Jupiter Taurus

4 10 2011

Traits of Jupiter in Taurus

Taurus is possibly the most cautious of all signs, the most realistic too. It’s also a sign which is able to enjoy sensual pleasure more than any other, because the sense of touch is heightened. Jupiter in Taurus in reality has no dignity, since Taurus is ruled both by Venus and Moon, both by domicile, triplicity and exaltation. The nature of Jupiter is enthusiasm, faith, expansion and long distance travelling, the nature of Taurus is staying in one place all through existence and watching the trees grow, and waiting for the good fruit to be ready. Jupiter in essence has little patience for Taurus caution, and patience and so is unhappy in this sign, generally speaking. Taurus Jupiter is the fine artist who paints quickly, literally throwing the paint onto the canvas, because it’s fun, the fine artist who maybe has got the patience, but would rather take chances on something new, the artist who paints on very large canvasses, but hasn’t got the time to focus on minute details. Taurus Jupiter has qualities which incline it towards pacifism, both sign and Planet do not appreciate violence, in fact violence is abhorrent to this placement. Having said this, it’s not to say that Taurus Jupiter is guaranteed peace, far from it, since this is peregrine Jupiter. Those with this placement though have something that they value and wish to protect, which is why they are motivated to bring about peace, financially it is fortunate, though not necessarily on ethical or moral grounds either, since banks do have ethics by nature.

Some people with Taurus Jupiter prominent include: Pablo Picasso, F.D. Roosevelt, Howard Hughs, Virginia Woolf, David Icke, Vladimir Lenin


Jupiter ruler of capitalism

Jupiter of itself has power over democracy and the capitalist system and it is easy to see that when Jupiter is doing well, western capitalism is also doing well, generally speaking. With the entrance of Sun into Sagittarius each year, western nations which celebrate the PAGAN festival of Christmas symbolised by a big fat man (Santa) who brings presents and puts them under a tree (Capricorn). Typically during the Capricorn phase trade dries up because all the money is spent during the preceding Sagittarius period, and Capricorn indeed requires total cutbacks and a sense of contraction in order to begin again, hence the January sales.

The forecast for 2011-2012

Jupiter goes direct in January, which will be a boon to the banks and to solid investments, because these are said to be Taurus institutions. Those who invested in “safe” investments such as gold, etc. should sell what they have during this period so as  to make a profit. The Taurus Jupiter period, which lasts until June 2012 provides some degree of financial stability in a system which is under the influence of altogether different and possibly more powerful and deep seated changes. If there was a time when capitalism dried up, it would be during Jupiter in Gemini, the detriment of this sign, and indeed if you look back to the financial crash of 1929, this placement was in effect. Gemini is of course all talk and no substance, Gemini has no faith, it relies on hard facts, and capitalism of the west is entirely driven by optimism and faith, gambling, which as stated above belong to Jupiter’s natural home, Sagittarius and Pisces. Interestingly right now is a great time for the artistic world with Jupiter in a sign which is slow and tedious and is able to create great masterpieces of not just painting, but sculpture too, since Taurus is a very physical sign. During this period, until June 2012, the banks will expand and financial services will have a certain amount of luck. The only problem with the direct station of Jupiter in January is that it is partile opposition to a Libra Saturn, since both these planets are in domicile of Venus and Venus is in Aquarius at this time, Saturn takes precedence. The financial expansion from the word go will be opposed, and the luck which the stock market has will be kept in check.

On the Path

8 06 2011

Supernova when you close your Eyes

It’s difficult to pinpoint the exact astrological signature of any one event, though some are obviously easier to describe. The question I pose here is one of those which isn’t so clear cut, though I can offer some hypotheses in order to take a stab at where this blueprint is.

There are some, who search all their lives for “something”, and never find contentment, they read thousands and thousands of books, and travel an equal number of miles, both nautical and terrestrial, and they still don’t “FIND IT”.

I’ve spent a lengthy amount of time walking past it, day in day out, and one fair, fine day I walked in. I opened the door and simply walked into the garden of Eden, awed by the tree of life.

Planets which are terrestrial and rule over the personality, these are the traditional “inner planets”. Extra terrestrials include everything beyond Saturn. These have nothing to do with the personality. This is the point in the solar system where particles turn into waves.

