Which Stoic? Saturn or Jupiter?

20 02 2010

The philosophical view-point by which I seem to be living seems to be more in line with what I have read to be the definition of Stoicism. In reality my philosophy is very simple. I believe in actions over words. I believe in reality over imagination despite my dabbling in poetry and astrological metaphor which describes possible future outcomes.

Generally speaking my quest in life has been contentment, just like all other people. However, I realised fairly early  that fulfilment does not breed contentment but rather doubles the desire, doubles the need for satisfaction. Certain things in life do not bring a calm mind and a peaceful soul and a sober home, the things which make people happy in the end.

The Stoics did not seek to extinguish emotions; rather, they sought to transform them by a resolute ‘askēsis‘ which enables a person to develop clear judgment and inner calm.[22] Logic, reflection, and concentration were the methods of such self-discipline.

What I find interesting about the Stoic standpoint is that it does not deny emotion. It merely acknowledges emotion as part of a deterministic universe. Human beings, like animals are thrown around by seemingly random events which have firm bases in their own actions and thoughts. The Stoic is not meant to deny that emotion exists and thus lead a repressed life. The Stoic is supposed to make judgements in calmness and consideration, in order to minimise suffering.

Obviously self-discipline is required. When one thinks about one´s life, desires, and needs, it is never obvious what is the cause of suffering in many instances. It is only possible to make inferences from previous experiences, and from the experiences of others, and without question logic does not have the power to prevent all human suffering. Logic at times may actually be the cause of human suffering, because reason can be mistaken. The causes and problems of others´ suffering are never universal, because people are different.

My personal philosophy is that the world is fortune. My emotions move up with good news and personal advancement, and in the same way they also move down, with bad news and problems. Clearly emotions will always be with the human species. And in fact emotions are often catalysts for positive action and change. The Stoic is meant to accept all emotion. With analysis, with contemplation before action, and cultivation of the calm sort of mind which is required for deliberation the Stoic does not act in disharmony with the deterministic universe, but rather accepts it and works with it.

In my personal life, I was born into a family, mother, father and sister. The parent´s difficulties with each other and the sister´s waywardness and the emotional “suffering” within the dynamics of the family are deterministic in that I personally had no choice in the matter. Whether these people were or indeed are morally good, virtuous or other, is debatable, and only they, and God will ever really know. They have in my observation been responsible for their own individual and interpersonal sufferings and anguish.

It is not in my right to judge the dignity of any of my family members. But I am able to observe that personal philosophies on their parts or perhaps lack of philosophy and a reliance on the “forces” at work on their emotions are culprits in the personal and secret miseries that do not escape the eyes and senses of a Scorpion.

I do not judge their dignity, for mine is bound up with theirs as I have stated that their presence in my life was, is and will continue to be the inevitable unavoidable circumstance of our natural state. The free will that I do exert is that my life does not have to be impulsively lead the way their lives are. I do not need to be pulled and pushed by whimsical desires and superficial judgements.

The philosophy though treads on a fine wire. The success of such a philosophy is determined greatly on my own reasoning faculties and judgement and logic. Logic of man is highly fallible, because in part desire seems to always be the most logical thing at the time of that particular emotional stimulation. Logic works on highly dubious principles. The example that I like is that of the logic of modernism. The modern world is based on the idea of caring for and providing provision for the less fortunate. You make more food, feed the poor, house the poor, provide healthcare for the poor, but in the end, all that happens is more mouths to feed, more poor and an even bigger logical problem. Those ideas are based on the fact of logic and reason, but not of acceptance, nor a grasp of the bigger, more long term picture. They satisfy immediate desires and wants, they attempt to neutralise unhappy emotions with innovation, with attempts to stop suffering.

In the end though Stoicism knows and has always known that suffering will continue. Something that I find weak and undignified about the modern world, when I read about and learn about the ancient world is that this world does not accept suffering. It is in essence an anti-stoic society based on a false reasoning. Stoics are supposed to try to reduce suffering, but the idea of reducing it through using clever means will always fall short.

For the Stoics, ‘reason‘ meant not only using logic, but also understanding the processes of nature — the logos, or universal reason, inherent in all things. Living according to reason and virtue, they held, is to live in harmony with the divine order of the universe, in recognition of the common reason and essential value of all people.


Living in harmony with the divine order of the universe. A man is born with his particular genetic code and with his particular appearance and nature. Ideas that man ought to be different to what he is, is antithetical to the principles of living in harmony with the divine order. There is natural dignity in human aggression, some people are born fighters and they are part of that nature, to deny their right to go to war is against the natural order. What the Stoic warrior ought to do though is to battle with dignity and honour and to accept his inevitable wounds as part of divine justice.

The noise of the world can make it rather difficult to find the “right path”. However, with contemplation and with patience the Stoic finds that path. It takes self-discipline to realise that personal desires will not be fulfilled immediately or even in the way that expectation and illusion has made them out to be.

The Stoic must always be on guard to keep his mind free from clutter, free from overindulgence and from emotions like jealousy, or anger. Eventually the stoic realises the luck that he has for maintaining such a calm and serene mind and optimism. The Stoic is aware that human emotions and situations pass and change like the seasons. But it´s only through observation of the natural order surrounding him in nature that he is able to grasp the meaning of this. The oak tree that stands alone in the field for a century is magnificent and withstands much. It is the job of the stoic to stand firm, to be unmoved by random events and emotions.

