Jupiter Taurus

4 10 2011

Traits of Jupiter in Taurus

Taurus is possibly the most cautious of all signs, the most realistic too. It’s also a sign which is able to enjoy sensual pleasure more than any other, because the sense of touch is heightened. Jupiter in Taurus in reality has no dignity, since Taurus is ruled both by Venus and Moon, both by domicile, triplicity and exaltation. The nature of Jupiter is enthusiasm, faith, expansion and long distance travelling, the nature of Taurus is staying in one place all through existence and watching the trees grow, and waiting for the good fruit to be ready. Jupiter in essence has little patience for Taurus caution, and patience and so is unhappy in this sign, generally speaking. Taurus Jupiter is the fine artist who paints quickly, literally throwing the paint onto the canvas, because it’s fun, the fine artist who maybe has got the patience, but would rather take chances on something new, the artist who paints on very large canvasses, but hasn’t got the time to focus on minute details. Taurus Jupiter has qualities which incline it towards pacifism, both sign and Planet do not appreciate violence, in fact violence is abhorrent to this placement. Having said this, it’s not to say that Taurus Jupiter is guaranteed peace, far from it, since this is peregrine Jupiter. Those with this placement though have something that they value and wish to protect, which is why they are motivated to bring about peace, financially it is fortunate, though not necessarily on ethical or moral grounds either, since banks do have ethics by nature.

Some people with Taurus Jupiter prominent include: Pablo Picasso, F.D. Roosevelt, Howard Hughs, Virginia Woolf, David Icke, Vladimir Lenin


Jupiter ruler of capitalism

Jupiter of itself has power over democracy and the capitalist system and it is easy to see that when Jupiter is doing well, western capitalism is also doing well, generally speaking. With the entrance of Sun into Sagittarius each year, western nations which celebrate the PAGAN festival of Christmas symbolised by a big fat man (Santa) who brings presents and puts them under a tree (Capricorn). Typically during the Capricorn phase trade dries up because all the money is spent during the preceding Sagittarius period, and Capricorn indeed requires total cutbacks and a sense of contraction in order to begin again, hence the January sales.

The forecast for 2011-2012

Jupiter goes direct in January, which will be a boon to the banks and to solid investments, because these are said to be Taurus institutions. Those who invested in “safe” investments such as gold, etc. should sell what they have during this period so as  to make a profit. The Taurus Jupiter period, which lasts until June 2012 provides some degree of financial stability in a system which is under the influence of altogether different and possibly more powerful and deep seated changes. If there was a time when capitalism dried up, it would be during Jupiter in Gemini, the detriment of this sign, and indeed if you look back to the financial crash of 1929, this placement was in effect. Gemini is of course all talk and no substance, Gemini has no faith, it relies on hard facts, and capitalism of the west is entirely driven by optimism and faith, gambling, which as stated above belong to Jupiter’s natural home, Sagittarius and Pisces. Interestingly right now is a great time for the artistic world with Jupiter in a sign which is slow and tedious and is able to create great masterpieces of not just painting, but sculpture too, since Taurus is a very physical sign. During this period, until June 2012, the banks will expand and financial services will have a certain amount of luck. The only problem with the direct station of Jupiter in January is that it is partile opposition to a Libra Saturn, since both these planets are in domicile of Venus and Venus is in Aquarius at this time, Saturn takes precedence. The financial expansion from the word go will be opposed, and the luck which the stock market has will be kept in check.

To Know the Future: And to Make it Happen

9 11 2009

There are pros and cons to Astrology. As a science or an art for those who are worried about the future it can give you some degree of control in life. There is a life written out in the birth chart, and there are events which are clearly explainable in the transits and progressions. Part of me wants to justify looking into the future and anticipating the future by saying that we “need to be prepared for it”, and that if one knows that it will definitely be raining a week on thursday, then one can buy a good coat and an umbrella, and not make plans for that day.

Last Saturday I saw the Sun transit my natal Scorpio Saturn with Mars closely square it. I knew from past experience that whenever this transit occurs, I have a bad time of it, whether I try to or don´t. I knew I should have stayed in and moped around the house, but I didn´t, I chose to go out and party, albeit with caution. The night was not fun, I drank too much tequila too quickly and I ended up at home by midnight anyway. When I woke up the next day, I was miserable, but I knew that the transits gave an aura of inevitability, that what I knew was going to happen, happened despite my enthusiasm and determination to ignore them.

What any “future seer” does not see and will never see, are that there are more possibilities than they can justifiably narrow down to make true predictions. Not only that, but in making predictions they are in fact modifying the outcome.

