I lost everything I had

24 05 2012

When you say I

3 10 2011

When you say “I”, what do you mean by that? Do you mean your body, do you mean your hands, or your eyes, or your mouth? Is that really you? When you say I do you mean your feelings, your emotions, from happiness to anger to depression and sadness, back to happiness and joy? When you say “I love you”, what is it exactly that you love me with? Do you mean your body and your hormones and your feelings? Which ones and in what proportion to each other?

What part of the I is everlasting? What part of the I continues into the next life? What part of the I never dies?

In the next life, when you and I are both dead, will we be able to find each other? How will you recognise me in that life and how will I know it’s you? When we are both reborn and remember nothing of the past life and remember nothing of our “real” selves? Perhaps it’s the eyes that give it away? Windows to the soul.

When I love you, what do I mean by you? What is it that I love? Do I love your body? Do I love your words and your voice? Do I love your past and your future hopes and wishes? Do I love your likes and dislikes?

All of these things I love but what I  love most is your love.

Of Transits to the Seventh House

12 10 2009

Ruling marriage and the husband or wife it is often overlooked that the seventh also signifies public enemies. When war breaks out between nations or between individuals, the seventh house signifies the people or countries that are “subhuman” and so opposite to yourself that they deserve to be slapped in the face at the least. The nature of the seventh house is that it is opposite, and alien to the person or country signified by the Ascendant, this is not to say that it is in any way “less than” the person or country signified by the Ascendant, in fact it indicates that there is a definite equality since the seventh and the first houses are exactly equal in size and in modality. If the enemy was not seen as either a threat or rival, because of possessing equal power to the person, then it wouldn´t be seen with the same intensity, it would be overlooked, and such enemies might then fall into the twelfth house, the house of the unacknowledged.

Having stated that the seventh primarily signifies enemies, it is then not a big leap of the imagination to state that the wife or husband must be synonymous with the public enemy. The marriage partner therefore becomes the party of opposition, it is not to say that there cannot be love between enemies, or understanding, just that to love someone in a romantic sense purely would put that person into the fifth house, which is the primary house for affairs and ego fulfilling love.

One of the great mistakes of the twentieth century, considering the nature of the seventh house, is that there ought to be romantic love and happiness in marriage, that the idea of marrying for love is the only reason why two people ought to marry. It´s the idea that your other half must in some quasi-religious sense be your “soul mate”, as well as lover and friend. It´s a catastrophic mix-up of the seventh with the fifth and eleventh houses, those are the houses of romance and friendship. The nature of the seventh house and as a result the nature of marriage, (or “partnership” for those too cowardly to commit) is one of pure opposition and friction. Enemies though, are not always at war, war is just an irresolvable disagreement, but just as with war the enemy´s regime can be changed through victory over them, but in essence the country will always be the same country.

Because the seventh house in a person´s chart never changes, the opposition and the marriage partner therefore will always be of the same nature and will always make the same confrontational demands, no matter how much that enemy is vanquished or swapped for a new one. The United States during its lifetime at its conception fought a powerful, totalitarian, militaristic empire, (Britain), who ironically became its strongest ally and supporter during the twentieth century, which right up until the 1960´s was still a totalitarian, apartheid supporting, Empire, Britain was by no means a Democracy with an Empire, it was an Empire with representation as per the Magna Carta in order to please the landed elites and no-one else. The United States natal chart of Philadelphia 4th July 1776 has a full seventh house with Mercury as seventh ruler in great debility, it perhaps signifies that all who are true opposition are likely to be “defeated” not because they are weaker, but simply because they are likely to make the wrong moves, or be defeated by other (8th house) forces. The Soviet Union was no weak enemy, nor was Nazi Germany, despite being a country a fraction the size of the US, and the reason is that Mars in the seventh is the most accidentally dignified planet in the chart, in the seventh house, also in its own terms. These rivals have always had powerful armies, and military objectives based on misguided ideals, hence the Neptune square, they have been at least as technologically advanced as the US, with Uranus on the Descendant, and with Venus and Jupiter they have always had plenty of resources, and popularity. In the future, as in the past, all nations of enemies that America picks on will always possess the same qualities, whether they do at the beginning or not is irrelevant, because America´s chart will ensure that this will always be the case.

