Chart: Barack Obama

29 03 2009

Like the last two American Presidents, Mr Obama is a man of the 12th house. With the 12th house the public is never going to know the full truth of the man, who has Ascendant ruler Saturn placed therein. Both GW Bush and Bill Clinton had Ascendant ruler placed in the 12th house, and to a certain extent it is possible to say that their downfall was in each case caused by their own actions, though one might argue that both previous presidents never really “fell” from office, having both completed the terms that they had set out to complete, and not wanting to do more. While in Clinton´s chart the secrets going on were of an amorous nature what with Venus and Mars well placed together in Venus´s domicile, and in GW´s chart it was a Cancer Sun under the influence of a strong 2nd house Mars bringing forth the need to protect and defend using force, Obama´s 12th house dynamic is different.

Obama´s chart contains many aspects, and not just the obvious longitudinal aspects, it is in fact stacked with parallels and contra-parallels, which means that there is hidden energy which is not visible in the man´s face and words, but ought to be visible through actions.


The first thing to take note of is that Capricorn Saturn although accidentally debilitated through being 12th house, retrograde, and slow in motion does have essential dignity by domicile and by terms. The meaning to garner from this is that the man himself is a strong person with good mind, aptitude and self-control, a person of dignity and character with strong sense of self and goals. The traditional view is that Saturn has joy in the 12th house. However, for the purposes of the natal chart having AC ruler in the 12th is without question an indication of misfortune. The accidental debility of Saturn here indicates misfortune despite the planet´s strength.

Jaques Chirac is also a 12th house Saturn with Aquarius Rising, and Saturn placed in Aquarius. And although Chirac´s Saturn is not accidentally debilitated the way Obama´s is, it is possible that Obama like Chirac, manages to keep all problems and secrets behind closed doors and out of the public´s knowledge.

Jupiter is obviously conjunct and parallel to Saturn in the chart, ruler of house 2 and of the 11th, but unlike the myth of Jupiter the benefactor, Obama´s Jupiter is not only peregrine but highly accidentally debilitated also. The 2nd house rules finance and income, and the 11th rules groups, societies and non governmental organisations, these things will be dragging Mr Obama throughout his presidency as they are simply a big (Jupiter) problem and will be until the end, as indeed the man has stated.

The hidden personality of Obama is revealed by Parallels of declination. Saturn as mentioned in parallel with Jupiter gives the person optimism and expansive goals, as well as opportunity. But this is one planet. Saturn is also in direct aspect to Venus, Mercury and Pluto. The strongest is to Venus, which is testament to the regard people hold for him, does he have charisma? A lot of people see this in him, Venus rules the 3rd and the 8th houses, so his words and voice are the conveyor of that persuasiveness and ease, but in more mundane terms he is likely to support primary education and schools because this 3rd house link, Venus as ruler of 8th is testament to being loved in a time of crisis. Mercury adds yet more complication, because it is parallel to Venus and contraparallel to both Saturn and Jupiter. Ruler of the 5th and the 8th is in opposition to ruler of the second and 11th. It may come to signify conflict between personal resources and joint resources, and between groups and individuals, Obama is clearly on the side of personal resources and the societies and vested interests, however this is the losing side. This Mercury contra-parallel signifies furthermore that Barack has a keen mind whatever the appearances of things may be, he will be one step ahead of the crowd.

The final contra-parallel is Pluto, symbol of real power and transformation. There are a lot of people that say that Obama has no power of his own and that he is merely a puppet like the rest of the presidents since JFK. They may be right because of the weakness of Saturn in the 12th, and the fact that Saturn is in fact challenging Pluto rather than harmonising with it. But it is possible, that as with the USA itself, Pluto contraparallel could symbolise real unadulterated power, the kind of power that kings or dictators may weild.