One thing that I have had admiration for, one thing that I have had a long-lasting desire to do in life, was to exploit potential to its full. What I mean by this, is that whatever a chart describes, one ought to try and flesh it out in life to its maximum possible potential. This I believe is something that the stars can help us with. If you know that a planet in a sign signifies the potential for something, for example Mercury in Gemini, then this very knowledge ought to be the impetus to exploit that planet to its fullest. With this placement it would be far better to read and to write extensively, to become knowledgable and mentally sound rather than to waste it on things that are not so useful, like gossip or magazines. That placement has potential for knowledge, and for intellect, the choice then is whether to use it in order to be cunning with people, or to use it in order to make yourself someone that is interesting to talk to.

To know what your future potential is, is one step to making a decision about what your future will actually be. For someone with a Libra Venus in the 1st house making decisions is not easy. Many different options go through the mind, both consciously and subconsciously, there are physical problems and there are psychological wounds, there are things that can hold you back in life and hinder you. But once you know the astrological signification of things, once you understand the nature and inevitability of what goes on in the Heavens, then it becomes easy to decide on what you want, because it is written in the chart anyway.

Personal chart analysis has taught me that things that I wanted to do, but couldn´t because of fear are possible no matter how much you are afraid of them. The fears that held me back can be described by Saturn in hard aspect to the Ascendant and to the Sun/Moon MP. But, take fear, turn it into seriousness and persistence, and everything that you are held back in becomes reality, you just have to want it, and will it. Sagittarius Jupiter in the 3rd house is the sign of a teacher, there is a stellium there too, but in essence the potential was there for me to teach enthusiastically in religious or higher education, in foreign parts, and I´ve done both and am currently teaching in University level. The first thought of being an English teacher may have been in school at age 15 or 16, so it has taken me ten whole years to crystallise the germ of that thought, and it may take me the rest of my life to exploit the potential of that planet to its fullest potential. The fears kept me back, but the potential, is something that I worked out about a year ago while studying astrology. I worked out that Sagittarius Jupiter in the 3rd house makes an excellent foreign language teacher placement. Virgo Mars in the 1st house means that I also look like the part, despite the disorganised mess that I have to fight every day in the form of Neptune square to it.

In the future, I can see further developments in life despite the inhibitions that Saturn has brought to my psyche. The planetary placings are more powerful than the fears that hold us back. What one desires in life, what one really wants in life is always going to be based in the heavens, and written in the chart. What I had given up on many times during that ten-year period, I had achieved  with progressed Sun conjunct progressed Jupiter illuminating the MC from the IC. Other things that have been difficult for me in the past, but that I have also had a desire for since an early age might be signified by Libra Venus. The simple meaning of this placement is a loving marriage or a beautiful wife, or a considerate but indulgent other half. The first house means that this is probably one of the most important things to me, or it is destined to be. This is an area of potential that I haven´t realised for the same reasons as the Jupiter potential not being realised. Fear and caution, inhibitions, not having enough faith in myself or in others. But this is an Angular and Cardinal placing, it is in domicile, and it is also in harmonious aspect. I can stop being fearful in relationships and begin to trust that the heavens have decreed that I am destined to have someone love me according to the nature of Venus in Libra.

Life contains a vast amount of pre-destiny. But the odd thing that I have found in a personal sense, is that what I have desired and wanted, for long enough, despite personal fear, has become reality. There are personal traumas, which I have gone through, and I din´t in a million years wish for them, but they were inevitable also, in a sense they were necessary in order to achieve the things that I had wished for. These little personal tragedies might be viewed now in retrospect like looking at the water in the sea-going out before a big tidal wave.

I might even go as far as to state that what you truly want in life, what you wish for and what you dream of, can be found in the natal chart. If it wasn´t written in there, you wouldn´t wish for it in the first place. The more Angular a planet the more conscious the dream will be, the more essentially dignified the more likely that the dream will be realised in the way that you want it, or in the way that is fitting to it.

In essence what I´m saying is that it is possible to get a clearer idea of potential from looking at a chart. But it´s when that potential is matched with real desire, that you can make things happen. Obviously there are things that are less easy to achieve, and the specifics of great achievement are probably only one in a hundred million, and may even be discernable by midpoints, and other tiny little details of a chart.   Those great achievements are not important, what is important to each individual varies, but what is important and desired in life ought to be prayed for, worked at, and brought about by will. Finding its potential in the chart is just one step to making it happen, but finding it in the chart is also like finding God´s seal of approval. Once you find that certain things are destined, you can stop worrying. (Or worry less if you have strong Virgo influences).

2010: The Next Ideology; the U.S.A. and the U.K. (Part III)

1 05 2009

It is an interesting fact that the 2010 grand configuration takes place on all of the cardinal points with sole exception of the Summer Solstice point, the degrees which span early Tropical Cancer. It is also an accepted fact that the USA´s natal chart has a stellium of Sun, Venus and Jupiter placed in the early degrees of Tropical Cancer where the blue ray of Sirius shined brightly in the late 18th century; not that the Zodiac has moved that many degrees through the cosmos since then.