Enemies and Allies of America

  1. The British Empire: Militaristic mad men with mistaken ideals (Imperialistic oppressors)
  2. The Confederacy: Militaristic mad men with mistaken ideals (slavery for goodness sake)
  3. The II Reich: Militaristic mad men (people who march around with a spike on their helmet)
  4. The III Reich: Militaristic (followers of a mad man)
  5. Japanese 1941 (Imperialistic oppressors, with suicidal pilots…Neptune-Mars)
  6. Soviet Union: Militaristic (ideal was to spread communism… very mistaken)
  7. Vietnam: (An elusive enemy that was never truly defeated… Neptune-Mars)
  8. Iraq: Militaristic (led by a lunatic…Uranus, possessors of WMD which was never found…Mars-Neptune)
  9. Osama and co: These people are now the enemy and use violence for mistaken ideals (Mars-Neptune once again)
  10. The British and French Empires as well as the Russian Empire are allies (though possess the same qualities as the enemy.)

As with nations, so with individuals

Natal planets placed in the seventh or ruling the seventh will act like permanent opposition, this is the husband or wife that will be present in the native´s life no matter how many times they get married, no matter how many times they get in fights, their opposite number will always be of the nature of what is in the seventh, or what rules it. The idea that you can find the perfect partner is not accurate, in the sense that they will make you happy; so much as you will always find the perfect partner that fits perfectly with the nature of your seventh house, whether you want them or don´t.

As planets transit the seventh house, people can appear who are of the nature of those planets, this is obvious. What´s interesting though is the interplay between those transiting planets and planets natally placed in the first house. Clearly the transits to the houses do not last very long, though the outer planets can remain in a house for a number of years, and so people who you meet may come and go, just like the transits, friends will arrive, and friends will disappear.

How to find the “perfect wife” (or husband)

If the Descendant is afflicted, this is to say, if the seventh house ruler is in hard aspect and in most cases if planets in Libra are afflicted too, there will be trouble in marriage, the person will always find someone of the nature of that planet in their life. A planet in fall in the seventh house in good aspect will signify someone that is not as strong or assertive, a person that in some sense is weak, or unhappy, but in positive aspect they are likely to get along with you and be helpful, this is the same for the ruler of the Descendant. It is possible to find the perfect person, you have to refine your search. The point is to look at the chart, and decide what qualities are part of the descendant. If it´s Mars in the seventh house square to any other planet, then an independent, selfish argumentative person is what you need to look for, this will fulfil what the seventh house says you ought to have, obviously the trick, as with the chart of America with the British Empire is to convert that enemy into an ally, so that you fight together against the bogymen instead of against each other.

If your Descendant ruler is Jupiter in Sagittarius in the third house semi-square Pluto, then what you want in someone is an optimistic, religious, foreign person who probably teaches in a primary school, someone that is not weak, and has a strong sense of morals. The Pluto effect will mean that she is likely to be mildly obsessive, and paranoid, she might be a little possessive if not controlling. But the trick is to accept that this is the type of person that you are meant to have, once that´s acknowledged then there is no need to be enemies.

If the Descendant ruler is Mars in Capricorn square Moon, and the Moon is in hard aspect in the seventh house, then the person that is needed will look like Mars, independent, assertive, outgoing but will inevitably be very sensitive and emotional, once their true nature is known. This is no-one’s fault but the person who owns the chart finding the “perfect” person to complement them. The perfect person however, is simply not some film-star, but a real human being who is likely to be not much more than the equal and opposite of the person themself.

Botched Horary:The age old questions

13 08 2009

It really doesn´t matter sometimes whether I ask a horary and get a negative response. The horary for me tells me about the situation right now, this minute this day. So if I get a no today, things can change in a couple of weeks and be the way I want them to be.

The questions I posed today were: 1. Will I pass my course? I feel like I´m doing a lot of hard work for no apparent reason. And 2. Does she love me? “She” being the all binding, all-obsessive subject and object of my affection. I ask that question primarily because I get mixed signals from women, especially her. And also there is a translation thing going on where our words cross two distinct languages and end up with different meanings.

will i pass the course does she love me

Clearly I (Saturn) will pass my course. As Saturn I am a worried, a hard working rather than smart working individual. I am in forward motion and in the 7th house, which is good. I am said to be angular. A few months ago I might have been Saturn in retrograde in the 8th house. 9th ruler Venus makes a sextile aspect to Saturn from fifth house Cancer therefor I shall pass the course.  One thing to note is Saturn is conjunct its dispositor Mercury, this is greatly beneficial. I am clearly backed by romantic interests and by financial backing from my parents. Co-significator Moon also sextiles Venus (9th ruler) and moon and Venus are mutually receptive.