The logic which the Stars teaches me is that if I take the long-view, if I look at my life as a whole rather than my immediate satisfaction I can gain a perspective which makes me feel content and calm. When I begin to contemplate life as a whole, I begin to see that as a seed I have been fortunate to have been born in fairly fertile soil with the possibility of great growth and movement and the possibility of a very good view. I do no longer feel the discontent for things that I felt were missing in life or unjust.  Things, qualities, experiences that others possessed but which I did not were causes for my unhappiness. But in the same way that I realised that others had happiness, I´ve also realised just how temporary those happinesses were, observance of my family I have already cited.

I think that the key to understanding Stoic philosophy is that it is not in our interests to pursue, or to chase after illusive dreams, to try to alter or to change the courses of divine nature, but simply to realise its existence around us and that we are also  part of that. For there is nothing in the universe which is wrong, nature has created perfection. Human judgement creates wrong and creates “evil”. But it is also down to human judgement and analysis to put all of nature and to put our human lives into perspective.

Some of the messages which come out of the world of people without Stoic philosophy include messages that “there isn´t enough time, or money” that their lives are not good enough, that they aren´t attractive enough or that they are not respected enough or a countless other list of lacks. When the stoic stops listening to that cranky swell of human emotion which makes up the family, and the friends, when one finds other Stoics or when one is able to weather those unstable emotions that come from society and can make one doubt oneself that is when one is truly free. The divine will of the universe has created all individuals and there is inevitability for all, there are courses which are already dictated. But it is up to individuals to find personal contentment with themselves, within themselves.

Exposure to elements eventually brings resistance to those elements and this is the task of the Stoic. The elements outside of the self are constantly changing, but once inner happiness is found there is little or nothing which can destroy it. The Stoic´s job though is not to suffer needlessly, not to be slapped around, each is due his space in the world, this makes it a tough task, for one does not fight and engage with the wilderness in a war with it, with the human nature of others either.

Jupiter Pisces and Destiny

2 02 2010

There is a homeless man that hangs around outside the University where I work. He is not really a professional beggar, he doesn´t even ask for money or look at you as you walk past. He lies there in his rags and burnt brown skin, with his long hair and facial hair. Sometimes he defecates into a newspaper, and what he´s eating is definitely not luxury food.

I´ve sometimes given him a coin, small change. But I felt a great urge to help this man the other day. He was lying on the pavement, sleeping, the poor cavemen´s body is weedy and thin, and he looked almost fetal, in that position.

It crossed my mind that the times that I had given money I had felt a little afraid. Afraid because when you give something then you establish a norm and a contact, and random people in the street are sometimes drug addicts, thieves, even killers.

But it also occurred to me that some people are given a bad lot in life. Some are born into poverty, and may have Saturn in hard aspect on the IC. Or they may have their 2nd ruler in total debility. I don´t know the primary cause of homelessness, or of sadness in life. But what I do know is that I am privilaged to have my own (rented) flat, and a (temporary) job with an income. These things I fear losing, but I am happy and grateful to have them.

I haven´t thought about how it would be possible to help the homeless. Or rather, I´ve thought about it a lot with regard to the politics that I´ve read and the knowledge that I have about socialism etc.

The question comes down to the fact that the caveman, although anathema to me and probably to all of the middle class University students who walk past him everyday, even though his state is repulsive and elicits great sympathy and empathy, he has a fundamental right to be like that.

As in Heaven so on Earth. Or rather, as on the inside, so on the outside. The homeless caveman that I felt so sorry for, will likely always be homeless and will likely die in that sorry state. Say it was an afflicted Saturn on the IC in his case. Even if you gave the man material wealth, and a home, his inner state would be the same, he would still feel unable to connect with the world and society around him, even though he is dependant at the minute on charity, even if he received everything that anyone could ask for, he would likely still have that dependency and rejection deep inside. He would be a homeless caveman living in the basement of his castle.

It´s not to say that change is not possible. In a lifetime, there are progressions, there are the solar arcs and secondary progressions. Even Jupiter and Saturn can move a number of degrees in the course of a human lifetime adjusting that original blueprint. But these changes however interior and however personal are still a part of destiny. Saturn can in a few short years, maybe even a decade, move from the 30th degree of Sagittarius, into the 1st degree of Capricorn. The poor caveman can for whatever reason muster some determination to improve his condition. But it is unlikely to be through other people´s generosity, only his own will changing on the interior.

Fortune, Destiny, God

23 11 2009

Something that I sometimes wonder about in relation to this study is the idea of destiny. The reason that anyone studies this particular unconfirmed field is to try to get a heads up  on a future which is already dead certain. What I mean by this is that somehow, there is a destiny which is already fact and that although our lives are only in the making, although our lives are incomplete and lacking at the moment, the idea that there is something definite in the future is tantalising and promising.

But, no matter how much I study, I will never fully “know” the future. I will never understand that I might be different at some future time, just as I had been different in the past. The scope of emotion that I have experienced in life, I would never have dreamed of in childhood. As a child there was no worry, no sadness, no disappointment, but those things came just as they come to all.

A chart though contains more potential than what is lived at the moment in which one looks at it. This is part of the reason for study. It´s the fact that you can find things that you would have never before dreamed of. There is more potential than what you are able to garner in one look. What is there in this life that is worth living for? What is there in the chart which makes this life worth living for? In part it requires you to remain open and unconscious about the possibilities, but in a like manner, cautious about the possible dangers. For there is the same possibility for harshness as there is for joy.

In some ways the stars appear to look a little like Heaven. According to the ancient Greeks, Heaven and Hell were in fact one place, and your life in the afterlife could be pleasant or it could be nasty, (carrying a large rock which always roles back, or carrying water with a sieve), depending on actions and deeds on Earth.

