Jupiter Taurus

4 10 2011

Traits of Jupiter in Taurus

Taurus is possibly the most cautious of all signs, the most realistic too. It’s also a sign which is able to enjoy sensual pleasure more than any other, because the sense of touch is heightened. Jupiter in Taurus in reality has no dignity, since Taurus is ruled both by Venus and Moon, both by domicile, triplicity and exaltation. The nature of Jupiter is enthusiasm, faith, expansion and long distance travelling, the nature of Taurus is staying in one place all through existence and watching the trees grow, and waiting for the good fruit to be ready. Jupiter in essence has little patience for Taurus caution, and patience and so is unhappy in this sign, generally speaking. Taurus Jupiter is the fine artist who paints quickly, literally throwing the paint onto the canvas, because it’s fun, the fine artist who maybe has got the patience, but would rather take chances on something new, the artist who paints on very large canvasses, but hasn’t got the time to focus on minute details. Taurus Jupiter has qualities which incline it towards pacifism, both sign and Planet do not appreciate violence, in fact violence is abhorrent to this placement. Having said this, it’s not to say that Taurus Jupiter is guaranteed peace, far from it, since this is peregrine Jupiter. Those with this placement though have something that they value and wish to protect, which is why they are motivated to bring about peace, financially it is fortunate, though not necessarily on ethical or moral grounds either, since banks do have ethics by nature.

Some people with Taurus Jupiter prominent include: Pablo Picasso, F.D. Roosevelt, Howard Hughs, Virginia Woolf, David Icke, Vladimir Lenin


Jupiter ruler of capitalism

Jupiter of itself has power over democracy and the capitalist system and it is easy to see that when Jupiter is doing well, western capitalism is also doing well, generally speaking. With the entrance of Sun into Sagittarius each year, western nations which celebrate the PAGAN festival of Christmas symbolised by a big fat man (Santa) who brings presents and puts them under a tree (Capricorn). Typically during the Capricorn phase trade dries up because all the money is spent during the preceding Sagittarius period, and Capricorn indeed requires total cutbacks and a sense of contraction in order to begin again, hence the January sales.

The forecast for 2011-2012

Jupiter goes direct in January, which will be a boon to the banks and to solid investments, because these are said to be Taurus institutions. Those who invested in “safe” investments such as gold, etc. should sell what they have during this period so as  to make a profit. The Taurus Jupiter period, which lasts until June 2012 provides some degree of financial stability in a system which is under the influence of altogether different and possibly more powerful and deep seated changes. If there was a time when capitalism dried up, it would be during Jupiter in Gemini, the detriment of this sign, and indeed if you look back to the financial crash of 1929, this placement was in effect. Gemini is of course all talk and no substance, Gemini has no faith, it relies on hard facts, and capitalism of the west is entirely driven by optimism and faith, gambling, which as stated above belong to Jupiter’s natural home, Sagittarius and Pisces. Interestingly right now is a great time for the artistic world with Jupiter in a sign which is slow and tedious and is able to create great masterpieces of not just painting, but sculpture too, since Taurus is a very physical sign. During this period, until June 2012, the banks will expand and financial services will have a certain amount of luck. The only problem with the direct station of Jupiter in January is that it is partile opposition to a Libra Saturn, since both these planets are in domicile of Venus and Venus is in Aquarius at this time, Saturn takes precedence. The financial expansion from the word go will be opposed, and the luck which the stock market has will be kept in check.

When you say I

3 10 2011

When you say “I”, what do you mean by that? Do you mean your body, do you mean your hands, or your eyes, or your mouth? Is that really you? When you say I do you mean your feelings, your emotions, from happiness to anger to depression and sadness, back to happiness and joy? When you say “I love you”, what is it exactly that you love me with? Do you mean your body and your hormones and your feelings? Which ones and in what proportion to each other?

What part of the I is everlasting? What part of the I continues into the next life? What part of the I never dies?

In the next life, when you and I are both dead, will we be able to find each other? How will you recognise me in that life and how will I know it’s you? When we are both reborn and remember nothing of the past life and remember nothing of our “real” selves? Perhaps it’s the eyes that give it away? Windows to the soul.

When I love you, what do I mean by you? What is it that I love? Do I love your body? Do I love your words and your voice? Do I love your past and your future hopes and wishes? Do I love your likes and dislikes?

All of these things I love but what I  love most is your love.


30 08 2011

The malefics Saturn and Mars are guilty of all of our depression and anger, in this order. All unhappiness in life can be traced back to disappointment, or lack. When one goes to the core of it, it is lack of affection (Venus) and loss of hope (Jupiter) which activates the malefics within.

The only way to deal with malefics properly is to develop affection within, and to develop hope within, without depending on any external reality or force, without relying on  the love of any one other person.

Meditation and prayer as well as religion are the path which Jupiter takes. Venus takes the path of beauty and appreciation.

But the key of course is that beauty and illumination are not always in our world around us. One day is beautiful and sunny, and the next day it’s raining and the world is a hard place. The only answer is an inner answer.

In meditation, it is possible to find illumination. The key is to stop depending on the external world’s influence. The key is to stop thinking with the rational material mind.

Transits to the Ninth House

12 03 2010

The ninth house is said to be a fire house. It is in this view, in harmony with the 1st and the 5th houses.