The love question: Sun and Saturn don´t apparently aspect. However, Moon does square Sun which is a strong aspect, both planets are strong, dignified which bodes well, because both feel good, this is one aspect of stress and is often denoted by Lilly to be a “yes” answer although with difficulty and delay. Well let me see, I do find myself waiting for her email for a long time, even if it´s only a week. But looking at the progression of aspects further note that after Squaring Sun, Moon trines Saturn fairly closely. In this circumstance this is the “transferal of light”. Moon in this case meets up with Sun, and directs the Sun´s energy to Saturn in a beautiful easy trine, and especially in this case the Moon can only do good being placed in Exaltation.

My botched horary of the day tells me not to worry, because the aspects are now firmly in favour of me. And even if there are things in this chart which may be unaccounted for, I have stated at the beginning that I am seeing only what I want to see anyway. Eventually what you want materialises.

The Art of Praying

28 09 2008

When you are truly troubled, when life is far beyond being able to be dealt with, when you lose, in short, when you are totally alone in the world and have no-one left, you begin to pray. I used to pray often, I was raised and taught to pray in a very childish way. But the habit has stuck with me because every time I went through some hard times and I was truly alone, which was more often than not, I would race through all my troubles at night, and get deeper and deeper into a state of panic and fear, eventually as the night wore on I prayed for my haunting thoughts to go away, I prayed for an end to the pain in my head. I would pray the traditional prayer, Jesus Christ’s prayer because he was probably a troubled young man in his lifetime.

I forgot how to pray. Recently I had been experimenting with ideas that there was no God, and it was a liberating experience. But I found that my troubles didn’t just disappear because I decided that logic was the cure to my ills. My problems are indifferent to whether there is a God or not. True spiritual awakening begins in your heart anyway, and I am inclined to believe that people can be spiritual and logical at the same time. To act logically all through life without having an emotional and higher awareness would make you more like a piece of furniture than a human being. So to me, the belief is there that you can change your world through thoughts and feelings through whispered words and midnight chanting in the dark.

I was very unhappy. I was also very alone. I began praying and I felt that someone was there. It felt as if someone was thinking of me, and it felt like a warm embrace. Now to someone that has no-one in the world who they feel that they can really speak to, for someone that is far away from their real home, from their countrymen from their people, it is something. It is like being given water in the middle of a desert, like being fed when your stomach is so hungry you hallucinate.

So does this praying actually mean anything? What I wanted to know is whether it can form the bases of real healing of the fear that can possess you at times. At the moment my life has had certain things removed. The things which were there and which were crutches to me have disappeared, I feel as if I literally am walking through space, there is a gaping hole in my life, an emptiness which is massive and which stops me from sleeping late at night.

To go through each and every discontented thought keeps me going until the next night, but those thoughts don’t just go away they keep eroding my energy away night after night. Things that hurt over and over again might include family relations, and abuse which is perpetrated by certain individuals through their jealousy, which are extremely hurtful, sisters, mothers, full of anger and fathers that you sense don’t really care. Sexual problems are part of every person’s adult life, but when you suffer them and are alone for long periods of time it is easy to distort your own inadequacy into a destructive pattern where you actually believe that you are sexually worthless, when in fact your organs function normally. Another problem, your career has not taken off, because you have wasted too much time thinking about what you wanted to do rather than doing anything, you feel worthless again, the centre of individual power is at a low. When you are left alone in a foreign country there is no familiar voice, there is essentially nothing except your own mind filled with things which are left undone, things which haven’t been sorted out.

So when these thoughts swirl and swirl they do, not just at night but in the day time in consciousness, what can be done to help you through them? Praying is an Art. You must pray in different places to make it work. Luckily for me I have been brought up praying. I prayed in church on a beautiful Sunny day during mass, and I remember the first girl I loved who was there in the church in front of me bathed in Sun. I remember praying on windy days at University, when I began to develop an understanding of the stories and scriptures as complex metaphors designed to convey hidden meaning, and I began paying attention to these stories. I also remember praying in the church of tears in Jerusalem while on a day trip from my holiday in Egypt. Praying works. It takes years of practice, it takes years of doing it, but you don’t have to do it every night, you can come back to it when you need it. It is not a discipline.