Let´s say though, for argument´s sake that there is no real afterlife, that for all purposes, this is the only life that we get. In this case, the Heavens are a kind of reflection of what´s going on down here. Only studying the paths of the demigods, (the planets) may give us clues as to the paths that we ourselves are likely to take. Heaven obviously does continue, and according to the ancient tradition, the gods, (though I don´t deny a prime mover), the gods as represented by the planets are in fact jealous of our mortality, because it makes our lives so much the more precious.

Our lives really are precious, in the case that there is only one life. But, what say, if your life is more like a tragedy? There is no chance at a replay. This is where I get stuck. This is where I find I can´t escape despite my best efforts. In one sense, it should then be our duty to have some faith, that all will eventually work out the way it ought to. Perhaps the fact that it is impossible to know all that a life contains from the start is another small aid in getting through the tough times.

What kind of life is rewarded? What kind of attitude is given happiness? The rewards that come to those that are of the nature of Mars are immediate, they are probably pleasurable and exciting, but they are gone just as fast, and the down side is that of danger. The rewards in life that come to those of the nature of Saturn or Venus will probably not be apparent at the beginning, it looks grim or shoddy, or inadequate, but it probably lasts right until the very end. With this view in mind it does not profit us to look at what other people get in life and compare notes or even try and garner what might be your own fate through similarity of planetary force.

Jupiter trine Venus persons might be incredibly lucky, they might have a permanent party, all of the friends they could wish for etc. etc. and this is cause of much misery for the Venus-Saturn person who must sit next door listening to other people having fun while contemplating the reasons for not being popular, for being a social reject. Bu perhaps in ten years time Saturn-Venus will have someone love them solidly, and permanently and despite all imperfection, while Jupiter is on the next empty and soulless relationship based on appearance and excess.

What does destiny say about the life as a whole rather than the life as viewed from the perspective of someone only interested in the “now”? IT is said that “God created Heaven and Earth.” In heaven we see the stars and planets, which in my opinion are what the ancients believed to be gods, and which in a sense are in fact forms of higher power, demigods perhaps. The final word though, the final word is that if there is a singular thought that runs through everything, then there can´t truly be anything that is bad, or rather there can´t be anything that isn´t pre-destined, or part of the plan and therefor it cannot be bad.

What is the meaning of the suffering that I go through now? Or that I went through two years ago? According to the stars it changed my attitudes in certain ways by being a transit to my third ruler. What was the meanin of that mental suffering? In one sense it was a stretching of the mental muscles. And it is a well known fact that muscles do not grow unless they are trained through the strenuous if not at times painful exercise. “No pain no gain…” A lot of people interested in the stars look at a transit and are glad that it´s over once it´s over and consider it as one would consider a tragic act of random fortune. I´ve stipulated here that there is no random act of fortune, because the stars are put there by God, whoever he may be, benevolent or not.

So what does this have to do with anything? It´s the idea of destiny, the idea of suffering the pains of life by “being good” in order to reap the rewards in the “afterlife” or more to my taste, the life which we haven´t yet lived, but which is definitely projectionable and visible on the horizon. To suffer loneliness will create the appreciation for company, not just the appreciation, but the desire and the need for partnership. To suffer stupidity or to suffer powerlessness will give rise to talent, to adaptability. The idea is not that the FATE of our lives is random, cruel and unprecedented, but that because it comes from one  mind, that there is reason behind the current suffering in whatever from it may take.

The things that are most lacked will be the things that are most compensated. It seems that humanity tilts itself in the opposite direction from where it is, whether it is instant or whether it takes years. It´s the idea that everything is not realised that is important to keep in mind. It´s what we don´t have now, and ask for and pray for that may be ours tomorrow or later on in the future. One of the steps towards this materialization is that of imagination, of thinking and creating a blueprint of what it is that you want to create. Persistence pays, this is why Saturn is associated with achievement, with things that last, with a very moderate amount of happiness each day for the rest of your life.

This dialogue isn´t finished yet, because the full extent of it´s possible realisation isn´t apparent and because the mind that has written it isn´t satisfied with the philosophical clarity which it is meant, or designed to bring. Part of it is a reason in order to have faith that the present time is how it is meant to be as a foundation for greater future things. Part of it is a reconciliation with the apparent seeming randomness of life. There is nothing random, and it is difficult to believe this. When as individuals we strive and struggle, it is impossible to think that those struggles are in fact destined in the same way that other things in life appear to be destined. When you feel pain, you do not accept that the pain is in fact part of the plan. Pain is inconceivable to be part of some divine plan, it´s practically incomprehensible. Though, as an argument it might be said that the birthpains of a mother make her realise that a child is serious business, and the pain is part of the reason for the protection she eventually gives.

There is more to this…

Transits: Saturn in Libra 2009-2010

28 09 2009

Because Saturn is essentially dignified in Libra, the sign if its exaltation, Saturn is welcome to this sign and can do only good things for all planets points and houses that are placed in this sign. Planets that are placed in Libra will be given nothing but support from a Saturn in its happiest and even most powerful state. Saturn has in fact got more essential dignities in Libra than he has in his own signs of Aquarius and Capricorn. The idea of an exaltation is that the planet is increasing in strength and power. The idea is that any planet by transit will bestow its good or bad qualities through the house in which it is visiting at the time.