The key to the door was having a peaceful spot, to practice the mantra. Not only peaceful, but beautiful, dazzled in Sun, surrounded by flowers that look like red and yellow flames. I might say that this is a Venusian picture of beauty and peace.

The primary accomplishment was to disengage from the ego, and the personality. It required some clean living, and discipline, so I can thank the long transit of Exalted Saturn for this. Once I desired nothing, it was easy to untangle myself from my-self.

Since this is primarily an “inner heaven” which I have found, I might thank Jupiter and Sun conjunct the IC. I progressed from living in mentality and rationality, to living in a different area. If the third rules the mind and the senses, then what is the fourth? It’s the core. So I travelled inside. Right into the heart.

Total Inversion

Spiritual realisation came from stopping on my current path, turning around and walking in the exact opposite direction. I’ve found purest consciousness. When I released myself from the word “I”, when thought became something that occurred around and in that person that I once “was”, it was possible to step out from my “body”.

Who can I thank for these mystical realisations? Pluto first brought me intense transformation, Neptune brought me transcendence, and Uranus hit me with the bolt of enlightenment.


Still a Demon

But, I am still here in this body. I still have desire and senses and thought and mind. What’s the state of my consciousness? Revelling in Nirvana. The only way to progress is the path of the Bodhisattva. Christ was temped by Satan himself. Where would I make a deal with the almighty evil one? I drive a pretty hard bargain normally, but if that one with the strong will and even stronger ego, came to me now, how could I resist it?

Keep Going

Keep doing the mantra and keep on  the path. Transcendence was found in a terrestrial place. But I now know that I don’t strictly need a place. Anywhere where I am, I can transcend. I’ve often wanted to travel, and I can do so now, without actually going anywhere.


Houses of Power

17 06 2010

 The power of any one man is also measured by the freedom he has.

Fortified by the Angular

In traditional texts the accidental dignity of a planet to a great extent relies on its location whether it be just below the horizon in the East, or just above the horizon in the West, or in the most Southerly part of the sky known also as the Midheaven, or Northerly part known also as the Imum Colei.

Power is what this is primarily about, the power that a person possesses will be described by planets in the 1st house and in the 10th house. The whole idea of the 1st house as the “mask” is actually without much reason. The planets that rise in the 1st are the planets that are on my side in life. One identifies with these planets in the beginning and one eventually becomes them and embodies them in life.

The difference between a person with a strong will and a strong reason for existence and one who is weak or not in control in their life is the difference between a Master and a Slave. The house of slaves is traditionally the 6th house, the most cadent place and only less unfortunate than the 12th, house of imprisonment and abandonment.

A Master of his life, and destiny, a man who controls and has power over his own environment, over his choices in life and over the people around him will have powerful planets placed in the 1st and 10th houses. A man whose wife is powerful or whose father is powerful and support him through their power will have planets similarly placed in the 7th and 4th houses. A King or Prime Minister who has power in the 1st house will not bend his knees to anyone, Margaret Thatcher is a prime example with Saturn rising on the Ascendant in accidental power. A King who is in the 12th house, such as Louis XVI will always suffer at the hands of enemies, and his power will always be taken from him, and he will always become a slave of others. The truth of the world is that, he who sticks his neck out will win. It is those people who shy away from attention that inevitably lose in life.

The first house is pure selfishness. So much is also true. The Eastern Horizon at dawn is characterised always by a red hue, reminiscent of violence and aggression. This is not to say that to be successful in life one must be violent, merely aggressive, merely arrogant. It means that one must ask for what one wants with brazenness, with irritation at the others around you who are also asking. The difference between success and failure in life is marked in the stars.

More Accidental Dignity = More Power

Speaking of Angularity though, there are more possibilities that exist which serve to increase the locus of self-control and mastery over others. A planet that is swift as the ancients say, or fast and in forward motion doubles its power in any house. A planet therefore that is in forward motion is one that is moving forward in life rather than backwards. This little facet is all important in any idea referring to power. If a man is signified by a planet in forward motion, then his life moves forward, from one thing to the next, from one goal to the next, it means that there is no waiting around or procrastinating in life. It means that one would go for a job, do it and then move on to the next with success rather than doubt.