So what does it mean? The 1930´s as in the first article I wrote on 2010, had in the sky above Pluto acting in configuration from the twentieth degree of Tropical Cancer which was in orb of USA´s natal Sun and natal Mercury. The early 1930´s T-Square was activating the United States 9th ruler and 10th ruler, with Pluto conjoined with those planets. The threat to America´s core belief systems of freedom and of their place in the world as described by 10th ruler Mercury is what was going on; and the conclusions which may be drawn from such a transit chart are that of drastic transformations involving core beliefs and place in the world, for if anything the result of 1931 and all that followed was to galvanise America into protecting freedom and democracy (9th house beliefs) and to become a true Superpower in the global arena; (10th house social standing and job). More proof of this Pluto focus is described perfectly by Mercury as ruler of 7th house; for 1931 brought America new enemies and Allies. The 1931 transits were not easy for the USA; for the conjunction of Pluto although bringer of massive power and change does not do it gently or kindly in the abrasive conjunction aspect.

1966 is the following grand configuration that we can say for certain that helped America. There is no question that the late 1960´s transit was not at all hard for USA; for on one side Saturn trines both US 9th ruler and 10th+7th ruler which on the other side from the 9th house the Uranus-Pluto conjunction formed a highly creative sextile to America´s public image. Can we say that the last four decades of the twentieth century have been hard on America? In fact the exact opposite is true, those decades have been the most successful, innovative, and stable, up to and including the first decade of the 21st century.

Some of the reasons for the United States´alliance with the U.K. are to do with the 1801 U.K. Cancer Moon at 20 degrees tropical Cancer. For both the 1930´s and 1960´s configurations pivoted on this area, and since the United Kindom´s Midheaven ruler is in fact that Cancer Moon, it goes without saying that the power and social standing of both nations are tied together both by natally predisposed similarities at certain degrees in tropical Cancer as well as the transits of the twentieth century which were both powerful to begin with and then harmonious and power-giving.

There is no question that the United Kingdom in 2010 and thereafter will undergo major shifts and changes akin to an Earthquake. However, it is through the proximity to the natal Sun ruler of 11th house of friendships in the house of communications, brothers, sisters and cousins. Those changes for the U.K. are likely to be in the form of tidal waves coming from friends, from political and social interests that the U.K. has always been a part of. Some of this may indeed be the Commonwealth, it may be through N.G.O´s it may be through political wrangling in bigger social groups such as the United Nations, and it is highly likely to be through Europe, without a doubt through Europe, which represents to the United Kingdom a real 11th house social threat to its existence.

However, the transits of 2010 are taking place on the Ascendant ruler of the United States of America, with Pluto not placed in abrasive conjunction (indicating power given), but in abrasive opposition; which is more likely to be indicative of a rivalry and challenge to its power, in the most brutal way imaginable. This Pluto in America´s 1st house is likely to indicate that whatever destructive power that emerges does not come from the other side of the chart, the Western quarter, indicating foreign enemies, but from within. The fact is that America really has no enemies that can rival it in 2009, the closest to an enemy that America can call “an enemy” of freedom is a country that America could bomb in a fortnight and leave completely flattened. The text-book comparison to be made is the Roman Republic; there were no true rivals to Rome circa the 1st century A.D. and hence in those years it was Romans who challenged and fought amongst themselves, as all enemies had in fact been subjugated.

The United States´ Venus Jupiter conjunction is the focus of 2010. All outer planets will be configured in hard aspect to these Cardinal points. It is in the U.S.A. that changes will be occurring. It is in the U.S.A. that the next decades of History will be formed with the events and people that act during the 2010 MEGA T-Square that shall rock the world. In this prediction I am certain. In this prediction; that there is something coming next year that will set the scene for the next decades or more I am certain. 1931 was simply a victory for totalitarianism in Eastern Europe, while 1966 was simply the crescendo of Western Capitalism, and of innovation, consumerism made available to the masses, with the West being an easier place to live than the East, though the East still sharing in that stability.

It is likely that Public Health, and daily running of the U.S. will be damaged or put under immense pressure in 2010, with Venus closest to the aspect pattern, also 11th house rulership of friends, and political groups, as well as all “humanitarian” or social enterprises shall in a mundane sense also be in the spotlight, since Venus desposits 11th house in the 4th July 1776 chart. But the point which is most important and the point with which no prediction of certainty can be made is that of Ascendant and IC ruler Jupiter at 5 degrees of Cancer coming under the most abrasive and challenging aspects.

With such strong and completely destructive transits, it would be easy to predict, “the demise” or the end of America; however, the astrology doesn´t really support this view. America´s power and standing in the world, is represented by both Saturn and Mercury, planets that have control over America´s MC. These planets are unafflicted by the 2010 transit. So it would be fair to say that in one sense, America may in fact continue with its role in the world, with the same standing with nations, with the same “job”, with the same career and goals. The Ascendant ruler and 4th ruler are a more fundamental part of the picture. The aspects that take place will be threatening the “body”, or appearance of America, the basic personality, the people, and the Fathers and History of the nation (4th house); it may be possible to add; the land, the foundations, the cities and buildings and homes (4th house) ruler in Cancer, with more emphasis on home and structures which are domestic in nature.