Because Saturn is in Libra, it is bestowing its best side in this sign and “on the side of” all planets which Saturn must conjoin. There is some degree of variance to what you can expect though depending on planet and on  house. Say for example that natal Sun is in Libra, this is the sign of Sun´s fall, with Saturn crossing over Sun, Saturn will be exceedingly strong, and bring out the best qualities which are counter to the essence of the Sun. In other words Saturn brings forth principles of co-operation and dependency, reliance on other people, and alliances, it´s not good for individuality or self-serving goals, however it is excellent for all aspects related to a more social interaction. Saturn in this instance will force Sun into being considerate of others´ needs. The same story can be said of Saturn transiting a Libran Mars, even more so, it goes against Mars´s nature to be co-operative, but on the other hand you might see a situation where planets in their fall are helped by a planet the feels completely at home in this sign.


The converse now must be said for those with essentially dignified planets in Libra. Venus or Saturn in this sign will definitely benefit from Saturn´s discriminating ray. It is said time and time again that Saturn is a serious planet, and true it is, but it can also be said that Saturn is simply realistic. This transit is important for taking in the big picture, which sounds awfully like Jupiter. While Jupiter makes big promises and big wishes about the big picture (which are hardly ever realised), Saturn on the other hand makes decisions (Capricorn ruler) which it can stick to and which in the long run go on to create the big picture. A transiting Saturn to a Libran Venus is akin to a transiting Jupiter to a Pisces Venus, or Sun to an Aries Mars, or Mars to a Capricorn Saturn. Having a dignified planet conjoined by another dignified planet by transit can only bring forth good things. Some of the possibilities with Saturn in Libra will be about picking the right partners, but being Saturn it is likely that the choice will be well thought out and arranged without emotion, if that´s what is needed. Saturn likes things that last a long time, the idea that marriage is “for better or for worse”, the idea that it ought not to be broken, that comes from Saturn´s exaltation in Libra.

Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter, Node

I´ve mentioned in other pieces on this site that Saturn is configured during 2010-2011 with other outer planets. In my opinion, these hard aspects will bring much calamity and changes, but the people that need worry are not early Librans, Libra in the 7th house might be different though. The basic principle that I put forward is that Saturn is the “strong” or rather, the strongest planet in this stand-off. Uranus may attack Saturn from Aries with a Jupiter in Triplicity, and Pluto may go all psycho on Saturn from Capricorn, (all in cold calculatation), however, this exalted Saturn is so much stronger than all the planets that confront it, any planet in Libra with reasonable dignity will come out smelling of roses after this transit is over. All alliances will be victorious in the face of adversity. On a personal level it bodes well for planets in Libra which may symbolise marriages, partnerships, artistic or musical work, in fact anything that planets in this sign rule over in the chart.

Late 2009 is the beginning of first Saturn Pluto Square. It is true that Pluto can destroy things, or at least make things appear to be destroyed. Remember the idea of “from the ashes”, it´s cliche, but it seems to be the appropriate keynote for Pluto transits. The fact that Pluto is in Capricorn in any case will give Saturn and any planets in early Libra the upper hand. Pluto will be forced to co-operate, something that rarely ever happens.

Botched Horary:The age old questions

13 08 2009

It really doesn´t matter sometimes whether I ask a horary and get a negative response. The horary for me tells me about the situation right now, this minute this day. So if I get a no today, things can change in a couple of weeks and be the way I want them to be.

The questions I posed today were: 1. Will I pass my course? I feel like I´m doing a lot of hard work for no apparent reason. And 2. Does she love me? “She” being the all binding, all-obsessive subject and object of my affection. I ask that question primarily because I get mixed signals from women, especially her. And also there is a translation thing going on where our words cross two distinct languages and end up with different meanings.

will i pass the course does she love me

Clearly I (Saturn) will pass my course. As Saturn I am a worried, a hard working rather than smart working individual. I am in forward motion and in the 7th house, which is good. I am said to be angular. A few months ago I might have been Saturn in retrograde in the 8th house. 9th ruler Venus makes a sextile aspect to Saturn from fifth house Cancer therefor I shall pass the course.  One thing to note is Saturn is conjunct its dispositor Mercury, this is greatly beneficial. I am clearly backed by romantic interests and by financial backing from my parents. Co-significator Moon also sextiles Venus (9th ruler) and moon and Venus are mutually receptive.

The love question: Sun and Saturn don´t apparently aspect. However, Moon does square Sun which is a strong aspect, both planets are strong, dignified which bodes well, because both feel good, this is one aspect of stress and is often denoted by Lilly to be a “yes” answer although with difficulty and delay. Well let me see, I do find myself waiting for her email for a long time, even if it´s only a week. But looking at the progression of aspects further note that after Squaring Sun, Moon trines Saturn fairly closely. In this circumstance this is the “transferal of light”. Moon in this case meets up with Sun, and directs the Sun´s energy to Saturn in a beautiful easy trine, and especially in this case the Moon can only do good being placed in Exaltation.

My botched horary of the day tells me not to worry, because the aspects are now firmly in favour of me. And even if there are things in this chart which may be unaccounted for, I have stated at the beginning that I am seeing only what I want to see anyway. Eventually what you want materialises.

2010: The Truth of this Momentous Year (Part IV)

2 05 2009

When you reach the precipice, that´s when you are mostly likely to change. When you reach the precipice, that´s when you are most likely to make a huge leap forward.

There are many Astrologers who look to their ephemeris, who dig out their history books, though most Astrologers don´t actually own History books since they are far more focused on the future than on the past. They dig out their History Books and glance backwards in time through the ephemeris and wonder with awe and amazement at the coming configuration that is being formed by the planets in the sky during the late Summer of next year; 2010.