A retrograde man signified by a 1st house planet in retro motion is a man in self doubt, a man who looks back at what he’s done in self criticism, it signifies the man who regrets, who does not move forward, forgetting the past with ease. Self doubt is not conducive to the locus of control, it is not conducive to power, because while the retrograde man contemplates his decisions, others take what is rightfully his.

Unhindered and Unbound

The man further still, who is unhindered or not subject to some great power, as signified by the 17 degree orb of the Solar Ray, is at liberty.  Under the Sun, one is made a slave by a great power and oppression, so it makes sense that out of those beams the free man can move forward and be his own king rather than a kneeling subject. The ancients called such subjugation “combustion” or “under the beams”.

To note, the man of freedom and self-mastery is also only truly free if he is unafraid and out of the reach of “the tyranny of evil men” that sometimes beset him from all sides. To have a planet in the 1st yet square to Saturn or Mars in the 10th or 4th signifies that he is under attack from either his own father or from some other authority signified by the Midheaven. Yet, although the ancients described this influence as most “malefic” or “evil”, the man who is strong ought to be able to defeat such nuisances. The “evil” signified by Mars’ square is that of violence, and the evil signified by Saturn is that of another variety which is the cause of “melancholy”.

Power for Good and Evil: Dignity of Essence

The one who unhindered by the great authority, or evil men on either side, the one who is corporeally present and moves forward towards what he desires, will inevitably rise into power and authority over his surroundings and over others.

That the power of one does not exist without others giving themselves over to that one, is the next important stage. It is well and good to be strong and the wellspring of all wonder and admiration, to give orders and to be obeyed, yet as always power to do good or evil is always present.

The planet with essential dignity, i.e. the beautiful woman with a beautiful voice yet placed in the 12th house and retrograde will stay indoors, read poetry and will never be seen. Under the Sun’s beams would add that her father keeps her there also. The woman is good, pure, etc. by the essential dignity of Libra Venus, yet the power or loci of control is not with her, and the ancients would say that she has misfortune or “debility” by accident.

Yet, if the beautiful Venusian light rises in the first, unhindered, the power to shine will prevail in beauty, kindness and goodness to all. She will be a master of all through either beauty or through kind actions and words. Saturn rising and unhindered is likewise capable of goodness, but this will only be through its “essential dignity”. Placed in Capricorn or Aquarius, an in power Saturn will only do good, he will refrain from evil. The good works of Saturn in power are wielding power and organising the world, for without dignity he is not able to “do the job well”.

On Freedom

The man who is blessed, is the man with dignity by essence, and unhindered by circumstance. The man who is truly free has autonomy, fears no evil, fears no authority, he has no doubt, and he moves forward pitted against all others. Yet the man who is truly blessed is dignified and acts in accordance with his true nature, in harmony with that nature. He does things well and does not hurt others.

Which Stoic? Saturn or Jupiter?

20 02 2010

The philosophical view-point by which I seem to be living seems to be more in line with what I have read to be the definition of Stoicism. In reality my philosophy is very simple. I believe in actions over words. I believe in reality over imagination despite my dabbling in poetry and astrological metaphor which describes possible future outcomes.

Generally speaking my quest in life has been contentment, just like all other people. However, I realised fairly early  that fulfilment does not breed contentment but rather doubles the desire, doubles the need for satisfaction. Certain things in life do not bring a calm mind and a peaceful soul and a sober home, the things which make people happy in the end.

The Stoics did not seek to extinguish emotions; rather, they sought to transform them by a resolute ‘askēsis‘ which enables a person to develop clear judgment and inner calm.[22] Logic, reflection, and concentration were the methods of such self-discipline.

What I find interesting about the Stoic standpoint is that it does not deny emotion. It merely acknowledges emotion as part of a deterministic universe. Human beings, like animals are thrown around by seemingly random events which have firm bases in their own actions and thoughts. The Stoic is not meant to deny that emotion exists and thus lead a repressed life. The Stoic is supposed to make judgements in calmness and consideration, in order to minimise suffering.

Obviously self-discipline is required. When one thinks about one´s life, desires, and needs, it is never obvious what is the cause of suffering in many instances. It is only possible to make inferences from previous experiences, and from the experiences of others, and without question logic does not have the power to prevent all human suffering. Logic at times may actually be the cause of human suffering, because reason can be mistaken. The causes and problems of others´ suffering are never universal, because people are different.