Praying can connect you to someone who loves you somewhere in the world where you are not physically present. You can communicate with this person. There is always someone somewhere who is open to receiving your mind, through the planetary mind, through the other mode of existence, which many people call God. I believe that thought is transmittable through the air, through the magnetic power lines that exist surrounding the Earth. It is possible to send someone your thoughts, your feelings too. And that is one of the benefits of believing.

How to pray: Let your thoughts and fears which are grounded in misinformation mostly just dissipate away. They are not worth thinking about at night, only during the day. Pray for a solution to each and every one of them, pray for your health and the health of people in general, pray for children and people with diseases. Pray for people who are dying. Pray for global warming. Pray for love and peace. Then think about someone that loves you without discrimination or bribery and pray for them. And if they do not exist pray for someone like that to be in your life. Once you feel their presence you feel the power of prayer. God will give you what you pray for. God is there, God is real, he is not a man, he is the spirit, and he is real and he connects everything on Earth together, and God is always listening to our prayers, and we ought to pray for good things, like love and happiness, and actions which are based on love.

Composite and Synastry – Destined Relationships

25 09 2008


I believe that these are probably the most quested for types of horoscopes which can be cast. To cast your own chart and to interpret it is one thing. If you know the time and believe it to be accurate, then all you have to do is to work it out and nod your head when you realise what you are, accept the faulty nature which is no fault of your own, and move on to trying to work with it.

But when there is someone that you know 100% that you love and that you are made for each other, it doesn’t really matter what interpretation you get, if it’s not the one that says you should stay together until the End of the Age, then it is obviously wrong. It is wrong, of course it’s wrong, how can some random Astrology tell you about how you feel about someone when it doesn’t even have feelings of its own.

There probably are some good relationships out there somewhere in the blue yonder, somewhere, there are people who find their happiness, all they do though is keep it secret. But it can happen and is destined to happen for those that believe in it, for those that seek and never give up hope.

Natal Chart vs. Synastry

Part of the parcel of course is that, written in every person in the Natal chart is a picture. This picture can say whether relations with other people, will be positive, or negative, whether they will encounter opposition, or whether they will encounter amiability. If the ruler of the natal 7th house is debilitated or weak, judge accordingly, all relations with regard to intimacy will involve a weak or debilitated person.

If the ruler of the Ascendant is joined happily with the ruler of the 7th, if the ruler of the 7th is placed in the 1st or the ruler of the 1st placed in the 7th, then the native will find contentment with a their significant other. These are the lectures of William Lilly. But this is a gross simplification. I use it simply to identify that some of the natural tendencies within an individual are already set, and that whatever synastry chart or composite chart they can find through someone else, that individual is set up for certain relationships from birth.

Instead of looking for certain things in a synastry or in a composite chart, you should look for the relationships which are destined in your natal chart. I don’t believe that it is necessary to have the same relationships throughout life, I don’t believe in the psychological model of the parental and familial relationships being repeated, at great cost and misery to any one particular person. Those individual relations are one-offs like every relation.  the point of them is to accept them, integrate them in your life, however distinct from what you crave and want, and then set out to find someone that is different, because life is about gathering up different experiences.

There may well be similarities between what you experienced as a child and what you experience as an adult with other adults. But it will not be the same, the same patterns do not have to be repeated. There is one house which signifies parents, one house which signifies siblings, one house that signifies extended family, and another entirely different house that signifies relationships.

I think that parallels are important in synastry and in a natal chart. The 7th house and its signifier must have some similarities with the overall nature of the person that you are interested in. They must in some way fulfil the destiny of that planet, of that house, and the aspects of that planet and its house.


If you have ever read Brave New World by Aldous Huxley you will know that to have perfect and easy relationships and lives is to never learn anything and never acquire knowledge and human understanding. But that is not to say that in order to live a meaningful life you must suffer all the way through it. Just that you can only measure the successes and the happy times with the seemingly infinite times of failure, solitude and misery.

Some Pointers to Positive Synastry

There is no such thing as the perfect chart. But these things should be sought after rather than using aspects in order to reject someone. Compatibility is one thing, but there is also such a thing as having someone that is different to yourself and who can encourage you to experience different things.