Mars may be a further indication of this, with Mars in accidental strength and ruler of the MC, Obama´s Saturn with all of its other aspects may be able to control and harness the energy of Mars the way GW Bush wasn´t able to. There is no question that Obama will be involved in the affairs of war with such a powerful and strong Mars which is in fact the strongest planet in his chart despite peregrination followed by Venus. Perhaps the final thing to note about Obama is the Sun Neptune square, it indicates that the public, 7th ruler will always be under great illusions with Obama, as will the allies  to America and her enemies.

I still have hope but I don’t need it

22 09 2008



I still have hope…

I still have hope

I still have hope,

And I think you are hot

I still have hope,

Even though the leaves are falling fast,

And this coming spring,

I hope to see you at last.

(Interlude) GCD


I don’t need hope anymore…

I don’t need hope anymore

Because I know I can make things

Turn out the way

I want them to be

I don’t need hope anymore

Because I know that

You love me…

Because it’s so damn easy to see…

Dream Changer

19 09 2008

“I’ll let you be in my dream if I can bee in yours” Bob Dylan said that…but he was quoting Abraham Lincoln.

To catch dreams is pretty easy, all you need is a few feathers from wild birds, and you’ve got the makings of night after night of sweet and scary dreams. But there is a different kind of dream which is illusive and which people the world over are letting slip through the net. The dream I talk of is the one that is not really a night time thing, but the dream that you live from day to day. This is an important part of the human spirit, it is spirit, it is something that goes to the core of the soul of every person, and yet most of us allow this type of dream to slip their consciousness, slip right through, like a stone in the sea.

What happened, why did you let your dream go, why did you abandon what you thought of and aspired to? Why did you let go of the fantasy which your life was based on? The reason was that it wasn’t even a fantasy in the first place, the hope that was there was crushed because of the realisation of limitations. The truth is that when your dreams are out of bounds, when they are beyond the potential of what is possible, the dream itself is not really in line with your own inner reality, somehow it got placed there through the pervasive media barrage full of ready-made artificial, high in sugar, high in colour, but in the end sickening and over stimulating ideal.

So the ideal, the one that you grabbed from somewhere is brought down to earth. It is unfulfilled. And as time rolls on, you have to be pragmatic and adapt to the surrounding circumstances. Following dreams now seems as relevant to your life as global warming is to the weather in the UK; it rains and is cold every day no matter. The thoughts that lifted and once gave life its magic are not really there anymore, it just becomes day in, day out, time goes quickly, but at the same time nothing changes, because routine has become the world. in fact thinking of something different, or seeing something new only serves to disturb that comfortable monotony of life.

But life needs a dream. TV can provide daily doses of that “escape”, of discovering new sensations and new worlds, but it’s not really substitute to watch someone else do it, where the plot is predictable, where the words are scripted, where to have the unexpected would completely upset the balance of comfort on the sofa. What can you dream of, what is there that is worth dreaming? What illusion, what beautiful visions, can a person bring into their lives? What is there that makes life special and not meaningless?

When one dark planet crosses over another dark planet in the outer solar system, dreams can be broken. It is more than just a dream that is broken in some cases, it is a person’s idea of what life is about. When this happens, life can stop, it can turn around. It takes a shock, it takes a fright, a nightmare, a living hell sometimes for the human mind to recondition itself into a new course, and it does this remorselessly, without thought, without mercy. What the illusion of childhood was, is no longer, and if you don’t have an illusion of your own to fill in that gap, there will be a terrible gap, until you die, which you might try filling with substitutes, such as beer, or any other distraction you can think of.

The fact that your mind held illusions, beautiful visions and ideals throughout childhood, through your youth, through your young life, means that they are capable of holding these visions again. Just because you lose Faith, lose hope, lose wanting to “be” something or feel a certain way, due to the materialisation of physical need does not mean that you must hand over your life on a piece of paper and let other people decide what your fate will be in resignation. No, this is wrong.