At first I did the same, I looked and I was shocked, by some of the historical events which occurred during similar times, and I thought to myself, perhaps it would be better to not be around, to not be in the thick of things in the year 2010, and the years immediately afterwards, for it is not an “event” as such, more simply a vortex, which is at the beginning of new things; at the beginning of a decade that is sure to be noted down in History for the “new” things which occur, for events, people, discoveries, happenings, ideas, books, music, politics, that will change everything.

I was affraid to begin with contemplating personal points which are to be transited by this great and momentous outer planet line up. But further study has revealed to me that these on the surface frightening Cardinal Transits do not necessarily bring death, nor do they necessarily bring accidents or malignity. Whatever the rest of the Astrological world proclaims, I am confident that my 1st house Cardinally placed planets on a personal transit level will be brought into consciousness, into physical manifestation 100 times what they have been for my entire life.

I stand obviously at the edge of a personal precipice. A precipice which is not frightening, and it´s not equal to death, not for me, because I am ready for it with a parachute, with a para-glider. I see the cliff and I am taking a run up. I have natal Mars in the last minutes of Tropical Virgo, 180 degrees from the Aries Point, and so to me the experience will be one of reckless, bold, fearless, and courageous enterprise. I feel the juice of the 2010 T-Square in my bones already.

The mystery of 2010 and the years that follow is not difficult to decipher. There is a cliff, there are difficulties, there is a proposition to most persons on the planet at this time, and depending on how much enthusiasm you have and how eager you are for change, for revolution on a personal level, the Grand Transits of next year will endow you with the gifts and the genius to create the future that you so desire.

The opportunities that are around the corner are there because of the nature of the transit. The challenges that the human species set itself creates the opportunities to find ways around them. The problems in society and the problems in individual lives are often solved at the point when there seems to be the most pressure to either concede defeat, or take a new road, or come up with something new.

The greatest opportunity is about to be presented to both individuals, and to humanity over the next year and the years that follow next year. The question we ought to ask ourselves, is whether we all look to the past and stay stuck in that past and concentrate on things which no longer are important, things which cannot be changed, or whether we make choices which are in accordance with higher principles, in which as individuals we all face the precipice and jump. If you are asked to give up your personal fortune in the name of saving humanity, or fight for it, difficult choices, but the nobler one would probably be the one in which you as an individual “do” something which in itself has worth.

To be ready for anything should be the slogan for the next decade. To be ready to change job, occupation, outlook. It is certain that the ideology, that the modes of thought are changing. Sure there is a continuity within history, and it does not escape my judgement to acknowledge that humanity, and the systems and eternal truths of human life are unchanging. It may even be possible that what is old, what is thought of as outmoded and ancient, will in fact come back with avengeance, simply because it is a human truth that has been with society since it first began.

The nature of the family, the social group, the network of friends, the national conscience, and now the global conscience are things which are in one sense unchanging. What unites and disunites, is knowledge, and lack of knowledge. This is not empirical knowledge that sociologists or philosophers talked about in gross material terms, but knowledge of basic human life and its continuity and its “NATURAL” state which is has moral and spiritual dimensions that cannot be explained away by 3rd house writers and 9th house philosophers.

The opportunity is now here because the rules are in the air so to speak. The opportunity now is to not “write the rules again” in the visage of your own self, but to appreciate the eternal truth. To see what is really true in the light of what has passed. This is a new CARDINAL era. Fire is of the nature of spirit, and Air is of the nature of intellect, so understanding shall be brought that will Enlighten, all underpinned by Cardinal Earth and material foundations, structures and practical needs.

2010: The Next Ideology; the U.S.A. and the U.K. (Part III)

1 05 2009

It is an interesting fact that the 2010 grand configuration takes place on all of the cardinal points with sole exception of the Summer Solstice point, the degrees which span early Tropical Cancer. It is also an accepted fact that the USA´s natal chart has a stellium of Sun, Venus and Jupiter placed in the early degrees of Tropical Cancer where the blue ray of Sirius shined brightly in the late 18th century; not that the Zodiac has moved that many degrees through the cosmos since then.

So what does it mean? The 1930´s as in the first article I wrote on 2010, had in the sky above Pluto acting in configuration from the twentieth degree of Tropical Cancer which was in orb of USA´s natal Sun and natal Mercury. The early 1930´s T-Square was activating the United States 9th ruler and 10th ruler, with Pluto conjoined with those planets. The threat to America´s core belief systems of freedom and of their place in the world as described by 10th ruler Mercury is what was going on; and the conclusions which may be drawn from such a transit chart are that of drastic transformations involving core beliefs and place in the world, for if anything the result of 1931 and all that followed was to galvanise America into protecting freedom and democracy (9th house beliefs) and to become a true Superpower in the global arena; (10th house social standing and job). More proof of this Pluto focus is described perfectly by Mercury as ruler of 7th house; for 1931 brought America new enemies and Allies. The 1931 transits were not easy for the USA; for the conjunction of Pluto although bringer of massive power and change does not do it gently or kindly in the abrasive conjunction aspect.

1966 is the following grand configuration that we can say for certain that helped America. There is no question that the late 1960´s transit was not at all hard for USA; for on one side Saturn trines both US 9th ruler and 10th+7th ruler which on the other side from the 9th house the Uranus-Pluto conjunction formed a highly creative sextile to America´s public image. Can we say that the last four decades of the twentieth century have been hard on America? In fact the exact opposite is true, those decades have been the most successful, innovative, and stable, up to and including the first decade of the 21st century.