Venus signifies love, and attraction, it is so obvious. Venus – Sun in aspect, this is the aspect that you should look for, all other aspects are just inferior.

The Descendant: The Descendant has as its natural ruler Venus, and is the traditional house of your intimate love. So what you need here is Venus – Descendant aspects, and by its very nature, Venus – Ascendant aspects, but especially Venus conjunct the Descendant.

Mars signifies sex, interestingly Mars is the natural ruler of the Ascendant and 1st house. Mars in harmonious aspect must be present to bring heat and warmth, its nature is of fire, this makes for passion.

Then Saturn, the other traditional malefic. Saturn allows things to last. A relationship is based on time spent together, and Saturn is Cronus. Saturn by its nature is in exaltation in the 7th sign Libra, the sign of the marriage and partnership. Saturn brings stability to people’s lives and permanence. Harmonious Saturn aspects are wanted.

Jupiter is important for Faithfulness. Jupiter in aspect will make things feel good.

Pluto. Pluto is about manipulation and attraction as well.

To be continued…

Venus Signs

24 09 2008

Venus Gemini

This is the sign that isn’t satisfied with one of anything. Natives with this placement should read poetry about love, read novels with depth right the way through… to the end. They are capable of sticking through to the end, so long as it involves constant mental stimulation, variety and change. Bob Dylan has this placement, his singing voice as shown by Venus was never a “fine singing voice,” more like a gritty and smoky shout, but his lyrics are lengthy, it was after all the words that mattered more than anything. Even more than the meaning behind them…?

Venus Gemini is a fun loving fun-lover.

Venus Aries

Such intense feeling but for such a short period of time. What happened? Did you get bored so quickly of my love? Love is meant to be lasting. This placement is about being independent and strong, also indicates a love of self, which is in direct conflict with the idea of loving someone else.

Aries Venus is active, outgoing and pursues other people. It is also the placement which may be selfish in love. This is the reason this planet is placed in detriment in this sign. However, the independence of this place and simple strength of Aries makes anyone with this placement attractive in themselves and charismatic as leaders and role models. This is a classic “pin-up” film star placing. Marilyin Monroe, Pierce Brosnan, George Clooney, Albert Einstein, Jennifer Aniston, Jack Nicholson, Cristiano Ronaldo are all examples of the individual personality with much Aries charisma.

Venus Taurus

<!–[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 <![endif]–>

<!–[endif]–>What’s it worth? What’s its real value?

If it creates something, of real value to people then it’s worth doing. This placement is about finding the value in things, and working out if the product will be of benefit, will make life more secure, pleasant and essentially easy and happier for people. These people are motivated by values.

Musicians and Painters: Ella Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald had the most luscious voice and warmth, coming from her personality. Richard Wagner… Created some music of real value, lasting music of deep passion and emotion. Eric Clapton, has written many love songs and been one of the most solid long lasting musicians of the Rock era. Salvador Dali’s paintings question what reality is, what we value in life. Paul McCartney, Ron Wood, Franz Joseph Haydn. William Joseph Turner the painter.

Politicians and Philosophers: Karl Marx: determined the value system and paradigm of material value changing the face of the world’s politics. Adolph Hitler: Was searching for values for the German Nation. Michael Moore: Questions the values of modern American politics. Princess Diana, and her son Prince William.

Venus Virgo

I wasn’t good enough for you the moment you set eyes on me. I was interesting, i was odd to you but that translated into attraction for you, which was never really attraction, it was more of an interest, and then I said things which were peculiarly formed which provoked thoughts in your head, which translated into a funny feeling, which allowed you to speak, which made you feel like you were listened to, and that feeling came close, it came very close but it never came close enough to let you let your guard down because it was never the right time, because it just wasn’t perfect, because I made you nervous, which translated itself into a feeling but you weren’t sure which feeling, but when you finally worked it out it was too late.

You were so sweet with your words, you always considered and thought about me and I knew you were thinking and considering me, but I wasn’t sure about what you wanted because you always kept pulling away, and I eventually gave up, but I still feel grateful for your kindness and gentleness.

