McCain vs. Obama

This game is all about personality and very little about actual policy. It has always been like this. Since when does any politician ever do what they say? Things always come up, and the people in power do what they can to try and handle it. So, what do you need to be President of the United States of America, apart from helpful friends hidden in the halls and chambers of power? Personality.

Natal Chart Analysis

McCain has Libra rising with 1st house ruler Venus placed in its Fall in Virgo in the 12th house. This is a very poor placement for the individual person. However, this Venus is in Mutual reception with Mercury. Which means that much of the trouble is averted and the poor placement of Venus is greatly elevated. In some respects this is a fine combination because Mercury in Libra will consider and be very diplomatic, while Venus in Virgo will have an excellent grasp of the facts while also being a very good analyst.

One thing that is interesting with McCain’s chart is the position of Uranus in Taurus, the planet’s supposed Fall sign. This is in line with the conservative nature of the man although it does not deny him Uranian characteristics, because his natal Sun is in a trine with the planet. Venus’s opposition of Saturn from the natal sixth house is a sign of steadfastness and solidness. Generally this is a very hard aspect signifying toughness in love, and a cold unfeeling nature. The Capricorn Moon confirms this.

Barack Obama has a dignified Saturn and a dignified Sun. Chart ruler is Uranus and Saturn. Uranus is placed in Leo, which is its detriment. These two planets areinconjunct, which is a powerful sign that Obama is able to link up traditional forces with forward thinking and a changing world. Obama has natal Sun placed in the 6th house square Neptune, G.W. Bush has Sun square Neptune. So let’s not fool ourselves into believing that Mr Obama is any less capable of deception, or being deceived by forces and powers, (Neptune in Scorpio in 9th house of politics,) which may want to use him for their own ends.

Mars and War

Both Obama and McCain have a prominent Mars. McCain has Mars placed in the 10th house which reverberates with his military background. That Mars is also in an exuberant trine with Sagittarius Jupiter and a tense square with Uranus. If elected McCain may see more hostile action as the leader of the most powerful nation on Earth.

Obama’s natal Mars is placed in Virgo (like G.W. Bush) but it is strongly held in check by a very strong Saturn trine in Earth signs. The only other possible problem for Obama’s Mars is the semi-square with that Scorpio Neptune. There could be actions which are taken on misinformation or for the wrong reasons again. Obama’s Mars is placed in the Angular 7th house making it accidentally dignified, yet it is also fairly close to the cusp of the 8th house signifying actions which bring about death and destruction. Either way, both charts pose their own particular set of circumstances and problems.

One response

6 05 2010
Sherri Patton

I have read so many astrological web sites but yours is a blend of many arts, not just a list of “signs houses and positions” .
You are a true artist. Thank you. Sherri

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