Jesus and Nuclear Weapons

7 08 2011

It has been discovered that the US military used Jesus Christ as propaganda for justifying the use of Nuclear Weapons.

Obviously the vast majority of people who consider themselves “normal” decry this as fundamentalist right wing propaganda, and an abuse and a warping of the truth. Christ’s doctrine of love one another doesn’t seem to fit in with the idea of a nuclear warhead, which could kill millions and leave immense suffering and misery in its wake.

However, on a spiritual level, a nuclear warhead’s purpose is annihilation of MATERIAL REALITY. One thing that Christ said was “follow me”, and that we ought to abandon everything relating to this world and to the senses. The WEST has a lot of nuclear weapons, but it also has a lot of material reality. Where there are nuclear weapons there is intense materialism, and people only see with their senses in the three dimensions, they do not see beyond these dimensions.

Collectively speaking these weapons are karma. Annihilation of matter, is stored in a warhead. The potential for destruction is maintained in a tightly sealed and controlled tank, poised on a rocket. It’s basically Plutonic Karma, concentrated Karmic tomato ketchup. Collectively it’s a sign of rotten society, which is unable  to connect with the destruction within itself, but instead bottles destruction in a concentrated form and calls it a “warhead”.

But collective consciousness begins in the individual. The idea of Christ saying to us that we must abandon everything and follow him, itself has been misunderstood. To follow Christ means destruction of the “self” and the personal “ego”, with a nuclear warhead. Christ is something, consciousness which tells us to annihilate our-selves. When Job lost everything he had, he was tested in his spirit and in his love for God, the inner monad. When Christ was able to perform miracles, he wasn’t operating within the three dimensions, he was operating outside of them, because his personality and his ego was not in the way.

What was Jesus’s personality? What things did he enjoy to satisfy himself? What idiosyncrasies did he have? We know that the man lived, as a man. And we also know that the Devil came to him and tempted him and he renounced it. In essence Christ was able to conquer his own personality, and to destroy it with nuclear weapons. Pluto symbolises this triumph over evil, resurrection and will-power. Pluto symbolises the devil too, and those that succumb to evil and to temptation are the slaves of Pluto and basically under the power of Satan.

It is easy for us to see the 1st and 10th house which is why these houses have so much power in the chart. They are the most angular powerful and material houses in the chart. However, all houses are equal in that what the 1st puts forward and creates and shows to the world will always be annihilated by the 12th house. The positive charge of the life force of a person, however strong will always be brought to where it started, nothing, which is the same for nations and empires, however high their buildings are and however powerful their doctrines and cultures are.

The beginning of consciousness is the death of the self, death and transformation of the self, it’s the point where the self as the devil is subjected to the divine creator, the inner monad, the spiritual consciousness, which is awake to all of the senses and goes beyond the senses detectable by the personality and the body. This marks the 8th house death and re-birth in the 9th.

Christ used to pray a lot, we know this. It is likely that he meditated intensely, we know also that he went without food or human contact in the desert for long periods. Meditation and praying are the keys to consciousness. During our meditation, the self is present, but must be subjected to the spirit. This is a great battle. It requires will, as strong as a nuclear warhead. For the spirit to conquer all of the different personalities and psychological egos which exist within is a life-work.

The self is always looking to the future, and hoping that it will be satisfied. But all of this is of the devil. There is  no true satisfaction except through Christ. There is no true salvation except through the total renunciation of the self, of all desires, and of all hopes and wishes. Jesus let himself go starve in the wilderness, this symbolises total rejection of the five material senses, of the indulgence of the self, of all hope for the self and the ego. It is in essence the nuclear weapon unleashed on the self, and on what we Westerners call “matter” and the only thing which our culture truly values and sees.

What is required is to take the lid off those weapons and to douse ourselves in Plutonium. We should let our hopes and dreams go. We should not think about money or love or dinner tomorrow night. It’s the absolute which is necessary. If I said, “nothing is here, I am nothing, I came from nothing and this is where I go”, then this is spiritual progress. We must have compassion for others, but we must also understand that the essence of life is non-presence of matter, but presence of consciousness, which is to be attained through meditation and prayer.