Some of the reasons for the United States´alliance with the U.K. are to do with the 1801 U.K. Cancer Moon at 20 degrees tropical Cancer. For both the 1930´s and 1960´s configurations pivoted on this area, and since the United Kindom´s Midheaven ruler is in fact that Cancer Moon, it goes without saying that the power and social standing of both nations are tied together both by natally predisposed similarities at certain degrees in tropical Cancer as well as the transits of the twentieth century which were both powerful to begin with and then harmonious and power-giving.

There is no question that the United Kingdom in 2010 and thereafter will undergo major shifts and changes akin to an Earthquake. However, it is through the proximity to the natal Sun ruler of 11th house of friendships in the house of communications, brothers, sisters and cousins. Those changes for the U.K. are likely to be in the form of tidal waves coming from friends, from political and social interests that the U.K. has always been a part of. Some of this may indeed be the Commonwealth, it may be through N.G.O´s it may be through political wrangling in bigger social groups such as the United Nations, and it is highly likely to be through Europe, without a doubt through Europe, which represents to the United Kingdom a real 11th house social threat to its existence.

However, the transits of 2010 are taking place on the Ascendant ruler of the United States of America, with Pluto not placed in abrasive conjunction (indicating power given), but in abrasive opposition; which is more likely to be indicative of a rivalry and challenge to its power, in the most brutal way imaginable. This Pluto in America´s 1st house is likely to indicate that whatever destructive power that emerges does not come from the other side of the chart, the Western quarter, indicating foreign enemies, but from within. The fact is that America really has no enemies that can rival it in 2009, the closest to an enemy that America can call “an enemy” of freedom is a country that America could bomb in a fortnight and leave completely flattened. The text-book comparison to be made is the Roman Republic; there were no true rivals to Rome circa the 1st century A.D. and hence in those years it was Romans who challenged and fought amongst themselves, as all enemies had in fact been subjugated.

The United States´ Venus Jupiter conjunction is the focus of 2010. All outer planets will be configured in hard aspect to these Cardinal points. It is in the U.S.A. that changes will be occurring. It is in the U.S.A. that the next decades of History will be formed with the events and people that act during the 2010 MEGA T-Square that shall rock the world. In this prediction I am certain. In this prediction; that there is something coming next year that will set the scene for the next decades or more I am certain. 1931 was simply a victory for totalitarianism in Eastern Europe, while 1966 was simply the crescendo of Western Capitalism, and of innovation, consumerism made available to the masses, with the West being an easier place to live than the East, though the East still sharing in that stability.

It is likely that Public Health, and daily running of the U.S. will be damaged or put under immense pressure in 2010, with Venus closest to the aspect pattern, also 11th house rulership of friends, and political groups, as well as all “humanitarian” or social enterprises shall in a mundane sense also be in the spotlight, since Venus desposits 11th house in the 4th July 1776 chart. But the point which is most important and the point with which no prediction of certainty can be made is that of Ascendant and IC ruler Jupiter at 5 degrees of Cancer coming under the most abrasive and challenging aspects.

With such strong and completely destructive transits, it would be easy to predict, “the demise” or the end of America; however, the astrology doesn´t really support this view. America´s power and standing in the world, is represented by both Saturn and Mercury, planets that have control over America´s MC. These planets are unafflicted by the 2010 transit. So it would be fair to say that in one sense, America may in fact continue with its role in the world, with the same standing with nations, with the same “job”, with the same career and goals. The Ascendant ruler and 4th ruler are a more fundamental part of the picture. The aspects that take place will be threatening the “body”, or appearance of America, the basic personality, the people, and the Fathers and History of the nation (4th house); it may be possible to add; the land, the foundations, the cities and buildings and homes (4th house) ruler in Cancer, with more emphasis on home and structures which are domestic in nature.

Ascendant ruler under threat does signify the “life” of a person, and of a nation also. It may well be that America changes its constitution, affecting that special (4th house) inhertitance and family tradition. It may well be that the image of America and self concept of the people changes, new technology represented by Uranus transiting America´s 4th house will with out a doubt be brought into the public arena.

The Charts of Astrology Forums

9 03 2009

To answer the question of what Astrology is. Using the very nomenclature of that symbology this may be answered by looking at the Astrological chart of an Astrology forum itself.



This chart contains elements which are common to other forums of a similar nature. This forum has recently been created and can be found here: http://s1.zetaboards.com/Astrology_Forum/index/

Chart Analysis:

What is interesting here is the domination of this chart by both Mercury and Saturn held in mutual reception and dispositors of not only all planets, but of 9th house. This chart emphasises the 5th house through Ascendant ruler´s rulership of that house and Saturn´s position there. Though this has nothing to do with knowledge or pure astrology, and more to do with romantic ventures, gambling, ego and fun. Node in the 9th house seems to be another indication of the search for true knowledge.

Astrology within the chart:

Astrology is a system of symbols which clearly make up a certain form of philosophy. A philosophy in which knowledge is infinite as opposed to finite is indicated by the 9th house. Starlight Knight Forum has both Jupiter and Node in this placing with 9th ruler Saturn dispositing most of the chart including MC. Mercury is very important though, marking a mutual reception, between the higher knowledge of the 9th and the individual search for that knowledge and understanding through Mercury.

Astrology forum 2 (Astrodienst):


Once again the 9th house is the primary focus of its existence, with the 9th ruler Jupiter placed in domicile and pivoting the whole chart from the 5th house of ego. Saturn as dispositor of Aquarius seems to be highly accidentally dignified and in this case concerned with the self (5th house). The Sun in this chart rules the 1st and 2nd house, meaning that there is a financial incentive for this forum as a part of the Astrodienst site, and this is exalted, indicating that the success here is guaranteed without the need for the free service which it provides.