The 9th house is ruler of religion, law and belief or Faith. The long journeys that always slide into the list are there because often long journeys are what it takes in order to discover the greater truths in life. When Moses received the Ten Commandments he left Egypt and travelled on a seriously long journey through the desert and literally climbed a mountain in a completely alien land where God spoke to him. This was Mount Sinai.

Journeys and “holidays” are not the purpose of the 9th house. They are manifestations of a need for religion, for Truth, just as eating is a manifestation of hunger.

With the bearing that the 9th is a house of the self, being related by fire to the 1st and the 5th, then the conclusion to draw is that there is an element in religion and law which is solely about the self.

Religion gives individuals strength of character, wisdom, personal Faith and understanding, which is not to be gained from any other sort of reading or learning. Polytheistic religion, the religion of the ancient Greeks and Romans glorified and made sacred individual human forms and personalities to the point of perfection. In these religions one would look to a “super-being”, a perfect immortal version of the self. Those perfect versions would be role models, in a crude self-oriented interpretation. A worship of Mars the god of war would first ask for Mars´s help in order to be victorious, but later on it would be an identification of the self with the deity. The eventual outcome would be “I am like Mars” because I am victorious, and perhaps eventually even, “I am Mars, I am the glorious and undefeated, when I die I shall go back up to the stars because that is where I came from.”

It is interesting to view the fire houses as being images of the 1st house of self and body. The 5th is clearly the “lower self”, being placed below the horizon and being traditionally the house of pleasure and the house of children. What are children, but undeveloped, smaller versions of their parents. Our own parents though do not fall into the category of our higher self. The higher self is not the parent, but the gods, or God.

I tread on rocky ground while writing about the 9th house with regard to religion. Ancient religion is synonymous with Astrology. The gods were seen in the heavens as planets. Then there came Monotheistic religion which said that the planets were not to be talked about, the “gods” were brushed under the carpet. And now we live in an age in which the current prevailing belief system “Science” says that all talk of gods, or God, or extra-terrestrial beings is pure cultural produce from human imagination.

I don´t like being alone in the Universe though. I don´t like dying and becoming food for worms, thoughts like that are not conducive to my happiness. I live in a world in which God did give Moses the Ten Commandments on the summit of Mount Sinai, I live in a world also where the planets are “gods”, and are perfect beings when in their domicile in the heavens. Does this make me a “pick and mixer” with my religion? I think not. I accept things that fundamentally do not conflict with each other. There are four Archangels, and there are four stars named after Archangels in the sky. Those stars are the Angels.

Science cannot say categorically that there is no God, because by its own measurements it cannot disprove its existence. Moreover, scientists´wet dreams have for centuries included “the theory of everything”, they are quintessentially on a quest for God whether they know it or not.

My natal 9th ruler is a Libra Venus in the 1st house. I will go as far to say that my higher self is balanced. When I pray, I ask not for favour but for overall fairness, I ask for peace, harmony and happiness. If I were an ancient I would no doubt worship Mars and Jupiter for expansion and victory and power, but I would have Venus just above and in between them because that saying about “you can win all the wars you want but if you don´t have Venus´s love then there is no point”. I ask: What is my religion? What is my role model?

My god is not an ancient statue of a woman with her breasts showing. The formation of my higher self has been created through reading and listening to ancient texts. My interpretation is based on the rays of Venus in dignity, religious dreams that I have had involve perfect harmony, Adam and Eve in the garden, me and my Eve at judgement, everything that has formed my higher mind has been around give and receive, and even if I were a scientist, the idea that there could be life without harmony, that there could be protons without electrons would not register.

The nature of the 9th though is not about partnership or love. The ninth is the house of going beyond this imperfect world into a perfect realm. Dreams sometimes give us glimpses into that world. And in fact dreams are mentioned in religion as revelatory of that place.

Having not been to this place, I claim no expertise of it. Yet the dreams that revealed something of it to me contained timelessness, perfection of colour, and of feeling, glimpses of heaven. Though naturally the heaven that I saw was a Venusian perfection, sensual perhaps, the vision of the Garden of Eden, the feeling of enveloping love in the form of a mist where the ground ought to be, the feeling of a thousand of the softest feather pillows.

Fortune, Destiny, God

23 11 2009

Something that I sometimes wonder about in relation to this study is the idea of destiny. The reason that anyone studies this particular unconfirmed field is to try to get a heads up  on a future which is already dead certain. What I mean by this is that somehow, there is a destiny which is already fact and that although our lives are only in the making, although our lives are incomplete and lacking at the moment, the idea that there is something definite in the future is tantalising and promising.

But, no matter how much I study, I will never fully “know” the future. I will never understand that I might be different at some future time, just as I had been different in the past. The scope of emotion that I have experienced in life, I would never have dreamed of in childhood. As a child there was no worry, no sadness, no disappointment, but those things came just as they come to all.

A chart though contains more potential than what is lived at the moment in which one looks at it. This is part of the reason for study. It´s the fact that you can find things that you would have never before dreamed of. There is more potential than what you are able to garner in one look. What is there in this life that is worth living for? What is there in the chart which makes this life worth living for? In part it requires you to remain open and unconscious about the possibilities, but in a like manner, cautious about the possible dangers. For there is the same possibility for harshness as there is for joy.

In some ways the stars appear to look a little like Heaven. According to the ancient Greeks, Heaven and Hell were in fact one place, and your life in the afterlife could be pleasant or it could be nasty, (carrying a large rock which always roles back, or carrying water with a sieve), depending on actions and deeds on Earth.