Ascendant ruler under threat does signify the “life” of a person, and of a nation also. It may well be that America changes its constitution, affecting that special (4th house) inhertitance and family tradition. It may well be that the image of America and self concept of the people changes, new technology represented by Uranus transiting America´s 4th house will with out a doubt be brought into the public arena.

Uranus-Pluto-Saturn-Jupiter 2010: The Next Ideology (Part II-Neptune)

12 12 2008

Astrology, like any subject of knowledge requires a lot of research and a lot of patient going through the facts, going through the past. In this installment concerned with the T-Square alignment of 2010 I am going to give my predictions in the way in which most Astrologers operate with regard to keeping secret their technique of prediction. Already in Part I part of this reasoning has already been explained. Part II is not going to focus on charts or on the aspect patterns, but rather on the facts, on tangible things. To me it is a test also because in two years time I the one making predictions, shall be probably looking back at these thoughts and thinking how I did not foresee certain things which were obvious.

In the light of the previous analysis of the 2010 Zeitgeist, (Spirit of the Age and nothing more) several things have been brought to attention. The first is that when outer planets involved with Saturn are aspecting each other politics in the world are affected. When Pluto and Uranus both are involved in aspect with Saturn the change is highly significant for the human race as a whole. But I don´t want to give away all the pieces just yet.

The alignment of 2010 changes the entire world. It is in terms of specific and daily events unremarkable, because daily events are unremarkable. 2010 in fact is the reason why Astrology has an amazing flavour to it, because it allows the student to anticipate the future and the incredible and unbelievable things that are about to take place.

The truth of the matter is that like the 1966 event, 2010 in the context of my writing at this point in the analysis is not going to be stupidly different from 2009 or 2008 the same way that 1966 and 1967 were similar to each other. People have jobs, they have lives, they have ideas and relations with other people, countries have institutions, they have buildings which have lasted over a 1000 years and some of them double or triple that.


There are two possibilities here: One is that cultural ideas will change, the other is that they will continue roughly as the have been since 1966.

Culturally, if the decades following 2010 will be Aquarian in nature, marked by the isolated presence of Neptune in Aquarius in the 2010 world chart. The spirit of equality, the idea of group think will be the fashion. Films about robots in love, music that samples the antiquarian is the fashion of the Aquarian. Aquarius is the “post-modern” sign, the idea with Aquarius is to go through all experiences, all emotions, to provide a medium for the experience and knowledge, but then to step back from it and look at it coldly. Equality is the cultural lexicon of the new era, but an equality which is simply based on equality of knowledge, freedom of knowledge.

This knowledge in the form of ideal Neptune is however, isolated from the matrix of the aspect grid. The significance is that cultural patterns, and what people are doing, what is written about, what is sung about, what the film makers make for TV and Cinema, what people do for escapism will have nothing at all to do with the political formation taking place. This is to say that the T-Square takes place but Neptune is left out in the cold.

One effect of this is that there will be no such thing as “the swinging 60´s” in the terms of it being a cultural revolution of sorts. There will be no “Victorian Age” known for its writers, for its cultural output of Art, Science, of ideas, of illusion, poetry and music that Neptune gave to the 1850 aspect grid from the most spiritual sign Pisces.

Neptune´s absence indicates that this new era will not be “softened” by its subtle glow, by its slightly mysterious, deceitful, enticing and spiritual presence. What it does mean on the other hand is that the political structure will either be away from the global “super-conscience” which Neptune does signify and thus remain out of the common people´s reach, out of our ability to criticise, to write protest songs about, or to support it through our artistic or cultural endeavours.

Despite these assertions there is again room for more manoeuvre. Because Neptune´s placement in Aquarius is strong, it may be possible that cultural change will not be occurring, this in fact appears to be in place since the 1966 aspect in which Neptune was involved. That Neptune was a Scorpio Neptune influenced by planets in Virgo and Pisces. It is possible that Scorpio will continue to be the cultural lexicon to which people live their lives until the next great aspect.

If Neptune is left out of this configuration, this can mean that Aquarius Neptune really does not figure at all in the next Ideology. Because politics will change while the emotional streams in which people live are not revolutionised at all. If we take Aquarius, then the obvious growth of the mass media and Internet group-think is the hallmark of the new Era. It might just mean that people are left on the outside and happy to have nothing to do with it whatsoever. Or on the other hand Scorpionic 60´s sex revolution, drugs, rock and roll, emotional and obsessive cultural trends which are related from gangs and drug associated violence to mental illness, to James Bond, the most Scorpionic 60´s icon with a gun, everything that informs our norms, ideals, accepted behaviour, or what is held in the context of the World´s Neptune will continue to develop along the lines of Scorpio.