Astrology Forum 3 (Astrology Weekly):


Ruler of the 9th once again is highly important despite being in detriment. Sun as centre of a 3rd house stellium in Saturn´s intellectual sign in the house of communication and learning, house 3.

The Common Thread:

Different styles and different sets of interests are clearly marked by these forums. But the common thread of these all is an interest in the same subject, the same houses are marked with the same planets. The 9th house, Mercury and Saturn as well as the Sun and Aquarius.

Motivations and personalities always figure in anything created by someone. And in these charts it would be noteworthy to take heed of the fact that some connect the essence of the forum Ascendant ruler with ruler of the 5th house, with the 11th, with the 2nd or with the 3rd. An astrologer has a vision of creating a place in order to increase the trade of their site, and the 2nd house is obviously disposited as a result. Another may simply want to create a fun place for mutual interests, friendship and perhaps even romance, and those houses are emphasised in a likewise manner.

The essence though is an experience and a symbolism, a language which relates to the dual worlds about us. The parallels between the Earthly plane ruled by Saturn and the Heavenly plane of the 9th house.

Saturn: Who you´re born to be

10 01 2009

Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?

Saturn, ruler of the Zodiac sign of Aquarius by day, of Capricorn by night, Exalted by Libra and ruler of the triplicity of air by day is one of the most neglected planets in the solar system.

His traditional rulerships indicate that this planet has most effect and affinity with the air element than with Earth which is generally what the modernists of Astrology regard him as; the block building realist. But not so, Saturn is after all a Gas Giant of the solar system following only Jupiter in Size and mass, with an atmosphere which is quite similar in its composition to the “great benific”.

Saturn´s air makes this planet surely like Venus and Mercury one of the intellectual and social planets, his day time rulership Aquarius gives him the tools and knowledge which imply that he is not “dull” or lacking in potential for either understanding, technological genius, and coherent thought.

Saturn´s “joy” in the 12th house is an interesting fact. Is this because he is happiest in the house of sorrow? A planet of sorrow, like that of the modern planet Neptune? The strange nature of this “joy” for a planet that rules over the sign of humanity Aquarius, is a planet who is happiest alone in the soft and over- shadowed light of the 12th house. Aquarius is the sign of detriment for the Sun, for individual fire, and spontaneous life-force, but Saturn´s exaltation Libra is also a sign in which Sun “falls”.

It´s the sorrow of being human. It´s the sorrow of not being a Sun god, but being a mere mortal, that makes Saturn like to hide away in the 12th house. A lot has been written on the “malefic” nature of Saturn, and in the psychological school on the “experience” or “karma” that the so called teacher of the Zodiac is meant to impart. But this is not the real Saturn.

The real Saturn is in fact the most human like planet of all. Saturn is the human planet because his power is defeated and brought down by his sons. He is the human planet because he is forced out of his place, and forced down, killed off and mortalised by the usurpers. Saturn knows that his time is coming, time of being brought down, leveled, ended, something which the Leo Sun, or the Cancer Moon, Helios and Selene are utterly oblivious of, being true immortals. This is the reason for Aquarius´s refusal to play immortal parts in life, preferring the all so temporary friendship because, after all we´re only here for the day, not staying the night, the night of course belonging to his partner in crime the other malefic Mars and modern Pluto or Hades. A day being equivalent to a life in terms of immortality.

Saturn in the life does symbolise the individual fears, restrictions, and stuff that´s hard, where unprepared for responsibility is forced. But to not become your Saturn sign is to not be fully human. How are we supposed to “be our Saturn”? The nature of the planet is that of accepting not being good enough, like the mythical Saturn, of being allowed only a certain amount of time, in order to be a god, a kind of  mortal god, because to be deposed, de-throned as king of the gods, is death, even for an immortal god, death of self-respect, death of the respect that your sons once held for you and death of those relations and worship that made you immortal in the first place.

Saturn is in fact the Biblical Adam being cast out of the Garden of Eden and forced into living in the Society of Men, (Aquarius) and to work and struggle for food on the desolate Earth (Capricorn), with Eve  the first wife and first to succumb and fall (Libra, fall of Sun).

As planet of the Air triplicity and ruler of Aquarius, Saturn asks why he is alone. He asks why is the land and Earth dark, and in that darkness creates fire, through mental planning, he not only creates fire, something that Leo Sun naturally had, and didn´t need, like a Sahara Lion, but he creates shelter in that wilderness and community, with the first woman, and the sons which are his from that union. Sons that he knows will one day take his place, and probably fight with each other to divide what he has.

Finding Saturn in the natal birth chart is where we will all find exposure like the first man and the first woman. This is the spot where nakedness and weakness exist, but like the first human beings, and like mythological Cronus, we are meant to make the absolute most of before the time is up. Time on planet Earth is under the sole rulership of the planet Saturn, Saturn is where we must ask “there must be something more,” and “there are times when I must try to be so much more alive”.

The Saturn sign is the sign of being human. The Sun sign is the spiritual, the place of God in our lives. Saturn is not the devil, far from it, Saturn is what makes us fragile, where we hide. Saturn in Aquarius is afraid of the friendship of man, feels alone, but is endowed with the purest form of Saturnine air and mental ability to create community, it is up to him to pursue this and become a true Aquarian, in order to be human, and draw upon that pain of being alone to achieve it before his death. Scorpio Saturn is asked to be a strong warrior, he is asked to exhibit the features of Scorpio, to be deep, and passionate, Libra Saturn is asked to be perfect in partnership and to be the perfect Libran diplomat pleasing all and upsetting none.

