Horary Revelation

Are you seeing the forest or are you just seeing trees? Open your mind. This is a very very simple little observation, but something which I believe is true to the T.

When destiny is set, when something is bound to happen, when something is meant to be, you could do various charts and they would come up with the same answer over and over again.

Modern astrologers rely heavily on traditional texts but they are not necessary. Why don’t we use all the knowledge available to us?

I have noticed a pattern emerging. I ask a question several times, the same question. Each time there are different significators. But each time I find that the two significators which I am interested in are moving towards each other. In one case it is the rulers of the house cusps, through retrogradation, indicating a change of direction, but an eventual conjunction.

In another case there is translation of light between the signifiers by a third party.

In another chart, the signifiers are in an applying aspect with the orb at a very close precision 00 07′ minutes of the arc. The aspect was there, it was not a “traditional” aspect, a biquintile, but I think the fact that the orb was so close and applying has got to mean something. Modern astrology ackowledges quintiles as unbelievably creative and all about one key thing: TIMING, which not coincidentally is also what horary professed to be about.

WHY don’t astrologers use their new knowledge and apply it to the horary technique? The reason is that they are bogged down in what the “texts” say, and incabable of seeing a picture that presents itself under whichever conditions the sky is tempaorarily in.

WHY should a question be asked one day and the second day the same question gets a different answer? The cosmos is telling you something, always telling you something.

The simplest of reasonings: A relationship chart: The Astrologer should ask: Does the ascending degree an its ruler aspect the descending degree and its ruler? Factor in the fifth house and its ruler for romance, factor in the fourth house and its ruler for living together.

If the Ascendant ruler makes an applying square with a 1 degree orb to the descendant, and a bi-quintile applying with ’07 minutes of arc to the descendant ruler then this is a relationship of perfect timing, of creativity, just the same as a sextile aspect which is a creative aspect.

Is the 4th house ruler Venus placed in dignity on the IC square ASC and DC? It means that love is the basis of the relationship and that they ought to live together. The Moon also opposes that Venus with a close applying orb? It signifies that it will happen, especially since it is Angular.

ALL aspects count, modern ruleship may even count, if it is used for Natal and progressions it ought to be sophisticated enough to be used in Horary. Aspects to Angles count. Everything counts. Make the planets apply, make them see each other, and allow them to see each other through intermediaries, through translations and changes of direction.

3 responses

12 10 2010

I don’t understand much about horary astrology. I’ve recently learned a little about it, but it is still difficult to understand.

Do you use the Sabian descriptions of the various degrees? I just read about that today when I was reading an article regarding horary astrology. It’s all fascinating, confusing or not.

12 10 2010
Night Sky

I wrote this piece while I was still learning, I think I would disagree with most of it now. Just to note. You want MR through exaltation or higher, or you want domicile planets in angular direct and free of the Sun’s destructive fire. In order to see positive developments. Moon not void, and Ptolemic aspects only.

13 10 2010

Very interesting information. I enjoy learning from you and hearing about how you have unlearned through further learning.

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