So because of Neptune´s isolation ironically in Aquarius, it is possible that there will be no new cultural change. There is none that seems to be occurring now, films and music are of the same style of consciousness that they have now been for 40 years, and they are not likely to change within two years, because there is nothing “new” now the way there really was “new” in previous Eras. If there is, it will be Aquarian, it will be intellectual, and of a friendly, airy nature. If the new Era is to be an Aquarian Neptune phase, then Bond must die and be replaced by a different cultural hero which befits Aquarius and not Scorpio.

Uranus-Pluto-Saturn-Jupiter 2010: The Next Ideology (Part I)

6 10 2008

Some of the things that I present to you in this little exploration of the planetary aspect pattern which is currently forming above our heads will not be socially acceptable for you. What I am going to suggest here will send you either fuming with indignation, or phoning up the anti-defamation league or amnesty international, or calling the government in protest of the ideas which are presented in this highly subversive article. If I were to be honest with you, I don’t care. I have as a natal trait the wonderfully free chart ruler Mercury conjunct Uranus in Sagittarius in  the house of communications. What’s more is that Mercury is parallel Jupiter and Neptune, which means that my ideas here will be influenced by the benevolent ray of Jupiter in his own sign as well as a sympathetic Neptune. Because of these aspects in the TRUTH orientated Sagittarius, I will protest that my interest is not in promoting any ideology, nor deriding any, my interest here is in truth and seeing clearly the events which are to follow. Being Sagittarian to this degree, I am inclined towards belief in good and a moral and benevolent ideology, which has sympathy towards animals as well as people, but this is as far as my bias goes.


The configurations in the sky do not affect one nation, or one people. The patterns in the celestial sphere create and destroy patterns which are copied on Planet Earth with the simple determinism of seeds being planted on fertile ground germinating and producing fruit. They impel of course they impel, but when a seed is planted, watered and given the right amount of sunlight, nutrition, and warmth, it is fairly easy to say that you will be reaping what you have sown. This article is interested in finding out whether the heaven’s seed are about to fall on stony ground, and whether those seeds might just contain a few weeds among them.

The Last Ideology:1966

Now, down to business. Uranus and Pluto were conjoined in longitudinal degrees during the late 1960’s everyone knows this and a few people may also be aware that they were simultaneously opposed by a beleaguered Saturn in Pisces and eventually given a winning hand from Jupiter as he traversed late Virgo after that opposition. The Ideology however, is what we are after. Several ideological structures came out of the late 1960’s which were previously not in circulation. Some of the things which are thought of as being created during that era are women’s power, as well as civil rights for minorities. These are big things, big ideas with big laws that were passed in order to support those people, and there is nothing wrong there as far as I can see. This was one of the great movements of progress of the 20th Century. 1966 marks the T-Square of these planets with Jupiter sadly detrimented in Gemini, with Saturn in Pisces and with Uranus and Pluto conjoined in Virgo. It is this moment in time which has been the beginning of the Era of late 20th Century and early 21st Century, politics, and social modes existence, the social rules were in effect changed in 1966, which does mark the watershed moment.

Why was this ideological structure developed in the way it was? The reason is not in the noble ideas of equality and dignity of humanity, nor in the progression of the rights of anyone, but in the power structure of Empire. The real motivating force for these changes was historical. For an empire to exist there needs to be social cohesion. Social cohesion in the Western World was only possible through these bills of rights and social movements, which were in effect damaging to the structures of traditional Religion, signified by Jupiter in Gemini being defeated by the other stronger planets in materialistic and analytical Virgo, and a Saturn in Pisces which is reminiscent of power structures that are torn in two directions.

In essence the 1966 alignment allowed for social cohesion and the economic freedom in vast untapped numbers of the Western population, namely women’s economic power, befitting the Virgo symbolism of a Woman associated with service and harvest. the main focus of Virgo is that everything has a place and a worth, and the simple economics of this placing has allowed the economic materialism due to the nature of the Earth element to empower a Western Empire which is constant in its adaptation and has no centralised power structure but various co-operating structures, which again is part of the nature of those three mutable signs, Pisces, Virgo and Gemini, with emphasis on materialism and Mercurial thought over the Piscean and Sagittarian belief, sacrificed for the economic power structure. And all of course based on that key logical yet completely anti-spiritual Ideology of the 1966 T-Square.

Note: Although Neptune is not directly involved in the T-Square aspect pattern, Neptune however, does confer its particular power from Scorpio, and this is where the association of the ‘sixties with Sex and Sexual Revolution comes from, due solely to Neptune in Scorpio, nothing to do with Mars, or Pluto. The Neptunian energy manifests itself mainly in music, art and cultural pursuits including drugs.