Political, the 9th house

1 02 2011

When one begins to make demands, and ask for things, those things are usually given, no matter how long it takes. I don’t like things  in the world, from country to country the same things are present and the same rotten ideas are present, like a virus.

I am not an idealist, I am a realist.

So I must analyse exactly what it is that I am asking for, politically. Most of the things that people ask for from their representatives are material, and as such their politicians do things in order to increase wealth and to increase the amount of money that they have.

Countries are like people.

Just the way a rich camel cannot go through the eye of a needle, a rich country also cannot go through the eye of a needle. No amount of wealth can buy dignity. Rich countries like rich people have shown us this. A rich nation still has got rotten people and good people, and that will never change.

Do I want independence? Do I want freedom from tyranny? History has no mercy. I believe that you have to suffer in life in order to appreciate it. My political demands are real though. The things that I see that I don’t like are lies. Subtle manipulations, which make people believe in falsehoods.


Real freedom does not consist of being  exposed to a pack of lies on a daily basis. The more stuff that you have floating in your mind that does not relate to real human life, then the more enslaved you are.

Stories are fine, they are part of culture, they educate. There is no question that the human mind is conditioned by the type of story that it is exposed to.

I could probably write a book on the lies of the media, on the lies of the academic and scientific world, which hold considerable sway over our world, but in the end I should really focus on what is truth, truth about humanity, and how things will without question, eventually pan out.


The history of man is not entirely violent. The Romans, although we view them as genocidal and merciless conquerors created the “Pax Romana” and also spread Christianity. How strange that such violence was balanced out in equal proportion by peace.

The current lies which abound in the world today are here because of the changes within humanity or rather, because of its expansion. There are more people, this is the primary, main change.

But people have always been the same, and will continue to be the same. I object to the de-humanisation of industrialised society. But to demand the “de-industrialisation” of society would be to demand the total destruction and in fact annihilation of it. Cities can’t function without the structures that they have and without the current lies that exist.

I do not want total destruction.

Ideas do not go back into the box, ideas like socialism, or capitalism, or any philosophy. They must run their course until human beings come back to their senses to realise that there is only one thing which is worth striving for, and that is dignity.

The world seeks equilibrium at all times. This philosophy is faultless.

Politically, it makes no difference what I believe. Since I am noble, I will succeed under any circumstances. Since I think and I see beyond  the lies, I shall overcome those lies and be superior to them. Instinctively the noble mind can sense rot.

I do not need to ask for anything, for it shall be given to me in due time. Such is the equilibrium and perfection of the world.

If I were an animal, I’d act solely on my animal nature, and death would find me quickly. There are people who act animalistically, and they are given what is given to animals: namely bondage, they are put into abject slavery.

The test of the lies is to be able to discern them, to work out real truth. How do I act nobly and serve a noble master, if all around me are serving a wicked one? This is a hard test. A man must instinctively know what is right and wrong, and if he doesn’t, then he must be a slave.

Only the educated are free, but it is only those that can decipher what is truth that are truly free, because “education” is a pack of lies also.

Lies can be told, but the truth is like a light in darkness, it shines all around and cannot be hidden. Perhaps experience teaches us. Perhaps it takes an entire life to realise truth. Perhaps it even takes more than a lifetime to realise truth.

Truth is the absence of lies. Truth is naked. Truth is not a single word. Truth is a man tending his crops, with bare hands, with no machinery. Truth is pretty hard. But truth is also right. And truth will find a way. Truth is what you are given and not what you take.



Uranus-Pluto-Saturn-Jupiter 2010: The Next Ideology (Part I)

6 10 2008

Some of the things that I present to you in this little exploration of the planetary aspect pattern which is currently forming above our heads will not be socially acceptable for you. What I am going to suggest here will send you either fuming with indignation, or phoning up the anti-defamation league or amnesty international, or calling the government in protest of the ideas which are presented in this highly subversive article. If I were to be honest with you, I don’t care. I have as a natal trait the wonderfully free chart ruler Mercury conjunct Uranus in Sagittarius in  the house of communications. What’s more is that Mercury is parallel Jupiter and Neptune, which means that my ideas here will be influenced by the benevolent ray of Jupiter in his own sign as well as a sympathetic Neptune. Because of these aspects in the TRUTH orientated Sagittarius, I will protest that my interest is not in promoting any ideology, nor deriding any, my interest here is in truth and seeing clearly the events which are to follow. Being Sagittarian to this degree, I am inclined towards belief in good and a moral and benevolent ideology, which has sympathy towards animals as well as people, but this is as far as my bias goes.