Venus Capricorn

She builds our love up in her head like a castle. She builds it up on block and on stone, she creates it in solid form. She builds up our love somehow with persistent and painstaking determination. She is grounded and happy, she is so slow, but so sure, and yet I admire the fact that she doesn’t give up… the fact that she makes me feel wanted even though I give her reason to think I don’t want her. But there she is again, cautiously working her way up, working me up into feeling something for her. She earns my respect for being so persistent and unflinching, and respect is needed in love…

Venus Libra

Venus placed in Libra in the natal chart.

This is the essentially dignified place for Venus. It is akin to having power through weakness, in the sense that it is the opposing force to Aries Mars. Venus represents the female form; if Mars is the warrior archetype, the masculine, male energy, then Venus is the female counterpart, this is the damsel, the girl, the bride. And just as the ideal of Mars is strongest in Aries, as a warrior, or soldier, so the ideal of Venus in Libra is strongest as the opposite side of the spectrum, that of harmony instead of war, and that of alliance and peace. Libra Venus is well represented as a beautiful princess, daughter, or bride; it is said that in times past, women did not have choice in such matters, and that their fates were decided by others. Perhaps this is still true for those with Venus Libra often ask others to decide for them, only wanting to please. But in pleasing, they also often get what they want anyway because the nature of this placing is so fortunate that either option is fortunate to them; and it is probably where the indecision arises from in the first place.

A person with this aspect is pathetic in love. This person is stupid, and will actually believe “words of love” whether they are spoken to him or whether he speaks them to someone else, who is left wondering what this person really wants. What they really want is to live the fantasy of love, actually they only feel alive if they feel loved, and sometimes can only feel turned on if that emotion is fulfilled. Strange, because Venus is actually in an Air sign and as such does possess intelligence here. The most important thing for this person, is said to be harmony, but this is essentially not true. The most important thing to Venus in Libra is honest beauty.

As Keats said:

“Truth is beauty, and beauty is truth, and that is all you need to know.”


Venus Pisces

I have loved you in past lives, or you have loved me in past lives. I am not good for you, but I hope that you will still love me. I am not good, i am lacking and lost, I am lonely and I am helpless in this world, I look to you to sooth my pain away, and your smiling happy-go-lucky, and all-loving self saves me from certain doom.

~Yes I have known you before, before I knew that I loved you, I knew you. I didn’t know that you were there, that you existed even, and I am so sorry that I never heard or saw what you felt for me, and I am sorry that you suffered for such a long time, without me knowing. I am glad that i know about you now, and I hope you’ll not let me pass you by again, and I hope that you will not forget the promise that you made to me. Stay true to me, have faith in me, have belief, and I will sacrifice everything for you.

Venus Scorpio

She loved me, so she picked on me.

She loved me so she hurt me.

She loved me so she spread vicious rumours about me.

She loved me so she went with someone who she hates.

Venus Cancer

Venus placed in Cancer is completely defensive about love. Venus takes her queue from her mother or father, she will look either for someone who will protect her, or for someone who she might play mother with. Venus in Cancer are very sensitive and will take things to heart easily. This is a highly emotionally reactive place for Venus, who’s moods are extremely changeable.

Cancer Venus should shower all of their affection on family members, and should make their home a beautiful and comforting place to live in order to find happiness and love.

Venus Leo

You possess personality. When you step into a room, you have an effect. You are amazing. You like to think of yourself as a film star. Certainly Venus in Leo loves themselves, but is able to give love also in a very warm and affectionate way. This placing is one of the most socially popular combinations.

Venus Sagittarius

To find love and happiness, go exotic. Venus Sagittarius loves to be far far away, and loves the idea of of meeting someone on a train, plane or ship. This person is faithful, due to the nature of Sagittarius, and generous and honest too. Venus in Sagittarius is always searching for love which is often from beyond the city walls. In order to find happiness they need an intelligent travelling companion who is as excited by the thought of going some place new as they are.

Venus Aquarius

This kind of Venus likes to have intellectual equality. They are more like a Venus Gemini in this respect, so friendship and shared interests are important. To find love and happiness Venus Aquarius should not follow convention, should look for someone that is extremely clever or extremely different. Venus Aquarius is one of the most detached types of Venus and will not mind it if they are away from their love for weeks at a time. They simply love freedom and tolerate the fact that you like freedom too, and they love you for that fact, because its something you have in common.