Ideology formed and given power: 1931

Now we go one more step back in the 20th Century, we come to the ideology which was formed and crystallised in 1931. How can you not look to Germany? Saturn, Pluto and Uranus were T-Square in Cardinal signs during this year with the Sun conjoining as close a matrix as possible on July the 13th of that year. Now the Sun in this aspect pattern gives the show a big star. Most people will immediately say, Adolf Hitler!! Ah, what intuition! But they would be wrong the heavens have scattered several big stars all across the globe, certainly he was one of the stars of that Era, but we have other big house hold names like Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill, all of which actually managed to hold power in their own countries for as long as Mr Hitler, if not a lot longer. These men were all sensitive Cancerian types, Father figures who were fighting for the preservation of their homelands. Can you get a better description of Pluto conjunct Sun in Cancer?

So, what was the ideology which existed between 1931 and 1966? This ideology was based on the darkness of Saturn in Capricorn and the impulse of destruction and creation, of Uranus in Aries.  Even after the War, it was the “Cold War” a rather befitting term for Saturn in Capricorn, whose nature inclines towards low energy, though with a tenacity and talent for persistence and survival. The Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall are powerful symbolism of this placement, how much more evidence is needed to show that the Era of thirty five years was commenced in 1931, even after the demise of the fascist Bogey man of all time.

Note: Mars, although not directly involved in the T-Square aspect pattern is however, powerfully connected in virgo with Sun, Saturn and even Uranus through an Inconjunct aspect. Mars although outside of the matrix which is the Era creation is however so involved that it is impossible to separate his energetic and agressive influence. Indeed looking at History it is easy to see how Mars even in 1931 in this aspect grid was influencial, with Uranus in Aries, it is necessary to view the dispositor, Mars.

1903 (note: not a Saturn configuration, though still powerful technologically)

This year is also a marker of Uranus-Pluto forming a T-Square with another outer planet, Jupiter. This is though, an exception to the Ideological Structures and 1903 really belongs to the matrix of 1851. Because this is Jupiter it is not the powerful social rule creating, politically fueled force that involves Saturn. On September the 12 1903, the Sun plugs into this T-Square to form a grand cross. 1903 is significant for other reasons. Shortly after the Grand Cross of September the 12, Orville Wright makes the first combustion engine powered flight, the USA begin to expand with the instigation of rebellion and eventual control of Panama. During this period Edward VII became King of England and Emperor of the British Empire, so 1903 loosely coincides with the transferal of power, though for the true ideological Era it is necessary to look back further.


The 24th of October 1851 marks the beginning of an Era which ended not in 1903, but in 1931, this is a period of eighty years. The T-Square of 1851 is a bit of an understatement. In the early degrees of Taurus and late Aries a stellium lined up to include Pluto, Saturn and Uranus. This alone marked the beginning of an Era, the beginning of an ideology and the chronocrator of a time period which saw the height of the British Empire and the almost total domination in true Taurus style of most of the world’s land mass by one Empire. On the other side of this stellium is to be found another stellium of Moon, Sun, Jupiter, and Venus. Those personal planets signify a family united under a bright star a king and emperor in the most powerful sign at the first degree of Scorpio symbolising the beginning the Empire. Mars of course in the sign of Leo shows that it was the Nation whose symbol of military strength was indeed three Lions and has Lion imagery in every crest and seal.

Ideologically the period starting in 1851 was one in which the Fixed signs dominated, with Scorpio and Taurus as feminine signs of both power and cultural creation it was a time in which a strict code of law was in force, a cultural ideology based on wealth and industrial power took hold, the rise of a bourgeois middle class with great power in not only the British houses of Parliament, but in the nations of Europe and America as well as in Asia with Japanese imperialism based on industrial and monetary growth. There is nothing that symbolises this as a time marker more than the opening of THE GREAT EXHIBITION OF THE WORKS OF INDUSTRY OF ALL NATIONS in the Crystal Palace, Hyde Park in of course London, which ran for most of that year.

The accepted norms of society though are what we are looking for, the equivalent of 1930’s Fascism and 1960’s Feminism was 1850’s, this is an Era which is determined by strict social rules and stability, by respect for tradition, by love of culture, of literature, music, and religion, with the Uranus, Pluto and Saturn Stellium between the last degree of Aries and the early degrees of Taurus. The Scorpio inner family symbolised a unity of a central family which could not be better described better than by the enduring family of Queen and Empress Victoria at the centre of this Ideology, and not surprising that it is now known as the “VICTORIAN AGE.”

Note: Neptune is connected to this aspect pattern, though slightly wide from making a sextile to Pluto and Saturn, it does slide into a wedge with Uranus and the family of inner planets in Trine on the other side. So to note, some of the greatest cultural achievements in Literature, Art and Music were achieved during this Era. Even beginning in the 1850’s Dickens was writing his great works, as were the other great authors and composers of the second half of the 19th Century. That Pisces Neptune must be interpreted in terms of spiritual accompaniment durning this period, great Religious fervour and belief, in spite of the developing ideas of the times like Darwinism, Marxism and Science. This Neptune in Pisces as always symbolises two fish swimming in opposite directions, two fish who both have belief, and in retrospect these fish are both Religions and Sciences.