The configurations in the sky do not affect one nation, or one people. The patterns in the celestial sphere create and destroy patterns which are copied on Planet Earth with the simple determinism of seeds being planted on fertile ground germinating and producing fruit. They impel of course they impel, but when a seed is planted, watered and given the right amount of sunlight, nutrition, and warmth, it is fairly easy to say that you will be reaping what you have sown. This article is interested in finding out whether the heaven’s seed are about to fall on stony ground, and whether those seeds might just contain a few weeds among them.

The Last Ideology:1966

Now, down to business. Uranus and Pluto were conjoined in longitudinal degrees during the late 1960’s everyone knows this and a few people may also be aware that they were simultaneously opposed by a beleaguered Saturn in Pisces and eventually given a winning hand from Jupiter as he traversed late Virgo after that opposition. The Ideology however, is what we are after. Several ideological structures came out of the late 1960’s which were previously not in circulation. Some of the things which are thought of as being created during that era are women’s power, as well as civil rights for minorities. These are big things, big ideas with big laws that were passed in order to support those people, and there is nothing wrong there as far as I can see. This was one of the great movements of progress of the 20th Century. 1966 marks the T-Square of these planets with Jupiter sadly detrimented in Gemini, with Saturn in Pisces and with Uranus and Pluto conjoined in Virgo. It is this moment in time which has been the beginning of the Era of late 20th Century and early 21st Century, politics, and social modes existence, the social rules were in effect changed in 1966, which does mark the watershed moment.

Why was this ideological structure developed in the way it was? The reason is not in the noble ideas of equality and dignity of humanity, nor in the progression of the rights of anyone, but in the power structure of Empire. The real motivating force for these changes was historical. For an empire to exist there needs to be social cohesion. Social cohesion in the Western World was only possible through these bills of rights and social movements, which were in effect damaging to the structures of traditional Religion, signified by Jupiter in Gemini being defeated by the other stronger planets in materialistic and analytical Virgo, and a Saturn in Pisces which is reminiscent of power structures that are torn in two directions.

In essence the 1966 alignment allowed for social cohesion and the economic freedom in vast untapped numbers of the Western population, namely women’s economic power, befitting the Virgo symbolism of a Woman associated with service and harvest. the main focus of Virgo is that everything has a place and a worth, and the simple economics of this placing has allowed the economic materialism due to the nature of the Earth element to empower a Western Empire which is constant in its adaptation and has no centralised power structure but various co-operating structures, which again is part of the nature of those three mutable signs, Pisces, Virgo and Gemini, with emphasis on materialism and Mercurial thought over the Piscean and Sagittarian belief, sacrificed for the economic power structure. And all of course based on that key logical yet completely anti-spiritual Ideology of the 1966 T-Square.

Note: Although Neptune is not directly involved in the T-Square aspect pattern, Neptune however, does confer its particular power from Scorpio, and this is where the association of the ‘sixties with Sex and Sexual Revolution comes from, due solely to Neptune in Scorpio, nothing to do with Mars, or Pluto. The Neptunian energy manifests itself mainly in music, art and cultural pursuits including drugs.

Ideology formed and given power: 1931

Now we go one more step back in the 20th Century, we come to the ideology which was formed and crystallised in 1931. How can you not look to Germany? Saturn, Pluto and Uranus were T-Square in Cardinal signs during this year with the Sun conjoining as close a matrix as possible on July the 13th of that year. Now the Sun in this aspect pattern gives the show a big star. Most people will immediately say, Adolf Hitler!! Ah, what intuition! But they would be wrong the heavens have scattered several big stars all across the globe, certainly he was one of the stars of that Era, but we have other big house hold names like Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill, all of which actually managed to hold power in their own countries for as long as Mr Hitler, if not a lot longer. These men were all sensitive Cancerian types, Father figures who were fighting for the preservation of their homelands. Can you get a better description of Pluto conjunct Sun in Cancer?