My personal philosophy is that the world is fortune. My emotions move up with good news and personal advancement, and in the same way they also move down, with bad news and problems. Clearly emotions will always be with the human species. And in fact emotions are often catalysts for positive action and change. The Stoic is meant to accept all emotion. With analysis, with contemplation before action, and cultivation of the calm sort of mind which is required for deliberation the Stoic does not act in disharmony with the deterministic universe, but rather accepts it and works with it.

In my personal life, I was born into a family, mother, father and sister. The parent´s difficulties with each other and the sister´s waywardness and the emotional “suffering” within the dynamics of the family are deterministic in that I personally had no choice in the matter. Whether these people were or indeed are morally good, virtuous or other, is debatable, and only they, and God will ever really know. They have in my observation been responsible for their own individual and interpersonal sufferings and anguish.

It is not in my right to judge the dignity of any of my family members. But I am able to observe that personal philosophies on their parts or perhaps lack of philosophy and a reliance on the “forces” at work on their emotions are culprits in the personal and secret miseries that do not escape the eyes and senses of a Scorpion.

I do not judge their dignity, for mine is bound up with theirs as I have stated that their presence in my life was, is and will continue to be the inevitable unavoidable circumstance of our natural state. The free will that I do exert is that my life does not have to be impulsively lead the way their lives are. I do not need to be pulled and pushed by whimsical desires and superficial judgements.

The philosophy though treads on a fine wire. The success of such a philosophy is determined greatly on my own reasoning faculties and judgement and logic. Logic of man is highly fallible, because in part desire seems to always be the most logical thing at the time of that particular emotional stimulation. Logic works on highly dubious principles. The example that I like is that of the logic of modernism. The modern world is based on the idea of caring for and providing provision for the less fortunate. You make more food, feed the poor, house the poor, provide healthcare for the poor, but in the end, all that happens is more mouths to feed, more poor and an even bigger logical problem. Those ideas are based on the fact of logic and reason, but not of acceptance, nor a grasp of the bigger, more long term picture. They satisfy immediate desires and wants, they attempt to neutralise unhappy emotions with innovation, with attempts to stop suffering.

In the end though Stoicism knows and has always known that suffering will continue. Something that I find weak and undignified about the modern world, when I read about and learn about the ancient world is that this world does not accept suffering. It is in essence an anti-stoic society based on a false reasoning. Stoics are supposed to try to reduce suffering, but the idea of reducing it through using clever means will always fall short.

For the Stoics, ‘reason‘ meant not only using logic, but also understanding the processes of nature — the logos, or universal reason, inherent in all things. Living according to reason and virtue, they held, is to live in harmony with the divine order of the universe, in recognition of the common reason and essential value of all people.


Living in harmony with the divine order of the universe. A man is born with his particular genetic code and with his particular appearance and nature. Ideas that man ought to be different to what he is, is antithetical to the principles of living in harmony with the divine order. There is natural dignity in human aggression, some people are born fighters and they are part of that nature, to deny their right to go to war is against the natural order. What the Stoic warrior ought to do though is to battle with dignity and honour and to accept his inevitable wounds as part of divine justice.

The noise of the world can make it rather difficult to find the “right path”. However, with contemplation and with patience the Stoic finds that path. It takes self-discipline to realise that personal desires will not be fulfilled immediately or even in the way that expectation and illusion has made them out to be.

The Stoic must always be on guard to keep his mind free from clutter, free from overindulgence and from emotions like jealousy, or anger. Eventually the stoic realises the luck that he has for maintaining such a calm and serene mind and optimism. The Stoic is aware that human emotions and situations pass and change like the seasons. But it´s only through observation of the natural order surrounding him in nature that he is able to grasp the meaning of this. The oak tree that stands alone in the field for a century is magnificent and withstands much. It is the job of the stoic to stand firm, to be unmoved by random events and emotions.

The logic which the Stars teaches me is that if I take the long-view, if I look at my life as a whole rather than my immediate satisfaction I can gain a perspective which makes me feel content and calm. When I begin to contemplate life as a whole, I begin to see that as a seed I have been fortunate to have been born in fairly fertile soil with the possibility of great growth and movement and the possibility of a very good view. I do no longer feel the discontent for things that I felt were missing in life or unjust.  Things, qualities, experiences that others possessed but which I did not were causes for my unhappiness. But in the same way that I realised that others had happiness, I´ve also realised just how temporary those happinesses were, observance of my family I have already cited.