On the 17th December 1819 a Square took place involving Pluto and Saturn in Pisces, (Chiron also) with Uranus and Neptune forming a stellium with Sun and Moon in Sagittarius. There are some ways in which this was a greater Era creator than the 1851 alignment. Namely Neptune is involved in the alignment, though the energy and buoyancy of Jupiter and Mars are omitted with the result that this alignment was in many ways a silent, velvet revolution in World Thought. There are numerous world writers who were born during this period, Fyodor Dostoevski, Anne Bronte, and George Eliot as well as Charles Dickens give or take a couple of years are a few, and the writings which they eventually wrote were highly religiously inclined with huge spiritual involvement, all due to the effect of this Pisces, Sagittarius alignment.

Some events of this alignment are the beginning of George IV’s reign, as well as the end of the Napoleonic Wars with a return to the traditional establishment, to the traditional mode of belief, which the French Revolution as well as the American Revolution had threatened. South America became a free enterprise in the year 1819 with the proclamation of Gran Colombia.


This year is very different from all other alignments of the nature which are under scrutiny in this article. The planets Uranus, Pluto along with Sun-Moon conjoining in Sagittarius on the 13th December of 1792 form a Kite aspect pattern. This alone fulfils the criteria of a powerful aspect pattern involving the said planets although the sextiles are fairly weak on there own they are in a powerful alignment. To note also, Jupiter forms a T-Square with the Pluto-Uranus opposition though does not link up with Saturn.

The events of the years between 1792 and 1819 are well chronicled. Franch becomes a scene of Revolution, with much upheaval and bloodshed, it also forges ahead with new ideas and experiments with different forms of governance but does inevitably become an Atheistic Empire on the rampage under Napoleon Bonaparte.

But of course the events in the Heavens were not just taking place over France. Britain and Germany saw a cultural revolution in the name of a Poetic movement now known as ROMANTICISM. And not only were these poets writing their subversive texts, there really was fear in the rest of Europe of Revolution taking place because of the unparalleled social change of this Era. The Kite formation is a pattern which is made for movement, for travel and like the actual physical kite its symbolism can be seen in this period in the name of great movement, upheaval and excitement, as if whole nations were able to fly and metaphorically, France did just this.


The only true link up between Uranus, Pluto and Saturn with an acceptable orb and acceptable strength of power took place in 1648 and 1649 and involved Uranus in conjunction with Neptune on 27th February 1649. Saturn, True Node and Pluto were conjoined together in Gemini in opposition with the Uranus and Neptune placement in Sagittarius. The Sun and Mercury formed a Grand Cross with Moon and Mars in opposition in Virgo.

1649 begun the Era which lasted until 1819. This period of time was begun with the execution of King Charles I, the killing of the King, God’s representation on Earth had never been done before, but was done by Parliamentarians, whose logic was founded in the power of Pluto conjunct Saturn in Gemini. It is hard going back so far to make an estimation of the cultural and social values of this time period. During this period John Milton was writing Paradise Lost and supporting Republicanism, in an age of total Monarchy.

The Grand Cross in mutable signs confers a great struggle between on the one hand Gemini materialism and logical thought and on the other side Sagittarian orthodoxy. This is a struggle which lasted until 1819 which seems to have marked a brief period of all embracing Religious Faith until the 1851 alignment.

© https://nightssky.wordpress.com 2008.

Pluto in Scorpio

2 10 2008

The generation that is born with this placement is born into corruption. This generation however is present on this Earth at this point in time and will wield power. These are the people who bring renewal to humanity and purge it of its ills, of its inherent badness. Pluto in Scorpio is said to be the purest form of Pluto’s manifestation, it is said to be coloured by no tainted glass and no other planetary ray that disturbs its pure expression.

Pluto sees falseness in everything, anything that is remotely artificial will be exposed for itself. Pluto in Scorpio has opposite in the Zodiac Venus in Taurus. Pluto’s quest is to see through the flesh which Venus in Taurus represents. Venus’s falseness is its attachment to material life, to things that it can touch, see and sense, and it becomes so embroiled in its own beauty and ideas of its own attractiveness that it becomes corrupt and proud like Leo. Pluto is there to make Venus see that love consists of more than physical pleasure.

Venus is the planet that is most associated with love, and this is true, Venus has the ability to give and to receive also. But what Venus misses out on is that love can and in fact must not be dependant on physical existence. Venus in the 2nd house is so used to getting what she wants that she becomes blind as to what others needs might be. Pluto in Scorpio is aware that there is a collective humanity and just as pride is sacrificed in Aquarius, in Scorpio Pluto sacrifices physical pleasure and ego.