So, what was the ideology which existed between 1931 and 1966? This ideology was based on the darkness of Saturn in Capricorn and the impulse of destruction and creation, of Uranus in Aries.  Even after the War, it was the “Cold War” a rather befitting term for Saturn in Capricorn, whose nature inclines towards low energy, though with a tenacity and talent for persistence and survival. The Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall are powerful symbolism of this placement, how much more evidence is needed to show that the Era of thirty five years was commenced in 1931, even after the demise of the fascist Bogey man of all time.

Note: Mars, although not directly involved in the T-Square aspect pattern is however, powerfully connected in virgo with Sun, Saturn and even Uranus through an Inconjunct aspect. Mars although outside of the matrix which is the Era creation is however so involved that it is impossible to separate his energetic and agressive influence. Indeed looking at History it is easy to see how Mars even in 1931 in this aspect grid was influencial, with Uranus in Aries, it is necessary to view the dispositor, Mars.

1903 (note: not a Saturn configuration, though still powerful technologically)

This year is also a marker of Uranus-Pluto forming a T-Square with another outer planet, Jupiter. This is though, an exception to the Ideological Structures and 1903 really belongs to the matrix of 1851. Because this is Jupiter it is not the powerful social rule creating, politically fueled force that involves Saturn. On September the 12 1903, the Sun plugs into this T-Square to form a grand cross. 1903 is significant for other reasons. Shortly after the Grand Cross of September the 12, Orville Wright makes the first combustion engine powered flight, the USA begin to expand with the instigation of rebellion and eventual control of Panama. During this period Edward VII became King of England and Emperor of the British Empire, so 1903 loosely coincides with the transferal of power, though for the true ideological Era it is necessary to look back further.


The 24th of October 1851 marks the beginning of an Era which ended not in 1903, but in 1931, this is a period of eighty years. The T-Square of 1851 is a bit of an understatement. In the early degrees of Taurus and late Aries a stellium lined up to include Pluto, Saturn and Uranus. This alone marked the beginning of an Era, the beginning of an ideology and the chronocrator of a time period which saw the height of the British Empire and the almost total domination in true Taurus style of most of the world’s land mass by one Empire. On the other side of this stellium is to be found another stellium of Moon, Sun, Jupiter, and Venus. Those personal planets signify a family united under a bright star a king and emperor in the most powerful sign at the first degree of Scorpio symbolising the beginning the Empire. Mars of course in the sign of Leo shows that it was the Nation whose symbol of military strength was indeed three Lions and has Lion imagery in every crest and seal.

Ideologically the period starting in 1851 was one in which the Fixed signs dominated, with Scorpio and Taurus as feminine signs of both power and cultural creation it was a time in which a strict code of law was in force, a cultural ideology based on wealth and industrial power took hold, the rise of a bourgeois middle class with great power in not only the British houses of Parliament, but in the nations of Europe and America as well as in Asia with Japanese imperialism based on industrial and monetary growth. There is nothing that symbolises this as a time marker more than the opening of THE GREAT EXHIBITION OF THE WORKS OF INDUSTRY OF ALL NATIONS in the Crystal Palace, Hyde Park in of course London, which ran for most of that year.

The accepted norms of society though are what we are looking for, the equivalent of 1930’s Fascism and 1960’s Feminism was 1850’s, this is an Era which is determined by strict social rules and stability, by respect for tradition, by love of culture, of literature, music, and religion, with the Uranus, Pluto and Saturn Stellium between the last degree of Aries and the early degrees of Taurus. The Scorpio inner family symbolised a unity of a central family which could not be better described better than by the enduring family of Queen and Empress Victoria at the centre of this Ideology, and not surprising that it is now known as the “VICTORIAN AGE.”

Note: Neptune is connected to this aspect pattern, though slightly wide from making a sextile to Pluto and Saturn, it does slide into a wedge with Uranus and the family of inner planets in Trine on the other side. So to note, some of the greatest cultural achievements in Literature, Art and Music were achieved during this Era. Even beginning in the 1850’s Dickens was writing his great works, as were the other great authors and composers of the second half of the 19th Century. That Pisces Neptune must be interpreted in terms of spiritual accompaniment durning this period, great Religious fervour and belief, in spite of the developing ideas of the times like Darwinism, Marxism and Science. This Neptune in Pisces as always symbolises two fish swimming in opposite directions, two fish who both have belief, and in retrospect these fish are both Religions and Sciences.