Let´s say though, for argument´s sake that there is no real afterlife, that for all purposes, this is the only life that we get. In this case, the Heavens are a kind of reflection of what´s going on down here. Only studying the paths of the demigods, (the planets) may give us clues as to the paths that we ourselves are likely to take. Heaven obviously does continue, and according to the ancient tradition, the gods, (though I don´t deny a prime mover), the gods as represented by the planets are in fact jealous of our mortality, because it makes our lives so much the more precious.

Our lives really are precious, in the case that there is only one life. But, what say, if your life is more like a tragedy? There is no chance at a replay. This is where I get stuck. This is where I find I can´t escape despite my best efforts. In one sense, it should then be our duty to have some faith, that all will eventually work out the way it ought to. Perhaps the fact that it is impossible to know all that a life contains from the start is another small aid in getting through the tough times.

What kind of life is rewarded? What kind of attitude is given happiness? The rewards that come to those that are of the nature of Mars are immediate, they are probably pleasurable and exciting, but they are gone just as fast, and the down side is that of danger. The rewards in life that come to those of the nature of Saturn or Venus will probably not be apparent at the beginning, it looks grim or shoddy, or inadequate, but it probably lasts right until the very end. With this view in mind it does not profit us to look at what other people get in life and compare notes or even try and garner what might be your own fate through similarity of planetary force.

Jupiter trine Venus persons might be incredibly lucky, they might have a permanent party, all of the friends they could wish for etc. etc. and this is cause of much misery for the Venus-Saturn person who must sit next door listening to other people having fun while contemplating the reasons for not being popular, for being a social reject. Bu perhaps in ten years time Saturn-Venus will have someone love them solidly, and permanently and despite all imperfection, while Jupiter is on the next empty and soulless relationship based on appearance and excess.

What does destiny say about the life as a whole rather than the life as viewed from the perspective of someone only interested in the “now”? IT is said that “God created Heaven and Earth.” In heaven we see the stars and planets, which in my opinion are what the ancients believed to be gods, and which in a sense are in fact forms of higher power, demigods perhaps. The final word though, the final word is that if there is a singular thought that runs through everything, then there can´t truly be anything that is bad, or rather there can´t be anything that isn´t pre-destined, or part of the plan and therefor it cannot be bad.

What is the meaning of the suffering that I go through now? Or that I went through two years ago? According to the stars it changed my attitudes in certain ways by being a transit to my third ruler. What was the meanin of that mental suffering? In one sense it was a stretching of the mental muscles. And it is a well known fact that muscles do not grow unless they are trained through the strenuous if not at times painful exercise. “No pain no gain…” A lot of people interested in the stars look at a transit and are glad that it´s over once it´s over and consider it as one would consider a tragic act of random fortune. I´ve stipulated here that there is no random act of fortune, because the stars are put there by God, whoever he may be, benevolent or not.

So what does this have to do with anything? It´s the idea of destiny, the idea of suffering the pains of life by “being good” in order to reap the rewards in the “afterlife” or more to my taste, the life which we haven´t yet lived, but which is definitely projectionable and visible on the horizon. To suffer loneliness will create the appreciation for company, not just the appreciation, but the desire and the need for partnership. To suffer stupidity or to suffer powerlessness will give rise to talent, to adaptability. The idea is not that the FATE of our lives is random, cruel and unprecedented, but that because it comes from one  mind, that there is reason behind the current suffering in whatever from it may take.

The things that are most lacked will be the things that are most compensated. It seems that humanity tilts itself in the opposite direction from where it is, whether it is instant or whether it takes years. It´s the idea that everything is not realised that is important to keep in mind. It´s what we don´t have now, and ask for and pray for that may be ours tomorrow or later on in the future. One of the steps towards this materialization is that of imagination, of thinking and creating a blueprint of what it is that you want to create. Persistence pays, this is why Saturn is associated with achievement, with things that last, with a very moderate amount of happiness each day for the rest of your life.

This dialogue isn´t finished yet, because the full extent of it´s possible realisation isn´t apparent and because the mind that has written it isn´t satisfied with the philosophical clarity which it is meant, or designed to bring. Part of it is a reason in order to have faith that the present time is how it is meant to be as a foundation for greater future things. Part of it is a reconciliation with the apparent seeming randomness of life. There is nothing random, and it is difficult to believe this. When as individuals we strive and struggle, it is impossible to think that those struggles are in fact destined in the same way that other things in life appear to be destined. When you feel pain, you do not accept that the pain is in fact part of the plan. Pain is inconceivable to be part of some divine plan, it´s practically incomprehensible. Though, as an argument it might be said that the birthpains of a mother make her realise that a child is serious business, and the pain is part of the reason for the protection she eventually gives.

There is more to this…

Botched Horary:The age old questions

13 08 2009

It really doesn´t matter sometimes whether I ask a horary and get a negative response. The horary for me tells me about the situation right now, this minute this day. So if I get a no today, things can change in a couple of weeks and be the way I want them to be.

