Chart Readings

Come to my facebook page

It would help to just send me your charts, natal, horary whatever. If you can attach the chart in a message or post it, I would be glad to take a look. Tell me about yourself, and I’ll interpret depending on how interesting you are. I was busy the last couple of years doing a Masters and working, but now I’ve got more time.


3 responses

11 03 2011
O-Sha-Wa Na-Qut

hmmmm….the spirit of Capitalism…and the soul of Socialism? or is it good vs evil? or is it just the devils deception that confuses you? that is my question about Man kind!

11 05 2016
Ginger Opal

I am very impressed with the depth and breadth of your astrology knowledge. I appreciate your approach to astrology, and i enjoy your writing. I would like a reading! Is Facebook the only way to go about contacting you for readings, now?

16 08 2017
Night Sky

I’ve updated my “chart reading” page. So you can ask for a reading now.

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