and the U.K. (Part III)

1 05 2009

It is an interesting fact that the 2010 grand configuration takes place on all of the cardinal points with sole exception of the Summer Solstice point, the degrees which span early Tropical Cancer. It is also an accepted fact that the USA´s natal chart has a stellium of Sun, Venus and Jupiter placed in the early degrees of Tropical Cancer where the blue ray of Sirius shined brightly in the late 18th century; not that the Zodiac has moved that many degrees through the cosmos since then.

So what does it mean? The 1930´s as in the first article I wrote on 2010, had in the sky above Pluto acting in configuration from the twentieth degree of Tropical Cancer which was in orb of USA´s natal Sun and natal Mercury. The early 1930´s T-Square was activating the United States 9th ruler and 10th ruler, with Pluto conjoined with those planets. The threat to America´s core belief systems of freedom and of their place in the world as described by 10th ruler Mercury is what was going on; and the conclusions which may be drawn from such a transit chart are that of drastic transformations involving core beliefs and place in the world, for if anything the result of 1931 and all that followed was to galvanise America into protecting freedom and democracy (9th house beliefs) and to become a true Superpower in the global arena; (10th house social standing and job). More proof of this Pluto focus is described perfectly by Mercury as ruler of 7th house; for 1931 brought America new enemies and Allies. The 1931 transits were not easy for the USA; for the conjunction of Pluto although bringer of massive power and change does not do it gently or kindly in the abrasive conjunction aspect.

1966 is the following grand configuration that we can say for certain that helped America. There is no question that the late 1960´s transit was not at all hard for USA; for on one side Saturn trines both US 9th ruler and 10th+7th ruler which on the other side from the 9th house the Uranus-Pluto conjunction formed a highly creative sextile to America´s public image. Can we say that the last four decades of the twentieth century have been hard on America? In fact the exact opposite is true, those decades have been the most successful, innovative, and stable, up to and including the first decade of the 21st century.

Some of the reasons for the United States´alliance with the U.K. are to do with the 1801 U.K. Cancer Moon at 20 degrees tropical Cancer. For both the 1930´s and 1960´s configurations pivoted on this area, and since the United Kindom´s Midheaven ruler is in fact that Cancer Moon, it goes without saying that the power and social standing of both nations are tied together both by natally predisposed similarities at certain degrees in tropical Cancer as well as the transits of the twentieth century which were both powerful to begin with and then harmonious and power-giving.

There is no question that the United Kingdom in 2010 and thereafter will undergo major shifts and changes akin to an Earthquake. However, it is through the proximity to the natal Sun ruler of 11th house of friendships in the house of communications, brothers, sisters and cousins. Those changes for the U.K. are likely to be in the form of tidal waves coming from friends, from political and social interests that the U.K. has always been a part of. Some of this may indeed be the Commonwealth, it may be through N.G.O´s it may be through political wrangling in bigger social groups such as the United Nations, and it is highly likely to be through Europe, without a doubt through Europe, which represents to the United Kingdom a real 11th house social threat to its existence.

However, the transits of 2010 are taking place on the Ascendant ruler of the United States of America, with Pluto not placed in abrasive conjunction (indicating power given), but in abrasive opposition; which is more likely to be indicative of a rivalry and challenge to its power, in the most brutal way imaginable. This Pluto in America´s 1st house is likely to indicate that whatever destructive power that emerges does not come from the other side of the chart, the Western quarter, indicating foreign enemies, but from within. The fact is that America really has no enemies that can rival it in 2009, the closest to an enemy that America can call “an enemy” of freedom is a country that America could bomb in a fortnight and leave completely flattened. The text-book comparison to be made is the Roman Republic; there were no true rivals to Rome circa the 1st century A.D. and hence in those years it was Romans who challenged and fought amongst themselves, as all enemies had in fact been subjugated.

The United States´ Venus Jupiter conjunction is the focus of 2010. All outer planets will be configured in hard aspect to these Cardinal points. It is in the U.S.A. that changes will be occurring. It is in the U.S.A. that the next decades of History will be formed with the events and people that act during the 2010 MEGA T-Square that shall rock the world. In this prediction I am certain. In this prediction; that there is something coming next year that will set the scene for the next decades or more I am certain. 1931 was simply a victory for totalitarianism in Eastern Europe, while 1966 was simply the crescendo of Western Capitalism, and of innovation, consumerism made available to the masses, with the West being an easier place to live than the East, though the East still sharing in that stability.

It is likely that Public Health, and daily running of the U.S. will be damaged or put under immense pressure in 2010, with Venus closest to the aspect pattern, also 11th house rulership of friends, and political groups, as well as all “humanitarian” or social enterprises shall in a mundane sense also be in the spotlight, since Venus desposits 11th house in the 4th July 1776 chart. But the point which is most important and the point with which no prediction of certainty can be made is that of Ascendant and IC ruler Jupiter at 5 degrees of Cancer coming under the most abrasive and challenging aspects.

With such strong and completely destructive transits, it would be easy to predict, “the demise” or the end of America; however, the astrology doesn´t really support this view. America´s power and standing in the world, is represented by both Saturn and Mercury, planets that have control over America´s MC. These planets are unafflicted by the 2010 transit. So it would be fair to say that in one sense, America may in fact continue with its role in the world, with the same standing with nations, with the same “job”, with the same career and goals. The Ascendant ruler and 4th ruler are a more fundamental part of the picture. The aspects that take place will be threatening the “body”, or appearance of America, the basic personality, the people, and the Fathers and History of the nation (4th house); it may be possible to add; the land, the foundations, the cities and buildings and homes (4th house) ruler in Cancer, with more emphasis on home and structures which are domestic in nature.

Ascendant ruler under threat does signify the “life” of a person, and of a nation also. It may well be that America changes its constitution, affecting that special (4th house) inhertitance and family tradition. It may well be that the image of America and self concept of the people changes, new technology represented by Uranus transiting America´s 4th house will with out a doubt be brought into the public arena.