The questions I posed today were: 1. Will I pass my course? I feel like I´m doing a lot of hard work for no apparent reason. And 2. Does she love me? “She” being the all binding, all-obsessive subject and object of my affection. I ask that question primarily because I get mixed signals from women, especially her. And also there is a translation thing going on where our words cross two distinct languages and end up with different meanings.

will i pass the course does she love me

Clearly I (Saturn) will pass my course. As Saturn I am a worried, a hard working rather than smart working individual. I am in forward motion and in the 7th house, which is good. I am said to be angular. A few months ago I might have been Saturn in retrograde in the 8th house. 9th ruler Venus makes a sextile aspect to Saturn from fifth house Cancer therefor I shall pass the course.  One thing to note is Saturn is conjunct its dispositor Mercury, this is greatly beneficial. I am clearly backed by romantic interests and by financial backing from my parents. Co-significator Moon also sextiles Venus (9th ruler) and moon and Venus are mutually receptive.

The love question: Sun and Saturn don´t apparently aspect. However, Moon does square Sun which is a strong aspect, both planets are strong, dignified which bodes well, because both feel good, this is one aspect of stress and is often denoted by Lilly to be a “yes” answer although with difficulty and delay. Well let me see, I do find myself waiting for her email for a long time, even if it´s only a week. But looking at the progression of aspects further note that after Squaring Sun, Moon trines Saturn fairly closely. In this circumstance this is the “transferal of light”. Moon in this case meets up with Sun, and directs the Sun´s energy to Saturn in a beautiful easy trine, and especially in this case the Moon can only do good being placed in Exaltation.

My botched horary of the day tells me not to worry, because the aspects are now firmly in favour of me. And even if there are things in this chart which may be unaccounted for, I have stated at the beginning that I am seeing only what I want to see anyway. Eventually what you want materialises.

2010: The Truth of this Momentous Year (Part IV)

2 05 2009

When you reach the precipice, that´s when you are mostly likely to change. When you reach the precipice, that´s when you are most likely to make a huge leap forward.

There are many Astrologers who look to their ephemeris, who dig out their history books, though most Astrologers don´t actually own History books since they are far more focused on the future than on the past. They dig out their History Books and glance backwards in time through the ephemeris and wonder with awe and amazement at the coming configuration that is being formed by the planets in the sky during the late Summer of next year; 2010.

At first I did the same, I looked and I was shocked, by some of the historical events which occurred during similar times, and I thought to myself, perhaps it would be better to not be around, to not be in the thick of things in the year 2010, and the years immediately afterwards, for it is not an “event” as such, more simply a vortex, which is at the beginning of new things; at the beginning of a decade that is sure to be noted down in History for the “new” things which occur, for events, people, discoveries, happenings, ideas, books, music, politics, that will change everything.

I was affraid to begin with contemplating personal points which are to be transited by this great and momentous outer planet line up. But further study has revealed to me that these on the surface frightening Cardinal Transits do not necessarily bring death, nor do they necessarily bring accidents or malignity. Whatever the rest of the Astrological world proclaims, I am confident that my 1st house Cardinally placed planets on a personal transit level will be brought into consciousness, into physical manifestation 100 times what they have been for my entire life.

I stand obviously at the edge of a personal precipice. A precipice which is not frightening, and it´s not equal to death, not for me, because I am ready for it with a parachute, with a para-glider. I see the cliff and I am taking a run up. I have natal Mars in the last minutes of Tropical Virgo, 180 degrees from the Aries Point, and so to me the experience will be one of reckless, bold, fearless, and courageous enterprise. I feel the juice of the 2010 T-Square in my bones already.

The mystery of 2010 and the years that follow is not difficult to decipher. There is a cliff, there are difficulties, there is a proposition to most persons on the planet at this time, and depending on how much enthusiasm you have and how eager you are for change, for revolution on a personal level, the Grand Transits of next year will endow you with the gifts and the genius to create the future that you so desire.

The opportunities that are around the corner are there because of the nature of the transit. The challenges that the human species set itself creates the opportunities to find ways around them. The problems in society and the problems in individual lives are often solved at the point when there seems to be the most pressure to either concede defeat, or take a new road, or come up with something new.

The greatest opportunity is about to be presented to both individuals, and to humanity over the next year and the years that follow next year. The question we ought to ask ourselves, is whether we all look to the past and stay stuck in that past and concentrate on things which no longer are important, things which cannot be changed, or whether we make choices which are in accordance with higher principles, in which as individuals we all face the precipice and jump. If you are asked to give up your personal fortune in the name of saving humanity, or fight for it, difficult choices, but the nobler one would probably be the one in which you as an individual “do” something which in itself has worth.

To be ready for anything should be the slogan for the next decade. To be ready to change job, occupation, outlook. It is certain that the ideology, that the modes of thought are changing. Sure there is a continuity within history, and it does not escape my judgement to acknowledge that humanity, and the systems and eternal truths of human life are unchanging. It may even be possible that what is old, what is thought of as outmoded and ancient, will in fact come back with avengeance, simply because it is a human truth that has been with society since it first began.

The nature of the family, the social group, the network of friends, the national conscience, and now the global conscience are things which are in one sense unchanging. What unites and disunites, is knowledge, and lack of knowledge. This is not empirical knowledge that sociologists or philosophers talked about in gross material terms, but knowledge of basic human life and its continuity and its “NATURAL” state which is has moral and spiritual dimensions that cannot be explained away by 3rd house writers and 9th house philosophers.

The opportunity is now here because the rules are in the air so to speak. The opportunity now is to not “write the rules again” in the visage of your own self, but to appreciate the eternal truth. To see what is really true in the light of what has passed. This is a new CARDINAL era. Fire is of the nature of spirit, and Air is of the nature of intellect, so understanding shall be brought that will Enlighten, all underpinned by Cardinal Earth and material foundations, structures and practical needs.