The thing with Pluto is that it knows what is real. When you are not seeing human beings the way you ought to and interacting the way you ought to, when you do not value life the way it ought to be valued, Pluto will bring you down from your pedestal. Pluto will only bring down because you have elevated yourself. If you are humble already and Pluto makes his transit, not that much should happen, just a reminder and a renewal of that truth of love and emotional existence which is the basis of us all.

Pluto is the higher truth, the deeper meaning, it can bring out your own hatred and fear, but these essentially belong to you and not Pluto. Pluto is here to make you see that life is based on love and acceptance and that ego, and vanity are things which get in the way of seeing that truth.

The more your ego is out of line with the reality and truth of love and equality in the face of Nature, then the more suffering is waiting for you, because Pluto doesn’t know how else to bring down that ego, without threatening its death.

McCain vs. Obama

28 09 2008

This game is all about personality and very little about actual policy. It has always been like this. Since when does any politician ever do what they say? Things always come up, and the people in power do what they can to try and handle it. So, what do you need to be President of the United States of America, apart from helpful friends hidden in the halls and chambers of power? Personality.

Natal Chart Analysis

McCain has Libra rising with 1st house ruler Venus placed in its Fall in Virgo in the 12th house. This is a very poor placement for the individual person. However, this Venus is in Mutual reception with Mercury. Which means that much of the trouble is averted and the poor placement of Venus is greatly elevated. In some respects this is a fine combination because Mercury in Libra will consider and be very diplomatic, while Venus in Virgo will have an excellent grasp of the facts while also being a very good analyst.

One thing that is interesting with McCain’s chart is the position of Uranus in Taurus, the planet’s supposed Fall sign. This is in line with the conservative nature of the man although it does not deny him Uranian characteristics, because his natal Sun is in a trine with the planet. Venus’s opposition of Saturn from the natal sixth house is a sign of steadfastness and solidness. Generally this is a very hard aspect signifying toughness in love, and a cold unfeeling nature. The Capricorn Moon confirms this.

Barack Obama has a dignified Saturn and a dignified Sun. Chart ruler is Uranus and Saturn. Uranus is placed in Leo, which is its detriment. These two planets are inconjunct, which is a powerful sign that Obama is able to link up traditional forces with forward thinking and a changing world. Obama has natal Sun placed in the 6th house square Neptune, G.W. Bush has Sun square Neptune. So let’s not fool ourselves into believing that Mr Obama is any less capable of deception, or being deceived by forces and powers, (Neptune in Scorpio in 9th house of politics,) which may want to use him for their own ends.

Mars and War

Both Obama and McCain have a prominent Mars. McCain has Mars placed in the 10th house which reverberates with his military background. That Mars is also in an exuberant trine with Sagittarius Jupiter and a tense square with Uranus. If elected McCain may see more hostile action as the leader of the most powerful nation on Earth.

Obama’s natal Mars is placed in Virgo (like G.W. Bush) but it is strongly held in check by a very strong Saturn trine in Earth signs. The only other possible problem for Obama’s Mars is the semi-square with that Scorpio Neptune. There could be actions which are taken on misinformation or for the wrong reasons again. Obama’s Mars is placed in the Angular 7th house making it accidentally dignified, yet it is also fairly close to the cusp of the 8th house signifying actions which bring about death and destruction. Either way, both charts pose their own particular set of circumstances and problems.

Horary and Dignity

27 09 2008

I have found myself looking at horary charts recently and saying to myself, if it’s a possible no then it’s a definite no, and if it’s a possible yes, it’s probably no just as well. The truth is that you only really ask a horary question if you want something or someone that is apparently out of reach, something that you believe you have only an outside chance with and something that almost always only exists in the realm of your own fantasy.

I have found recently that each time I ask a question, I am represented as a planet in either its fall, or its detriment, or by Saturn placed in the eighth house. Often the significator of what I most want in life is not far off, translating light towards me through a third party, making an aspect after about 10 more degrees and usually dignified.

What does this signify? The pattern emerges. What I am asking for is dignified, strong, is even sympathetic towards me, whether it be an idea a job, or a person. But I am not happy. I am in a permanent mess. I am the one who possesses no dignity, in a place where I don’t want to be and unhappy with my own self. This is what the significator of the 1st house placed in detriment signifies.

Natal Chart

Sometimes it is hard to accept the unacceptable. Not just sometimes, most of the time. Life is not going to ever be the way you want it to be, and the horary method will only compound what is already written in the natal chart. If in your natal chart the Ascendant ruler is placed in detriment or fall, then this is an indication that the life of the person who owns the chart will be a miserable affair. The person will not be where they want to be, they will be driven by unhappiness right the way through until the end. It doesn’t mean that they won’t succeed in anything in life, but it does mean they will always be weak in some respect, always rely on someone else to help them along.