Enya and her Neptune

21 06 2021

My primary reason for writing this is to say, Enya, if you ever read this. Thanks for your existence, you connected me with something very special which comes out in your music, singing and voice.

Firstly Enya, you have Neptune on the MC, this is in a t-square with your Mars and Jupiter, ASC lord. This is ultimately the driving force of your career and music and also your image. But it signifies something a bit more than that. It means you have embodied and manifested the Neptune principle more than anything in your life, often with great sacrifice.

So, what is that Neptune principle? It of course the spiritual / religious desire for unity with God, with transcendence, seeking out connections which are invisible without deep meditation. A sensitivity and need for something greater than the daily drudgery of life. A greater, more beautiful thing. These are the things which are found in our religion, but can be expressed in music, and art too. You are not the first Neptunian and not the last but you did touch me, showed me something.

Enya’s Neptune is semi-square her ASC to boot! This makes her appearance and personal traits a bit more mysterious, beautiful, sensitive. But it is not just about that, it is the interaction of the self, represented by the ascendant interacting and seeking out the ideals of beauty and higher truth which Neptune is all about.

OK Enya, you are a Uranian too. Uranus square Sun and ASC lord in Aquarius. That comes forth in the music, in a form of quirkiness, jumpiness, beat which in some ways breaks the normality. This aspect makes you the most original of people. But this is not the focus of this discussion. Though one more thing I would add in this digression is to complement you on your classiness and grace. So many successful musicians lower themselves by revealing too many things, too many opinions, too much skin, too much of everything. This is one more element of why you are worth these words.

The Taurus Sun trine a domicile Capricorn Saturn has brought out a solid person with a great deal of dignity, more than anyone in this area. Enya, though you are championed by those who call themselves “new age”, supposedly in a break with the past, you are a thorough and deep conservative. You live in a castle, a very traditional, defensive position I want to ask you, if at any moment while you walk around in your humble dwelling, if you ever fantasize that you are living in a different century, perhaps the 14th century and at any moment troubadours, knights and maidens will begin dancing to flute music in your great hall. No, actually this nonsense about the new age is really a desire for a spiritual reality that existed in the past only and cannot exist in a world of extreme sanitization, plastic and convenience.

Back to Neptune and Moon. Actually Moon is on your DSC which is in Gemini. So here is the extremely feminine, in an intellectual way aspect. Moon on the DSC is probably the second more important position after Neptune on your MC. What does it mean? It means you are sensitive and caring and Moon here allows you to shine your feminine light on others symbolized by the DSC.

Enya, I respect your dignity and privacy which is why I did not talk about your biography. But you touched me deep with your music, so I have the need to reply to that. How about me? I have Neptune conjunct my IC, and square my ASC, with Mars square that Neptune on that ASC. And Neptune trine Moon. What does that mean? It means I have a well of spirit springing up from within. It is not expressed in my career much. But it is an area of awareness.

Neptune acting in the right way allows us to see breathtaking beauty, and happiness. I am still my my journey with Neptune. But in terms of my education on the subject. I would say that the highest is only achieved with sacrifice of any other areas of ego, pride. Otherwise it becomes a projection of deception. When we utilize this higher dimension of love in the service of personal ego or pride, the mystery can be used to deceive others and gain a following. Those fools are deceived by their own lack of awareness. And the deceiver is self deceived through being convinced of having some special power over the others, but it is obviously not true as all humans will die. The ego and self must be in service to the higher dimension. Only then is that beauty of that heavenly realm revealed.

Enya if you ever read this, I hope your beautiful soul is forever joyous and singing. You touched me, many years ago, and I rediscover you yesterday and I felt like saying it. I don’t often pray for people I don’t know, but your dignity is without compare and you soul comes out in your music. And it touched me, so I would pray for you and I hope to somehow integrate my Neptune and spread the love and beauty that it signifies like you have. I pray for the world not to take the mark of the beast, as in book of revelation, and pray you will be one of those who refuses it. All the best. Remember those who would save themselves shall lose their lives and those who would lose their lives for my sake will be saved. Neptune without ego deception will be able to discern these words. Whereas Neptune involved in self-deception through selfish ego, greed and fear will be taken in. The Father or Lies is now full throttle right now in this world. I pray for the sensitive souls to get into fasting and prayer now.



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