On the Path


Supernova when you close your Eyes

It’s difficult to pinpoint the exact astrological signature of any one event, though some are obviously easier to describe. The question I pose here is one of those which isn’t so clear cut, though I can offer some hypotheses in order to take a stab at where this blueprint is.

There are some, who search all their lives for “something”, and never find contentment, they read thousands and thousands of books, and travel an equal number of miles, both nautical and terrestrial, and they still don’t “FIND IT”.

I’ve spent a lengthy amount of time walking past it, day in day out, and one fair, fine day I walked in. I opened the door and simply walked into the garden of Eden, awed by the tree of life.

Planets which are terrestrial and rule over the personality, these are the traditional “inner planets”. Extra terrestrials include everything beyond Saturn. These have nothing to do with the personality. This is the point in the solar system where particles turn into waves.

The key to the door was having a peaceful spot, to practice the mantra. Not only peaceful, but beautiful, dazzled in Sun, surrounded by flowers that look like red and yellow flames. I might say that this is a Venusian picture of beauty and peace.

The primary accomplishment was to disengage from the ego, and the personality. It required some clean living, and discipline, so I can thank the long transit of Exalted Saturn for this. Once I desired nothing, it was easy to untangle myself from my-self.

Since this is primarily an “inner heaven” which I have found, I might thank Jupiter and Sun conjunct the IC. I progressed from living in mentality and rationality, to living in a different area. If the third rules the mind and the senses, then what is the fourth? It’s the core. So I travelled inside. Right into the heart.

Total Inversion

Spiritual realisation came from stopping on my current path, turning around and walking in the exact opposite direction. I’ve found purest consciousness. When I released myself from the word “I”, when thought became something that occurred around and in that person that I once “was”, it was possible to step out from my “body”.

Who can I thank for these mystical realisations? Pluto first brought me intense transformation, Neptune brought me transcendence, and Uranus hit me with the bolt of enlightenment.


Still a Demon

But, I am still here in this body. I still have desire and senses and thought and mind. What’s the state of my consciousness? Revelling in Nirvana. The only way to progress is the path of the Bodhisattva. Christ was temped by Satan himself. Where would I make a deal with the almighty evil one? I drive a pretty hard bargain normally, but if that one with the strong will and even stronger ego, came to me now, how could I resist it?

Keep Going

Keep doing the mantra and keep on  the path. Transcendence was found in a terrestrial place. But I now know that I don’t strictly need a place. Anywhere where I am, I can transcend. I’ve often wanted to travel, and I can do so now, without actually going anywhere.

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