On the 17th December 1819 a Square took place involving Pluto and Saturn in Pisces, (Chiron also) with Uranus and Neptune forming a stellium with Sun and Moon in Sagittarius. There are some ways in which this was a greater Era creator than the 1851 alignment. Namely Neptune is involved in the alignment, though the energy and buoyancy of Jupiter and Mars are omitted with the result that this alignment was in many ways a silent, velvet revolution in World Thought. There are numerous world writers who were born during this period, Fyodor Dostoevski, Anne Bronte, and George Eliot as well as Charles Dickens give or take a couple of years are a few, and the writings which they eventually wrote were highly religiously inclined with huge spiritual involvement, all due to the effect of this Pisces, Sagittarius alignment.

Some events of this alignment are the beginning of George IV’s reign, as well as the end of the Napoleonic Wars with a return to the traditional establishment, to the traditional mode of belief, which the French Revolution as well as the American Revolution had threatened. South America became a free enterprise in the year 1819 with the proclamation of Gran Colombia.


This year is very different from all other alignments of the nature which are under scrutiny in this article. The planets Uranus, Pluto along with Sun-Moon conjoining in Sagittarius on the 13th December of 1792 form a Kite aspect pattern. This alone fulfils the criteria of a powerful aspect pattern involving the said planets although the sextiles are fairly weak on there own they are in a powerful alignment. To note also, Jupiter forms a T-Square with the Pluto-Uranus opposition though does not link up with Saturn.

The events of the years between 1792 and 1819 are well chronicled. Franch becomes a scene of Revolution, with much upheaval and bloodshed, it also forges ahead with new ideas and experiments with different forms of governance but does inevitably become an Atheistic Empire on the rampage under Napoleon Bonaparte.

But of course the events in the Heavens were not just taking place over France. Britain and Germany saw a cultural revolution in the name of a Poetic movement now known as ROMANTICISM. And not only were these poets writing their subversive texts, there really was fear in the rest of Europe of Revolution taking place because of the unparalleled social change of this Era. The Kite formation is a pattern which is made for movement, for travel and like the actual physical kite its symbolism can be seen in this period in the name of great movement, upheaval and excitement, as if whole nations were able to fly and metaphorically, France did just this.


The only true link up between Uranus, Pluto and Saturn with an acceptable orb and acceptable strength of power took place in 1648 and 1649 and involved Uranus in conjunction with Neptune on 27th February 1649. Saturn, True Node and Pluto were conjoined together in Gemini in opposition with the Uranus and Neptune placement in Sagittarius. The Sun and Mercury formed a Grand Cross with Moon and Mars in opposition in Virgo.

1649 begun the Era which lasted until 1819. This period of time was begun with the execution of King Charles I, the killing of the King, God’s representation on Earth had never been done before, but was done by Parliamentarians, whose logic was founded in the power of Pluto conjunct Saturn in Gemini. It is hard going back so far to make an estimation of the cultural and social values of this time period. During this period John Milton was writing Paradise Lost and supporting Republicanism, in an age of total Monarchy.

The Grand Cross in mutable signs confers a great struggle between on the one hand Gemini materialism and logical thought and on the other side Sagittarian orthodoxy. This is a struggle which lasted until 1819 which seems to have marked a brief period of all embracing Religious Faith until the 1851 alignment.

© 2008.

McCain vs. Obama

28 09 2008

This game is all about personality and very little about actual policy. It has always been like this. Since when does any politician ever do what they say? Things always come up, and the people in power do what they can to try and handle it. So, what do you need to be President of the United States of America, apart from helpful friends hidden in the halls and chambers of power? Personality.

Natal Chart Analysis

McCain has Libra rising with 1st house ruler Venus placed in its Fall in Virgo in the 12th house. This is a very poor placement for the individual person. However, this Venus is in Mutual reception with Mercury. Which means that much of the trouble is averted and the poor placement of Venus is greatly elevated. In some respects this is a fine combination because Mercury in Libra will consider and be very diplomatic, while Venus in Virgo will have an excellent grasp of the facts while also being a very good analyst.