Saturn in Libra,

19 12 2008

“Marriage is not to us a Sacrament, but, upon the other hand, the love of a man and woman, and the inseparable physical desire, are sacred. This conviction has come to us through ancient philosophy and modern literature, and it seems to us a most sacrilegious thing to persuade two people who hate each other…to live together, and it is to us no remedy to permit them to part if neither can re-marry.” W.B. Yeats

Libra is Saturn´s sign of exaltation. Saturn is also said to have both terms, face and triplicity in various degrees of this sign. So in Libra it is possible for Saturn to actually hold as much essential dignity as in his signs of rulership Capricorn and Aquarius. In Libra then, Saturn is at home, he is not given the authority or responsibility that is given in his own signs, but he is given all of the fine things, ease and happiness that it is possible for that benific Venus to give.

Libra has rulership over bedrooms, boudoirs, boutiques, beauty parlours, closets, florists and private chambers. But in truth these places are all derived from the balanced, airy and cool, yet pleasant time of year which marks tropical Libra. The sign is one of plenty, and this is so because of the hard work of Virgo in the previous month. After the harvest there is a clean and pure air which is distinct from summer´s heat and dryness. But in fact Saturn here is given by Venus a time of ease and relaxation, he is given time in which to share the resources reaped over the year, to trade and barter with them, but also to give in order to gain alliances, friends, and of course what Libra primarily cares for: marriage and relationships.

Saturn in Libra is in easy pleasurable terrain; namely a matrimonial bed with soft clean sheets, with pictures on the wall, nice food on the table, and the company with which to share it; all the things that make life beautiful and easier to live. And Saturn being Saturn has knowledge of the rest of the Zodiac and realises that this is one sign where his tired head has easy rest, has some of the best. Now of course having possession of nice things on their own is fairly pointless, which is why Saturn needs people to share them in this sign. A picture might be beautiful, and so might a bed be soft, but it is so much better for Saturn to have someone else to acknowledge it and to share in it. But of course this idea can work in the exact opposite direction; namely that the ease for Saturn here is derived from having Libran companionship and support, that the beauty which is created and supported becomes possible only through undying devotion of a Libran Venus lover to her Saturn partner.

It is true that Saturn is fortunate in this placement. The inheritance is to be born with solid parental relationships and forefathers who were civilised and cultivated. Through these partnerships which came before Saturn has learnt to become expert in relating and in diplomacy. The truth is that Venus forces Saturn here into remembering people´s names, into remembering their likes and dislikes, so that over time, this Saturn learns how to serve others and to please others while serving himself.

Saturn´s nature is tireless. Saturn is constructive. Venus likes things that are beautiful and serve to make life happier for people. So in Libra Saturn is given tools that Venus approves of; sometimes these are artistic tools; instruments, paint, colour, and the product of which raises humanity out of filth and into civilisation, because these things are all designed to please others. But Saturn also has a great affinity with defenses, with building things in order to defend his tradition, family and culture. Saturn in this respect will erect buildings that are beautiful, that encourage others to feel both admiration and respect.

Saturn in Libra in some senses does not need to worry about defense that much. For in building palaces, gardens and planting trees, his ability to invite rivals, to entertain and to treat them is an easy path to gaining alliances, and to maintain peace. And in this peace Saturn is truly safe from any and all manner of dangers, he is able to live life without fear and to enjoy his many years with Venus always at his side.


Some people with Libra Saturn: Tony Blair, Jose Maria Aznar, Vladimir Poutine, Max Heindel, Henry Ford, Mao Tse Toung, George H W Bush, Gordon Brown, David Icke, Benazir Bhutto, Fransico Franco, Nikita Krouchtchev, Jane Austen, William Joseph Turner, Richard III, William Butler Yeats, Lil Wayne

Uranus-Pluto-Saturn-Jupiter 2010: The Next Ideology (Part II-Neptune)

12 12 2008

Astrology, like any subject of knowledge requires a lot of research and a lot of patient going through the facts, going through the past. In this installment concerned with the T-Square alignment of 2010 I am going to give my predictions in the way in which most Astrologers operate with regard to keeping secret their technique of prediction. Already in Part I part of this reasoning has already been explained. Part II is not going to focus on charts or on the aspect patterns, but rather on the facts, on tangible things. To me it is a test also because in two years time I the one making predictions, shall be probably looking back at these thoughts and thinking how I did not foresee certain things which were obvious.

In the light of the previous analysis of the 2010 Zeitgeist, (Spirit of the Age and nothing more) several things have been brought to attention. The first is that when outer planets involved with Saturn are aspecting each other politics in the world are affected. When Pluto and Uranus both are involved in aspect with Saturn the change is highly significant for the human race as a whole. But I don´t want to give away all the pieces just yet.

The alignment of 2010 changes the entire world. It is in terms of specific and daily events unremarkable, because daily events are unremarkable. 2010 in fact is the reason why Astrology has an amazing flavour to it, because it allows the student to anticipate the future and the incredible and unbelievable things that are about to take place.

The truth of the matter is that like the 1966 event, 2010 in the context of my writing at this point in the analysis is not going to be stupidly different from 2009 or 2008 the same way that 1966 and 1967 were similar to each other. People have jobs, they have lives, they have ideas and relations with other people, countries have institutions, they have buildings which have lasted over a 1000 years and some of them double or triple that.