I think that the key to understanding Stoic philosophy is that it is not in our interests to pursue, or to chase after illusive dreams, to try to alter or to change the courses of divine nature, but simply to realise its existence around us and that we are also  part of that. For there is nothing in the universe which is wrong, nature has created perfection. Human judgement creates wrong and creates “evil”. But it is also down to human judgement and analysis to put all of nature and to put our human lives into perspective.

Some of the messages which come out of the world of people without Stoic philosophy include messages that “there isn´t enough time, or money” that their lives are not good enough, that they aren´t attractive enough or that they are not respected enough or a countless other list of lacks. When the stoic stops listening to that cranky swell of human emotion which makes up the family, and the friends, when one finds other Stoics or when one is able to weather those unstable emotions that come from society and can make one doubt oneself that is when one is truly free. The divine will of the universe has created all individuals and there is inevitability for all, there are courses which are already dictated. But it is up to individuals to find personal contentment with themselves, within themselves.

Exposure to elements eventually brings resistance to those elements and this is the task of the Stoic. The elements outside of the self are constantly changing, but once inner happiness is found there is little or nothing which can destroy it. The Stoic´s job though is not to suffer needlessly, not to be slapped around, each is due his space in the world, this makes it a tough task, for one does not fight and engage with the wilderness in a war with it, with the human nature of others either.

Botched Horary: TV

17 02 2010

This is the horary chart of the invention of television. I was thinking about how much time I´ve wasted in my life watching any old crap, in order to fill the meaningless time while munching on crisps, chocolate and indulging in “down time” or probably more to the point a sort of banal, everyday escapism.

I try not to come to this question with my mind made up. It was just something I thought about analysing and since there is no real “birthdate” for TV, then I may as well make a horary. I have loved many programs throughout my life, during my younger years I watched all the cartoons, during my teens I became interested in sci-fi, and I loved comedy shows, as well as the occasional soap. Later on I moved more into the line of documentaries and nature programs that my Dad always loved since I was small.

Cancer Rising

It is interesting that this mode of communication can provide and reflect dreams for so many countless numbers of people. And indeed we find Cancer (the people) rising in the chart, Cancer ruler of the home and of home comfort is obvious for TV considering that it is placed in our homes as a complement to any relaxing sofa, or even in front of the bed in a bedroom. Ascendant ruler Moon in the 9th then gives more of a focus, TV is an invention which involves mass communication but also being 9th house is without doubt involved in politics, morals and people´s religious or belief systems. Aries Moon is peregrine here. We might hazard that TV is primarily concerned with Aries energy, it is an aggressive medium, and it wouldn´t be far out to say this, since everyone knows that watching TV is a passive experience.

It is curious, TV is just an invention, it is just technology. So it´s not really anyone´s place to judge what it is or what it ought to be used for. But this chart gives us a very powerful 9th ruler conjunct an exalted Venus on the cusp of the 9th house of religion, travel, law, and dreams. Perhaps TV is still in its infancy, with regard to its programming, since that 9th ruler is yet to make it over the cusp of the 9th and into its rightful house.  Pisces is said also to pick up the dregs and institutionalise them, bringing in outcasts and absorbing them as with prison. TV then is without a doubt a political, and a moral instrument having power over peoples´s (9th house) dreams and their unconscious belief systems.

The 8th house

It is said that the 8th house is the house of fear. And I can confirm that there have been times when I have found TV a little unpalatable. (What I mean specifically by this is that while watching something I might have found myself questioning the right of  them, the broadcaster to put whatever images in my head without my own chosing.) Of course, there is something for everyone, and you have to just be selective. But there is no escaping in this chart, Moon is opposed by 8th ruler Saturn T-square with subliminal Pluto in cardinal signs. There is also no escaping the Sun-Neptune-Chiron conjunction in an anaretic Aquarius. Sun as ruler of the 2nd house puts values, along with 9th house beliefs, into the churning 8th, house of fear, house of death. Neptune´s conjunction denotes the grand illusion that is hidden in plain-view.