Venus in Aquarius has a sparkle in her eyes. She´s actually under the rulership of Saturn while in Aquarius, but it´s not the mean Capricorn Saturn, rather the intellectual Saturn. It means she has to have experience and knowledge in order to find love. It seems counter-intuitive that love can only come through knowledge, but it´s also true that Venus has rulership in an intellectual air sign, where Saturn has his exaltation.

Very, very beautiful: Paris Hilton.


I still have hope but I don’t need it

22 09 2008



I still have hope…

I still have hope

I still have hope,

And I think you are hot

I still have hope,

Even though the leaves are falling fast,

And this coming spring,

I hope to see you at last.

(Interlude) GCD


I don’t need hope anymore…

I don’t need hope anymore

Because I know I can make things

Turn out the way

I want them to be

I don’t need hope anymore

Because I know that

You love me…

Because it’s so damn easy to see…

The New World Economy

20 09 2008

Financial meltdown is occurring

Financial meltdown is occurring. This is not scaremongering, this is happening around our heads right here, right now. Banks are going bankrupt. Prices are rising, jobs are being lost, people are losing their homes. The figures we know are just the tip of the iceberg. And just because it is happening slowly, with politicians and commentators debating whether it really is as bad as all that, doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

Alistair Darling the Chancellor, the man in charge of the UK economy, said “these are the worst economic conditions for 60 years.” Why would a man in charge of keeping confidence in the world’s Financial Capital, London go and say such a panic inciting thing like that? 60 years ago, there was food rationing, people were starving in the UK, people were entitled to one cup of flour, a spoon of sugar, and a slice of bacon each day.

To look around Great Britain today, you would think that Alistair Darling was making a ridiculous joke, in bad taste considering what the post war generation had available to them. There is wealth, there are huge supermarkets filled with variety, as well as quantity of food, there are jobs, and there are warm centrally heated houses.

But Darling wasn’t speaking of now, of the visible. Darling was talking about what is unseen, like a cobra beneath the night sheets. Just what is there lurking in the shadows to make the man in charge of the worlds most vibrant economy shudder and throw out warning signals? It’s like he’s insuring himself against what’s inevitably going to happen, trying to give a little cover for when the questions come home asking “why didn’t you warn us?” So he can sleep safer in the knowledge that he did warn but people did nothing to try and avert. Is Darling playing the doctor warning the obese that they are in for some health problems in the not too distant future? This is what it sounds like.

Some of the sources of the problems are easy to discern, some of them are complex, and even economists are debating amongst themselves. But whatever the actual reasons, the recession of all recessions is on its way, like a storm surge far out to sea, with the first waves already beginning to splash in the faces of the coastal dwellers.

Economies are not based on the gold standard. This is one of the reasons for the huge wealth wastage. If money is not really based on anything more than paper, there are implications. People and especially lenders and bankers are unaware of its true value. Part of the problem of the American credit crisis was this fact. It mirrors, Rome’s melting down of its gold and silver only to mix in ever increasing amounts of worthless copper and other cheap metals in their money supply during the years when their military and conquests were costing them more than the sum of their empire. Money that is based on debt rather than real wealth is worthless.

Dream Changer

19 09 2008

“I’ll let you be in my dream if I can bee in yours” Bob Dylan said that…but he was quoting Abraham Lincoln.

To catch dreams is pretty easy, all you need is a few feathers from wild birds, and you’ve got the makings of night after night of sweet and scary dreams. But there is a different kind of dream which is illusive and which people the world over are letting slip through the net. The dream I talk of is the one that is not really a night time thing, but the dream that you live from day to day. This is an important part of the human spirit, it is spirit, it is something that goes to the core of the soul of every person, and yet most of us allow this type of dream to slip their consciousness, slip right through, like a stone in the sea.

What happened, why did you let your dream go, why did you abandon what you thought of and aspired to? Why did you let go of the fantasy which your life was based on? The reason was that it wasn’t even a fantasy in the first place, the hope that was there was crushed because of the realisation of limitations. The truth is that when your dreams are out of bounds, when they are beyond the potential of what is possible, the dream itself is not really in line with your own inner reality, somehow it got placed there through the pervasive media barrage full of ready-made artificial, high in sugar, high in colour, but in the end sickening and over stimulating ideal.