One thing that is interesting with McCain’s chart is the position of Uranus in Taurus, the planet’s supposed Fall sign. This is in line with the conservative nature of the man although it does not deny him Uranian characteristics, because his natal Sun is in a trine with the planet. Venus’s opposition of Saturn from the natal sixth house is a sign of steadfastness and solidness. Generally this is a very hard aspect signifying toughness in love, and a cold unfeeling nature. The Capricorn Moon confirms this.

Barack Obama has a dignified Saturn and a dignified Sun. Chart ruler is Uranus and Saturn. Uranus is placed in Leo, which is its detriment. These two planets are inconjunct, which is a powerful sign that Obama is able to link up traditional forces with forward thinking and a changing world. Obama has natal Sun placed in the 6th house square Neptune, G.W. Bush has Sun square Neptune. So let’s not fool ourselves into believing that Mr Obama is any less capable of deception, or being deceived by forces and powers, (Neptune in Scorpio in 9th house of politics,) which may want to use him for their own ends.

Mars and War

Both Obama and McCain have a prominent Mars. McCain has Mars placed in the 10th house which reverberates with his military background. That Mars is also in an exuberant trine with Sagittarius Jupiter and a tense square with Uranus. If elected McCain may see more hostile action as the leader of the most powerful nation on Earth.

Obama’s natal Mars is placed in Virgo (like G.W. Bush) but it is strongly held in check by a very strong Saturn trine in Earth signs. The only other possible problem for Obama’s Mars is the semi-square with that Scorpio Neptune. There could be actions which are taken on misinformation or for the wrong reasons again. Obama’s Mars is placed in the Angular 7th house making it accidentally dignified, yet it is also fairly close to the cusp of the 8th house signifying actions which bring about death and destruction. Either way, both charts pose their own particular set of circumstances and problems.

The New World Economy

20 09 2008

Financial meltdown is occurring

Financial meltdown is occurring. This is not scaremongering, this is happening around our heads right here, right now. Banks are going bankrupt. Prices are rising, jobs are being lost, people are losing their homes. The figures we know are just the tip of the iceberg. And just because it is happening slowly, with politicians and commentators debating whether it really is as bad as all that, doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

Alistair Darling the Chancellor, the man in charge of the UK economy, said “these are the worst economic conditions for 60 years.” Why would a man in charge of keeping confidence in the world’s Financial Capital, London go and say such a panic inciting thing like that? 60 years ago, there was food rationing, people were starving in the UK, people were entitled to one cup of flour, a spoon of sugar, and a slice of bacon each day.

To look around Great Britain today, you would think that Alistair Darling was making a ridiculous joke, in bad taste considering what the post war generation had available to them. There is wealth, there are huge supermarkets filled with variety, as well as quantity of food, there are jobs, and there are warm centrally heated houses.

But Darling wasn’t speaking of now, of the visible. Darling was talking about what is unseen, like a cobra beneath the night sheets. Just what is there lurking in the shadows to make the man in charge of the worlds most vibrant economy shudder and throw out warning signals? It’s like he’s insuring himself against what’s inevitably going to happen, trying to give a little cover for when the questions come home asking “why didn’t you warn us?” So he can sleep safer in the knowledge that he did warn but people did nothing to try and avert. Is Darling playing the doctor warning the obese that they are in for some health problems in the not too distant future? This is what it sounds like.

Some of the sources of the problems are easy to discern, some of them are complex, and even economists are debating amongst themselves. But whatever the actual reasons, the recession of all recessions is on its way, like a storm surge far out to sea, with the first waves already beginning to splash in the faces of the coastal dwellers.

Economies are not based on the gold standard. This is one of the reasons for the huge wealth wastage. If money is not really based on anything more than paper, there are implications. People and especially lenders and bankers are unaware of its true value. Part of the problem of the American credit crisis was this fact. It mirrors, Rome’s melting down of its gold and silver only to mix in ever increasing amounts of worthless copper and other cheap metals in their money supply during the years when their military and conquests were costing them more than the sum of their empire. Money that is based on debt rather than real wealth is worthless.