The 8th house and the Pluto dimension is something we ought to remind ourselves when thinking about the spread of TV and its acceptance into the mass consciousness which really began in the 1930´s. Fascists were the first to use TV for propaganda and for persuading people to fall in line. The most pervasive TV moment of the 21st century is not some soap scene, nor some film preview, nor is it the final of any world cup. What´s the most pervasive and seen bunch of TV images? These are images of Sodom and Gomorrah, these are images which can only describe 9th house beliefs in the house of death and destruction. Hence all of that instinctual uneasiness has firm basis in this horary. The power of TV is great, and it´s use or abuse must be guarded against, it is part of the arsenal of social cohesion which makes nations unite under one language and culture, just as totalitarian dictatorships and democracies alike found out in the 1930´s.

TV has no plan, has no political agenda of its own. This is not something I am arguing over. However, newspapers have always been 3rd house daily events ever since the printing press revolutionised the world back in the 15th century. But obviously in the chart that I have done, TV as a 9th house (mass-communication) invention has more than just the ninth as part of its reach. The large concentration of planets focused around the Sun in the 8th and the 8th ruler in direct opposition with ASC ruler emphasises the 8th house to a great degree.

11th house ruler

According to the chart then it would be fair to say that TV is an aggressive medium, the peregrine ASC ruler and detriment Sun are indicators that it´s not the noblest of inventions. However, the Jupiter Venus conjunction brings together 9th house of beliefs with the 6th of daily routine and also the 11th of hopes and wishes. TV is a great comfort clearly, with the conjunction of those benifics in Pisces. In summary, the great focus on the 8th house is symbol of TV as an invention which controls collective resources and beliefs, it acts in a transformational fashion.

People who control TV have huge power, we can´t argue with this, and power is one of the big 8th house themes, power to transform and change, power over life and power, potentially to influence people without their comprehension. What we ought to be asking is not whether TV is good or bad, that question is superfluous since the genie is out of the bottle. What we ought to be asking is, who controls the airwaves, and what their moral and political agendas are. These are questions that we ask of our politicians, but our politicians are not allowed access to our living rooms the way the media moguls are…

Chart: Alan Hovhaness, and The Music of Neptune

3 02 2010

On certain days in Summer or Winter, I might have sat under a tree reading on a hillside overlooking green fields and trees. The wind might have come in like a silent companion in a clear sky and made the trees sigh as they do on some quiet or still days when not just the Earth is in harmony, but the mind of it´s observer is in harmony with it. A combination of mental stimulation and nature´s simple beauty sends a shiver of sensual appreciation down the spine.

On days like those the Sun was either conjunct Neptune in the sky or forming an applying trine. I would have to concede these would have been days of Aquarius Neptune, so mental fascination and absorption in the mind would have been appropriate. Neptune in Aquarius would have been a mirror to my contentment of solitude and mental detachment while knowing that friends were still close by, if I wanted them.

This is the birthchart for Alan Hovhaness, (midday chart, 8th March 1911). His grand trine is of particular interest since it is in water, and the Sun Neptune trine is at a fairly close orb of  just under 2 degrees and applying. Hovhaness´s music is impressionistic, it does not have a desire to create rhythm or melody, but rather starts something and then meanders off on other roads.

Venus although in detriment is in mutual reception with Sun by Exaltation. So we can easily say that Venus although detriment and (alien) receives all of the benefits of Pisces, and here we have impressionism, beauty, sensitivity, softness.

It´s not really Hovhaness´s life that interests me, so much as his music. It´s a direct connection to an emotional Neptune (in Cancer). Hovhaness´s music is tidal, like oceans creeping up on you over hours upon hours of listening. And because the melodies are impressionistic and do not aspire to Baroque mental order that other composers like Mozart might do, you´re pushed and pulled continually with the tides.

Neptune is Infinity. Hovhaness captures infinity in his music writing. The Jupiter aspect of the grand trine adds a certain buoyancy, optimism, joy into it all, without which I think the music might be too sad or it would simply not go anywhere. The Saturn Sun semi-square from fixed earth grounds it all. What do I mean by that? Taurus is slow, soft and sensuous, it enjoys the pasture, enjoys staying in one place, and you get the sense in the music too.