There are two possibilities here: One is that cultural ideas will change, the other is that they will continue roughly as the have been since 1966.

Culturally, if the decades following 2010 will be Aquarian in nature, marked by the isolated presence of Neptune in Aquarius in the 2010 world chart. The spirit of equality, the idea of group think will be the fashion. Films about robots in love, music that samples the antiquarian is the fashion of the Aquarian. Aquarius is the “post-modern” sign, the idea with Aquarius is to go through all experiences, all emotions, to provide a medium for the experience and knowledge, but then to step back from it and look at it coldly. Equality is the cultural lexicon of the new era, but an equality which is simply based on equality of knowledge, freedom of knowledge.

This knowledge in the form of ideal Neptune is however, isolated from the matrix of the aspect grid. The significance is that cultural patterns, and what people are doing, what is written about, what is sung about, what the film makers make for TV and Cinema, what people do for escapism will have nothing at all to do with the political formation taking place. This is to say that the T-Square takes place but Neptune is left out in the cold.

One effect of this is that there will be no such thing as “the swinging 60´s” in the terms of it being a cultural revolution of sorts. There will be no “Victorian Age” known for its writers, for its cultural output of Art, Science, of ideas, of illusion, poetry and music that Neptune gave to the 1850 aspect grid from the most spiritual sign Pisces.

Neptune´s absence indicates that this new era will not be “softened” by its subtle glow, by its slightly mysterious, deceitful, enticing and spiritual presence. What it does mean on the other hand is that the political structure will either be away from the global “super-conscience” which Neptune does signify and thus remain out of the common people´s reach, out of our ability to criticise, to write protest songs about, or to support it through our artistic or cultural endeavours.

Despite these assertions there is again room for more manoeuvre. Because Neptune´s placement in Aquarius is strong, it may be possible that cultural change will not be occurring, this in fact appears to be in place since the 1966 aspect in which Neptune was involved. That Neptune was a Scorpio Neptune influenced by planets in Virgo and Pisces. It is possible that Scorpio will continue to be the cultural lexicon to which people live their lives until the next great aspect.

If Neptune is left out of this configuration, this can mean that Aquarius Neptune really does not figure at all in the next Ideology. Because politics will change while the emotional streams in which people live are not revolutionised at all. If we take Aquarius, then the obvious growth of the mass media and Internet group-think is the hallmark of the new Era. It might just mean that people are left on the outside and happy to have nothing to do with it whatsoever. Or on the other hand Scorpionic 60´s sex revolution, drugs, rock and roll, emotional and obsessive cultural trends which are related from gangs and drug associated violence to mental illness, to James Bond, the most Scorpionic 60´s icon with a gun, everything that informs our norms, ideals, accepted behaviour, or what is held in the context of the World´s Neptune will continue to develop along the lines of Scorpio.

So because of Neptune´s isolation ironically in Aquarius, it is possible that there will be no new cultural change. There is none that seems to be occurring now, films and music are of the same style of consciousness that they have now been for 40 years, and they are not likely to change within two years, because there is nothing “new” now the way there really was “new” in previous Eras. If there is, it will be Aquarian, it will be intellectual, and of a friendly, airy nature. If the new Era is to be an Aquarian Neptune phase, then Bond must die and be replaced by a different cultural hero which befits Aquarius and not Scorpio.

Uranus-Pluto-Saturn-Jupiter 2010: The Next Ideology (Part I)

6 10 2008

Some of the things that I present to you in this little exploration of the planetary aspect pattern which is currently forming above our heads will not be socially acceptable for you. What I am going to suggest here will send you either fuming with indignation, or phoning up the anti-defamation league or amnesty international, or calling the government in protest of the ideas which are presented in this highly subversive article. If I were to be honest with you, I don’t care. I have as a natal trait the wonderfully free chart ruler Mercury conjunct Uranus in Sagittarius in  the house of communications. What’s more is that Mercury is parallel Jupiter and Neptune, which means that my ideas here will be influenced by the benevolent ray of Jupiter in his own sign as well as a sympathetic Neptune. Because of these aspects in the TRUTH orientated Sagittarius, I will protest that my interest is not in promoting any ideology, nor deriding any, my interest here is in truth and seeing clearly the events which are to follow. Being Sagittarian to this degree, I am inclined towards belief in good and a moral and benevolent ideology, which has sympathy towards animals as well as people, but this is as far as my bias goes.


The configurations in the sky do not affect one nation, or one people. The patterns in the celestial sphere create and destroy patterns which are copied on Planet Earth with the simple determinism of seeds being planted on fertile ground germinating and producing fruit. They impel of course they impel, but when a seed is planted, watered and given the right amount of sunlight, nutrition, and warmth, it is fairly easy to say that you will be reaping what you have sown. This article is interested in finding out whether the heaven’s seed are about to fall on stony ground, and whether those seeds might just contain a few weeds among them.

