Pisces Neptune Experiences


The world is the same as it was yesterday, in the sense that it carries on without much notice of human life. But to us humans, after living for 14 years in an Aquarius Neptune era, and perceiving and living life according to all Aquarian ideals, Neptune going into Pisces will make us think and feel it is a new and very different world. 

During those last 14 years I have lived inspired by Aquarius Neptune. One thing stands out about this life. It has been a life aloof and standing back from life. In Aquarius I have been studying life from a distance without really joining in. I have been reading about a dead and buried ancient civilization, but without being a true part of that civilization, or my own. During those years I have felt alone many times despite having friends. I have rationalized and understood life in terms of a system, which i have compared to many other systems whether they were astrological, or political, philosophical, or about the theory of teaching. But where was I? Who was I? I was of no emotion and of no particular party. I was impartial, but i was far away. I tried love, but I was too cerebral about it and it didn’t work for that reason.

Now I feel different. I had an experience that no words can describe. I might as well write poetry in this space here. Pisces has much beauty, and love and kindness in it. It also has temptation and sin. But, so long as I remain morally upright, no suffering will come to me. I must put my total faith in God now. The experience that I now have is not a mental experience. It is a vibration which resonates throughout my entire body, it is a powerful feeling. Words fail me, they just won’t come, they don’t help and they don’t work. ALL of life is feeling. But the highest form of feeling comes from love, which in its true meaning is SACRIFICE. This is the reason Venus, planet of love is exalted in Pisces. If you love one person you sacrifice personal ambition and pleasure and you give them your time and money, that is sacrifice and that is love. When Christ died on the cross that was sacrifice of his own self for all of us. But sacrifice is beautiful. We do not have to die physically. All that must die is personal ego, the egos of lust, anger, fear, and possibly many other egos which we are not aware of.

When Neptune first entered Aquarius in 1997, I became intrigued by Astrology, a system which allowed me to study human life and functions without actually living or experiencing them in any kind of personal or subjective level.

Today in 2012 with Pisces Neptune I became aware of the infinite to which I am connected to, to sacrifice and to true love which is based on nothing more than pure sacrifice. This kind of love comes close to the infinite. It is a feeling of total belonging. This higher dimension is not reached through thought, and through intellectual understanding. This is why I have been praying and meditating. This is the reason I have been ridding myself of excessive possessions, of clutter in my house and clutter in my mind.

There is a choice. In Pisces there is a choice. You may give your all to one person and to one God, and find bliss and happiness in doing this. Or you may pursue your desires, indulge your senses, lust, and anger, and by doing so bring about your own losses and suffering. God has one life planned for us from our birth, this life would be paradise if we did  not follow our animal desires. I pray to God to show me the path, to keep my heart clean, to make sure that I never want what God has not planned for me. I pray that the love that I have found never diminishes.

One response

12 12 2013

Amen. I’m going through this with Saturn and north node transiting my 8th house (natally- libra with pluto in scorpio) and uranus in aries transiting first and jupiter now transiting my 5th. In ‘love’, i have experienced sacrifice without even merging with her (my mercury and mars in cancer fall in her 12th and many of her planets including pluto fall in my 7th and 8th). She’s married to someone else with a child.

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