So the ideal, the one that you grabbed from somewhere is brought down to earth. It is unfulfilled. And as time rolls on, you have to be pragmatic and adapt to the surrounding circumstances. Following dreams now seems as relevant to your life as global warming is to the weather in the UK; it rains and is cold every day no matter. The thoughts that lifted and once gave life its magic are not really there anymore, it just becomes day in, day out, time goes quickly, but at the same time nothing changes, because routine has become the world. in fact thinking of something different, or seeing something new only serves to disturb that comfortable monotony of life.

But life needs a dream. TV can provide daily doses of that “escape”, of discovering new sensations and new worlds, but it’s not really substitute to watch someone else do it, where the plot is predictable, where the words are scripted, where to have the unexpected would completely upset the balance of comfort on the sofa. What can you dream of, what is there that is worth dreaming? What illusion, what beautiful visions, can a person bring into their lives? What is there that makes life special and not meaningless?

When one dark planet crosses over another dark planet in the outer solar system, dreams can be broken. It is more than just a dream that is broken in some cases, it is a person’s idea of what life is about. When this happens, life can stop, it can turn around. It takes a shock, it takes a fright, a nightmare, a living hell sometimes for the human mind to recondition itself into a new course, and it does this remorselessly, without thought, without mercy. What the illusion of childhood was, is no longer, and if you don’t have an illusion of your own to fill in that gap, there will be a terrible gap, until you die, which you might try filling with substitutes, such as beer, or any other distraction you can think of.

The fact that your mind held illusions, beautiful visions and ideals throughout childhood, through your youth, through your young life, means that they are capable of holding these visions again. Just because you lose Faith, lose hope, lose wanting to “be” something or feel a certain way, due to the materialisation of physical need does not mean that you must hand over your life on a piece of paper and let other people decide what your fate will be in resignation. No, this is wrong.

The human mind is like a mould, and it is designed to hold, an idea, an ideal, it is formed through desire to chart the uncharted, to achieve and to learn, to experience newness, even if that newness was simply the same thing over and over again, like a boy on a bike, riding around the same street over and over again, only to notice new things on each little journey he made. The novelty was there, it was always there, it was born out of childhood boredom rolling out the infinity that childhood thinks of as time.

So how do you go about changing your dream? How do you make a new one? As an adult, it is not satisfying to ride about in the same street, or even in the same town. People leave. They leave their home town because their dream breaks and they go outwards looking for the novelty, the stimulation of a new one, but unfortunately this too often breaks and rather quickly too. The answer is a difficult one.

The regeneration of dreams must satisfy the mind for its qualities of newness. It must however not be something that is easily broken. As water is poured onto water it quickly dissipates. There must be something concrete in the dream, there must be ambition instilled into it.

It is even possible to simply metamorphose the old dream. What you once wanted through innocent eyes, what you yearned for through a state of total irresponsibility was an ideal. This is where it gets interesting. The ideal can still be the same, it must in some sense satisfy what the original desire was, whether it was expansion, or comfort, or love, whether it was an aesthetic dream or one involving words, involving conversations and talk, the template may remain the same.

If you look at it in this way, the apparent death of the dream is simply an alarm bell ringing telling you to do something about it. The stronger and more painfully that bell rings, the greater the determination and structure that you might put into driving the dream forward. Dreams never really die. The truth is that you cut the edges off them to make them streamlined, to make them fit through the obstacle course of life. If the dream is too big, you don’t make progress, but without a dream there is no motivation. The secret of life is to refine the desire, refine and reform it until the life that you want to lead, becomes something that is inevitable. When disappointment occurs in life, when depression roles in from the failure of your dreams, from the failure of what you thought life ought to be, that’s when you need to clip the dreams wings, when you need to question whether it was in fact a dream which was worth while in the first place.

The more subtle you are in “adapting” and changing the original impulse of life, of transforming life into something fine, that makes you feel good, the easier it is to fulfil the dream. When things stir out in the darkness, and your life becomes plagued, you must ask yourself: “what did I want?” And “was what I wanted worth anything?”

The dream of life is there for us all. It is there to make in the shape in which we choose. Like the Biblical God being the image of man, man has the potential to shape his world. What he creates is his creation, and as we create our own lives we must think about what is worth creating in the first place. Some dreams are worth having, the ones which are lifetime dreams, the ones in which you say “I have brought about this reality through my desire, through having trust and faith in my vision, in my dream, and determination to make my dream real, in the image of what I wanted it to be.”

Once you Believe, it is easy to convince others to believe also. Especially if they have nothing planned.