The human mind is like a mould, and it is designed to hold, an idea, an ideal, it is formed through desire to chart the uncharted, to achieve and to learn, to experience newness, even if that newness was simply the same thing over and over again, like a boy on a bike, riding around the same street over and over again, only to notice new things on each little journey he made. The novelty was there, it was always there, it was born out of childhood boredom rolling out the infinity that childhood thinks of as time.

So how do you go about changing your dream? How do you make a new one? As an adult, it is not satisfying to ride about in the same street, or even in the same town. People leave. They leave their home town because their dream breaks and they go outwards looking for the novelty, the stimulation of a new one, but unfortunately this too often breaks and rather quickly too. The answer is a difficult one.

The regeneration of dreams must satisfy the mind for its qualities of newness. It must however not be something that is easily broken. As water is poured onto water it quickly dissipates. There must be something concrete in the dream, there must be ambition instilled into it.

It is even possible to simply metamorphose the old dream. What you once wanted through innocent eyes, what you yearned for through a state of total irresponsibility was an ideal. This is where it gets interesting. The ideal can still be the same, it must in some sense satisfy what the original desire was, whether it was expansion, or comfort, or love, whether it was an aesthetic dream or one involving words, involving conversations and talk, the template may remain the same.

If you look at it in this way, the apparent death of the dream is simply an alarm bell ringing telling you to do something about it. The stronger and more painfully that bell rings, the greater the determination and structure that you might put into driving the dream forward. Dreams never really die. The truth is that you cut the edges off them to make them streamlined, to make them fit through the obstacle course of life. If the dream is too big, you don’t make progress, but without a dream there is no motivation. The secret of life is to refine the desire, refine and reform it until the life that you want to lead, becomes something that is inevitable. When disappointment occurs in life, when depression roles in from the failure of your dreams, from the failure of what you thought life ought to be, that’s when you need to clip the dreams wings, when you need to question whether it was in fact a dream which was worth while in the first place.

The more subtle you are in “adapting” and changing the original impulse of life, of transforming life into something fine, that makes you feel good, the easier it is to fulfil the dream. When things stir out in the darkness, and your life becomes plagued, you must ask yourself: “what did I want?” And “was what I wanted worth anything?”

The dream of life is there for us all. It is there to make in the shape in which we choose. Like the Biblical God being the image of man, man has the potential to shape his world. What he creates is his creation, and as we create our own lives we must think about what is worth creating in the first place. Some dreams are worth having, the ones which are lifetime dreams, the ones in which you say “I have brought about this reality through my desire, through having trust and faith in my vision, in my dream, and determination to make my dream real, in the image of what I wanted it to be.”

Once you Believe, it is easy to convince others to believe also. Especially if they have nothing planned.

Don’t Stop Smiling

16 09 2008


I’m not good at writing these songs, writing these songs

And yes it has been very long, been very long

But I wouldn’t mind if it was you

Who loved me all along, all along

Inst. GGG CC G


(back to Em)

And I can see that you are smiling now

And I am sure glad

That I have found you somehow

And I hope that you never stop smiling

(instrumental C)

(Back to Em)

I have been in paradise, paradise

But it was boring as hell

And the moment I thought of your face

I began to smile inside, smile inside

(Instrumental C)

White Clouds Lyrics

14 09 2008

I thought I’d begin by posting the lyrics to a popular song by Buddy Materna

White Clouds

A vague feeling sweeping over me

White clouds in the wind

Yesterday I wished I was someone else

But if I were I would never have know you

I may never have lost my mind that day

But now it seems alright today

A vague feeling sweeping over you

White clouds in the wind

A vague feeling sweeping over you

White clouds in the wind

Forget the sadness forget the pain

It’s the end of our sorrow

We’re leaving this rain

Sunshine blowing through your hair

Our dreams are coming true

A vague feeling sweeping over you

White clouds in the wind

Sunshine blowing through your hair

Our dreams are coming true

A vague feeling sweeping over you

White clouds in the wind