One great lie of Astrology is ascribing the Sun as the most important influence in the sky. He might be the strongest, the brightest, the most obvious, but it is on the Earth that we live, and in the Air that our existence as human beings is borne out. The most important element in the sky is not the Sun, the undying, spiritual force of warmth, it is the cold ringed planet of sobering and haunting beauty, a silent figure, a figure of insecurity a figure of rage at being out-caste from paradise, a figure sublime in his Aquarian and immensely painful and real state.

Is it consciousness if a being feels nothing but warm Sun on its face? Grass feel this, they grow using sensory data collected from hormones which encourage growth and reproduction. Sentience felt by all creatures are part of the Sun, as well as the Moon. Reproduction is part of the sexual selection as described by Mars and Venus rulerships. Animals share these planetary influences with human beings. But Saturn is the planet who has consciousness. To become your Saturn sign is the greatest challenge that anyone can attempt. The person they are within the human race, the things that they are to be remembered by, and what their children will think of them as is governed by their natal Saturn. This is the real deal. This is your Earth Self, the site where you are a true human being in fault as well as in greatness.


Saturn in Sagittarius

7 01 2009

Saturn has terms at 19 to 25 degrees and face between 20 and 30 degrees of the Tropical sign of Sagittarius, with the other 19 degrees being peregrine. The elemental nature of Sagittarius is hot and humid, it is a fiery and moveable sign, while the humour of Saturn is that of melancholic.

One of the most noble Sagittarian Saturns was Mahatma Gandhi. This is the Saturn whose struggle to power and to Independence, the achievement of the Saturnine goal was made through the use of every benefit available and every gift from Jupiter, namely: non-violence based on religious and spiritual conviction, legal and political publishing and media coverage of his campaign and political fasting. His aims and ambitions were eventually successful because he listened to Jupiter, a Jupiter that does not hurt anyone, being a benific, a Jupiter that is completely generous, but one that is loud and gets his message across to touch and win people over from their hearts.

Like Pisces, Sagittarius Saturn is under the guidance of the greater benific Jupiter. And although on the surface the two planets seem like chalk and cheese, appear to be of opposite natures, that of expansion and contraction, that of enthusiasm and apathy, this is a misleading notion. For in the myth it was Jupiter (Zeus) who opposed his father Saturn (Cronus) in order to take over and govern the heavens. These deities are both in one sense associated with authority, with being the highest and most dignified of rulers. And so it should be noted that the Winter Solstice point occurs at zero Capricorn while the Midheaven (highest point) in an Equal House system is between the associated houses of these two planets, both of Jupiter and Saturn. In one sense Sagittarius represents the Ascent, or movement in an upwards direction, while Saturn on the other hand is the planet of being in that high place already and staying there. The idea is that this Saturn is propelled upwards and given luck in order to achieve his aims. And while this may be true, the reality is that this Saturn is peregrine, meaning he is not in his own land and is on the move, the most apt description for Sagittarius.

Saturn, while in Sagittarius is often asked to build solid foundations while on the move, while in a foreign land. This is easier said than done. Saturn requires respect, traditions, and a solid idea of who he is and what he does in relation to the community. As an immigrant gaining respect from the local people and either having or keeping traditional values, while adapting to those around him is not a natural thing to do for this planet and it feels alien quite often.

Sagittarius Jupiter also gives Saturn an upbringing and background with strong moral belief and strong tendencies towards belief systems, that Saturn as a realist and a melancholy soul is quite at odds with. The result is often that he will reject this idea, and like Pisces become a committed Atheist. However, this does not change the essence or attitude of Sagittarius Saturn, for he is likely to “preach” whether Atheist, or Believer, just the same. But there are many ways for Sagittarius Saturn to act and to behave, his undignified state is that of one who forces his point of view onto others, whether he is  forcing Liberalism and Freedom, or whether he is forcing deep conviction it amounts to the same.

When Saturn is essentially dignified in Sagittarius, his ideas and vision are given without prejudice. He adapts to other cultures and gives his all to them while integrating his own culture into it. Being once again in a fire sign, and similar to the debilities of Leo and Aries, Saturn is asked by Jupiter to find his higher self, his spiritual self, which is easier than in those other fire signs. Saturn is asked to show enthusiasm and to learn and travel, he is asked to have Faith, and vision.

One great Sagittarius Saturn was Che Guevara the revolutionary. His story is about travelling and learning about people directly, about his continent´s suffering and lack of opportunities and then standing up for them using a committed set of beliefs, that of Marxism, in order to bring hope and change. Now of course, his dreams of revolution bringing hope and “raising” people were fulfilled in Cuba, but not in the rest of South America. The eternal truth of the phrase “travel light” is denied with Saturn, who travels with everything he has, and travels seriously, making his life and his home, the road.

When dignified, Sagittarius Saturn develops tolerance, and a healthy happy attitude towards life, a faith in the future and avoids thinking negative thoughts, the game of Saturn in this sign is to have positivity, to have joy and spontaneity. Saturn will never gain happiness here by sitting still, through responsibility or professionalism, his needs will only be met if he does what´s asked of him by Jupiter.

Some People with Sagittarius Saturn: Mahatma Gandhi Andy Warhol, Edgar Allan Po, Che, Dvorak, Ernest Hemingway, Frederic Chopin, Gabriel Garcia Marquez