One more thing to note about Hovhaness is the detriment Mercury in Pisces, which does not seem to receive dignity from anywhere. It is stated in his biography that he burnt between 500 and 1,000 of his compositions in the 1930´s, decisions which seem to be contrary to common sense.

Hovhaness in 1941:

I propose to create a heroic, monumental style of composition simple enough to inspire all people, completely free from fads, artificial mannerisms and false sophistications, direct, forceful, sincere, always original but never unnatural. Music must be freed from decadence and stagnation. There has been too much emphasis on small things while the great truths have been overlooked. The superficial must be dispensed with. Music must become virile to express big things. It is not my purpose to supply a few pseudo intellectual musicians and critics with more food for brilliant argumentation, but rather to inspire all mankind with new heroism and spiritual nobility. This may appear to be sentimental and impossible to some, but it must be remembered that Palestrina, Handel, and Beethoven would not consider it either sentimental or impossible. In fact, the worthiest creative art has been motivated consciously or unconsciously by the desire for the regeneration of mankind.

What can be changed and what can´t

21 01 2010

In other posts that I have made I have argued in favour of destiny and against free human choice. I have said that people are 100% conditioned into the actions and the events that occur in their lives, and in a certain way I still agree with this. It comes down to the old saying that you can call a cat a fish, but it will still be a cat. Free will is akin to the cat himself saying and thinking that he´s a fish and declaring it in joyful exuberance. The United States can declare that it is a “free nation”, but it´s just a country like any other, it has laws and people, an army and a head of state. It may be more successful, but that it is more free than anyone else is probably not true.

When I worry, (Virgo rising with Virgo Mars Rising squared by Sagittarius Neptune), I sometimes think that somehow I can control my world around me if only I were more organised. But I´ve come to realise that I am destined to think that I can control things in this way. This is part of the planetary alignment in the sky when I was born. Fear and worry leads to action, which is called for in order to fulfill the planetary patterns.

Can some things be changed through the individual will? When action is taken, it feels as if destiny is created through the self. And I think that there is the possibility that individuals can change their realities. Energy comes down from the heavens all of the time. This is the will of God, as in Heaven, so on Earth. People though, aren´t adaptable though, and can´t change what they are from one day to the next, in order to fall in line with the cosmic order. It´s true, some people are more adaptable. But people can still do God´s work.

This is where the Biblical explanation comes in handy. Man had a destiny, in Eden, and well, humans chose to opt out. There´s our free-will from the start.  Many have stated that it is Scorpio where Man fell committing some form of vice, but Man in fact is synonymous with the constellation of Aquarius. The Fall of Saturn ruler of Aquarius and ruler of the human condition falls in Tropical Aries, the sign where individuals do what they want. Libra, Saturn´s exaltation is then where our judgement for that selfishness will be found. This is not to say that Libra is any better than Aries.

What I am saying though, is that our lives are planned for by a higher power. And the difference between our own wills, and that of the higher power, is that when we make judgements, it´s impossible to make the right judgement, we simply don´t have the foresight of the creator.

The difference is between making something happen that is not meant to happen, because we as humans are separated from God and do not know his will. And on the other hand waiting and just allowing the instructions to come down to us.

When human beings cut down trees, and leave the land alone, eventually trees grow back in the same place, because the climate and the fauna favour it. Cutting down the trees is not exactly God´s will, it´s Man´s actions, ruled by the sign of Aries. In the perfect balance of the creation of the Universe, the trees do eventually grow back because there are seeds, and the counter-action, the Libran element of balancing things out, although it takes time and is invisible at first, is real.

Is this to say that human beings are not to cut down trees? Clearly not. Just that it´s obvious that in this world actions result in counter-actions, which are invisible but which are there even though in our semi-foresight we aren´t aware of them.

Man was created in order to be master of the trees and of the animals, this is also stated in divine law. God allowed us to do with them as we saw fit, to name them and to eat them. The divine will, was that humans were meant to be happy, we were meant to enjoy the fruits of this world. It was the fruit that wasn´t ready that Man picked that got us into this mess. It was a lack of patience, and a lack of the knowledge that in life God gives everyone the same amount of happiness, just that it is meassured.