The Last Ideology:1966

Now, down to business. Uranus and Pluto were conjoined in longitudinal degrees during the late 1960’s everyone knows this and a few people may also be aware that they were simultaneously opposed by a beleaguered Saturn in Pisces and eventually given a winning hand from Jupiter as he traversed late Virgo after that opposition. The Ideology however, is what we are after. Several ideological structures came out of the late 1960’s which were previously not in circulation. Some of the things which are thought of as being created during that era are women’s power, as well as civil rights for minorities. These are big things, big ideas with big laws that were passed in order to support those people, and there is nothing wrong there as far as I can see. This was one of the great movements of progress of the 20th Century. 1966 marks the T-Square of these planets with Jupiter sadly detrimented in Gemini, with Saturn in Pisces and with Uranus and Pluto conjoined in Virgo. It is this moment in time which has been the beginning of the Era of late 20th Century and early 21st Century, politics, and social modes existence, the social rules were in effect changed in 1966, which does mark the watershed moment.

Why was this ideological structure developed in the way it was? The reason is not in the noble ideas of equality and dignity of humanity, nor in the progression of the rights of anyone, but in the power structure of Empire. The real motivating force for these changes was historical. For an empire to exist there needs to be social cohesion. Social cohesion in the Western World was only possible through these bills of rights and social movements, which were in effect damaging to the structures of traditional Religion, signified by Jupiter in Gemini being defeated by the other stronger planets in materialistic and analytical Virgo, and a Saturn in Pisces which is reminiscent of power structures that are torn in two directions.

In essence the 1966 alignment allowed for social cohesion and the economic freedom in vast untapped numbers of the Western population, namely women’s economic power, befitting the Virgo symbolism of a Woman associated with service and harvest. the main focus of Virgo is that everything has a place and a worth, and the simple economics of this placing has allowed the economic materialism due to the nature of the Earth element to empower a Western Empire which is constant in its adaptation and has no centralised power structure but various co-operating structures, which again is part of the nature of those three mutable signs, Pisces, Virgo and Gemini, with emphasis on materialism and Mercurial thought over the Piscean and Sagittarian belief, sacrificed for the economic power structure. And all of course based on that key logical yet completely anti-spiritual Ideology of the 1966 T-Square.

Note: Although Neptune is not directly involved in the T-Square aspect pattern, Neptune however, does confer its particular power from Scorpio, and this is where the association of the ‘sixties with Sex and Sexual Revolution comes from, due solely to Neptune in Scorpio, nothing to do with Mars, or Pluto. The Neptunian energy manifests itself mainly in music, art and cultural pursuits including drugs.

Ideology formed and given power: 1931

Now we go one more step back in the 20th Century, we come to the ideology which was formed and crystallised in 1931. How can you not look to Germany? Saturn, Pluto and Uranus were T-Square in Cardinal signs during this year with the Sun conjoining as close a matrix as possible on July the 13th of that year. Now the Sun in this aspect pattern gives the show a big star. Most people will immediately say, Adolf Hitler!! Ah, what intuition! But they would be wrong the heavens have scattered several big stars all across the globe, certainly he was one of the stars of that Era, but we have other big house hold names like Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill, all of which actually managed to hold power in their own countries for as long as Mr Hitler, if not a lot longer. These men were all sensitive Cancerian types, Father figures who were fighting for the preservation of their homelands. Can you get a better description of Pluto conjunct Sun in Cancer?

So, what was the ideology which existed between 1931 and 1966? This ideology was based on the darkness of Saturn in Capricorn and the impulse of destruction and creation, of Uranus in Aries.  Even after the War, it was the “Cold War” a rather befitting term for Saturn in Capricorn, whose nature inclines towards low energy, though with a tenacity and talent for persistence and survival. The Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall are powerful symbolism of this placement, how much more evidence is needed to show that the Era of thirty five years was commenced in 1931, even after the demise of the fascist Bogey man of all time.

Note: Mars, although not directly involved in the T-Square aspect pattern is however, powerfully connected in virgo with Sun, Saturn and even Uranus through an Inconjunct aspect. Mars although outside of the matrix which is the Era creation is however so involved that it is impossible to separate his energetic and agressive influence. Indeed looking at History it is easy to see how Mars even in 1931 in this aspect grid was influencial, with Uranus in Aries, it is necessary to view the dispositor, Mars.

1903 (note: not a Saturn configuration, though still powerful technologically)

This year is also a marker of Uranus-Pluto forming a T-Square with another outer planet, Jupiter. This is though, an exception to the Ideological Structures and 1903 really belongs to the matrix of 1851. Because this is Jupiter it is not the powerful social rule creating, politically fueled force that involves Saturn. On September the 12 1903, the Sun plugs into this T-Square to form a grand cross. 1903 is significant for other reasons. Shortly after the Grand Cross of September the 12, Orville Wright makes the first combustion engine powered flight, the USA begin to expand with the instigation of rebellion and eventual control of Panama. During this period Edward VII became King of England and Emperor of the British Empire, so 1903 loosely coincides with the transferal of power, though for the true ideological Era it is necessary to look back further.


The 24th of October 1851 marks the beginning of an Era which ended not in 1903, but in 1931, this is a period of eighty years. The T-Square of 1851 is a bit of an understatement. In the early degrees of Taurus and late Aries a stellium lined up to include Pluto, Saturn and Uranus. This alone marked the beginning of an Era, the beginning of an ideology and the chronocrator of a time period which saw the height of the British Empire and the almost total domination in true Taurus style of most of the world’s land mass by one Empire. On the other side of this stellium is to be found another stellium of Moon, Sun, Jupiter, and Venus. Those personal planets signify a family united under a bright star a king and emperor in the most powerful sign at the first degree of Scorpio symbolising the beginning the Empire. Mars of course in the sign of Leo shows that it was the Nation whose symbol of military strength was indeed three Lions and has Lion imagery in every crest and seal.

Ideologically the period starting in 1851 was one in which the Fixed signs dominated, with Scorpio and Taurus as feminine signs of both power and cultural creation it was a time in which a strict code of law was in force, a cultural ideology based on wealth and industrial power took hold, the rise of a bourgeois middle class with great power in not only the British houses of Parliament, but in the nations of Europe and America as well as in Asia with Japanese imperialism based on industrial and monetary growth. There is nothing that symbolises this as a time marker more than the opening of THE GREAT EXHIBITION OF THE WORKS OF INDUSTRY OF ALL NATIONS in the Crystal Palace, Hyde Park in of course London, which ran for most of that year.

The accepted norms of society though are what we are looking for, the equivalent of 1930’s Fascism and 1960’s Feminism was 1850’s, this is an Era which is determined by strict social rules and stability, by respect for tradition, by love of culture, of literature, music, and religion, with the Uranus, Pluto and Saturn Stellium between the last degree of Aries and the early degrees of Taurus. The Scorpio inner family symbolised a unity of a central family which could not be better described better than by the enduring family of Queen and Empress Victoria at the centre of this Ideology, and not surprising that it is now known as the “VICTORIAN AGE.”

Note: Neptune is connected to this aspect pattern, though slightly wide from making a sextile to Pluto and Saturn, it does slide into a wedge with Uranus and the family of inner planets in Trine on the other side. So to note, some of the greatest cultural achievements in Literature, Art and Music were achieved during this Era. Even beginning in the 1850’s Dickens was writing his great works, as were the other great authors and composers of the second half of the 19th Century. That Pisces Neptune must be interpreted in terms of spiritual accompaniment durning this period, great Religious fervour and belief, in spite of the developing ideas of the times like Darwinism, Marxism and Science. This Neptune in Pisces as always symbolises two fish swimming in opposite directions, two fish who both have belief, and in retrospect these fish are both Religions and Sciences.


On the 17th December 1819 a Square took place involving Pluto and Saturn in Pisces, (Chiron also) with Uranus and Neptune forming a stellium with Sun and Moon in Sagittarius. There are some ways in which this was a greater Era creator than the 1851 alignment. Namely Neptune is involved in the alignment, though the energy and buoyancy of Jupiter and Mars are omitted with the result that this alignment was in many ways a silent, velvet revolution in World Thought. There are numerous world writers who were born during this period, Fyodor Dostoevski, Anne Bronte, and George Eliot as well as Charles Dickens give or take a couple of years are a few, and the writings which they eventually wrote were highly religiously inclined with huge spiritual involvement, all due to the effect of this Pisces, Sagittarius alignment.

Some events of this alignment are the beginning of George IV’s reign, as well as the end of the Napoleonic Wars with a return to the traditional establishment, to the traditional mode of belief, which the French Revolution as well as the American Revolution had threatened. South America became a free enterprise in the year 1819 with the proclamation of Gran Colombia.


This year is very different from all other alignments of the nature which are under scrutiny in this article. The planets Uranus, Pluto along with Sun-Moon conjoining in Sagittarius on the 13th December of 1792 form a Kite aspect pattern. This alone fulfils the criteria of a powerful aspect pattern involving the said planets although the sextiles are fairly weak on there own they are in a powerful alignment. To note also, Jupiter forms a T-Square with the Pluto-Uranus opposition though does not link up with Saturn.

The events of the years between 1792 and 1819 are well chronicled. Franch becomes a scene of Revolution, with much upheaval and bloodshed, it also forges ahead with new ideas and experiments with different forms of governance but does inevitably become an Atheistic Empire on the rampage under Napoleon Bonaparte.

But of course the events in the Heavens were not just taking place over France. Britain and Germany saw a cultural revolution in the name of a Poetic movement now known as ROMANTICISM. And not only were these poets writing their subversive texts, there really was fear in the rest of Europe of Revolution taking place because of the unparalleled social change of this Era. The Kite formation is a pattern which is made for movement, for travel and like the actual physical kite its symbolism can be seen in this period in the name of great movement, upheaval and excitement, as if whole nations were able to fly and metaphorically, France did just this.


The only true link up between Uranus, Pluto and Saturn with an acceptable orb and acceptable strength of power took place in 1648 and 1649 and involved Uranus in conjunction with Neptune on 27th February 1649. Saturn, True Node and Pluto were conjoined together in Gemini in opposition with the Uranus and Neptune placement in Sagittarius. The Sun and Mercury formed a Grand Cross with Moon and Mars in opposition in Virgo.

1649 begun the Era which lasted until 1819. This period of time was begun with the execution of King Charles I, the killing of the King, God’s representation on Earth had never been done before, but was done by Parliamentarians, whose logic was founded in the power of Pluto conjunct Saturn in Gemini. It is hard going back so far to make an estimation of the cultural and social values of this time period. During this period John Milton was writing Paradise Lost and supporting Republicanism, in an age of total Monarchy.

The Grand Cross in mutable signs confers a great struggle between on the one hand Gemini materialism and logical thought and on the other side Sagittarian orthodoxy. This is a struggle which lasted until 1819 which seems to have marked a brief period of all embracing Religious Faith until the 1851 alignment.

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