In my life, I try everyday to not indulge myself or to take what is not meant for me. The secret to true happiness is to eat porridge everyday and really savour when someone gives you a chocolate. The secret is to not worry about your job, about whether they might want you or not, but just to calmly do it without thinking that someone is watching you and what you do. If you weren´t good enough they wouldn´t have picked you.

It is hard to find a way to trust in divine law, it is hard to have faith in something that you can´t see. In one sense I don´t think that this law needs to wait generations in order to be fulfilled, in our lives, an evil committed will pollute the person who commits it. And even though they may appear to have got clean off the hook, and enjoy the fruits, consecuences are destined to follow them.

Collectively, obviously the global warming issue fully demonstrates this idea of the balance within nature. The interconnectedness of the planet is astounding, and all of the scientists are in accorance on this fact. On a personal level though, there is a destiny for all. What would be interesting, would be to observe people who didn´t take their quota of happiness before it was due or take more than they were entitled to, then suffer for those debts.

The Last

19 01 2010


Falling falling falling again.

Falling into that trap I´ve been.

This is the last time that I will allow myself to fall.

I look into your eyes and I´m falling again.

But you are the last one.

After the sadness that follows,

When I lose you,

There will be no more.

You are the last one I will think about

In lonely nights,

You are the last one that

I will look to the stars and ask about.

You are the last one that I will

Cast romantic thoughts towards

Like throwing a net at Sunset on a darkening river.

You´re the last one that I´ll dream about,

Because you will be the only one.

A Personal Progression

15 12 2009

Something that has occurred to me recently is something that is fairly obvious. It´s not seriously difficult philosophy based on logic. But it does have some important effects on the way I conduct my life, and also in relation to the studies which I have put on this site.

The progression which I am under involves progressed Sun and Jupiter on the natal IC in Sagittarius.

To state it simply I have come to the conclusion that everything in life, and everything in this world is how it is meant to be. Being sat here writing this blog is fate, I would not be anywhere else, either by some illusionary idea of “free will” which I now believe to be nothing more than an excuse for certain immoral types to do what they want and hurt other people. But this “FREE WILL” LIE is also important and part of the equation because without it it would not be as easy to come to the truth.

Celestial law governs Earth. “As above so below”. What does that mean for us? Well to me it means that when as individuals we try and control our affairs, when we think and ponder, when we plan things, we are not in fact in command even though we think so.

The human body is created with the same magnetic frequencies as the Earth, and is imprinted with this at its birth. The human body is destined to play out all of the planetary energies which are in the sky at the time of its birth in the duration of its life. This is determinism. But it´s empowering when we realise that everything is destined. The reason is that when we do things we can do them with the certainty that they are meant to be, designed to be and that there is no reason to doubt.

Fortune, Destiny, God

23 11 2009

Something that I sometimes wonder about in relation to this study is the idea of destiny. The reason that anyone studies this particular unconfirmed field is to try to get a heads up  on a future which is already dead certain. What I mean by this is that somehow, there is a destiny which is already fact and that although our lives are only in the making, although our lives are incomplete and lacking at the moment, the idea that there is something definite in the future is tantalising and promising.

But, no matter how much I study, I will never fully “know” the future. I will never understand that I might be different at some future time, just as I had been different in the past. The scope of emotion that I have experienced in life, I would never have dreamed of in childhood. As a child there was no worry, no sadness, no disappointment, but those things came just as they come to all.

A chart though contains more potential than what is lived at the moment in which one looks at it. This is part of the reason for study. It´s the fact that you can find things that you would have never before dreamed of. There is more potential than what you are able to garner in one look. What is there in this life that is worth living for? What is there in the chart which makes this life worth living for? In part it requires you to remain open and unconscious about the possibilities, but in a like manner, cautious about the possible dangers. For there is the same possibility for harshness as there is for joy.

In some ways the stars appear to look a little like Heaven. According to the ancient Greeks, Heaven and Hell were in fact one place, and your life in the afterlife could be pleasant or it could be nasty, (carrying a large rock which always roles back, or carrying water with a sieve), depending on actions and deeds on Earth.

Let´s say though, for argument´s sake that there is no real afterlife, that for all purposes, this is the only life that we get. In this case, the Heavens are a kind of reflection of what´s going on down here. Only studying the paths of the demigods, (the planets) may give us clues as to the paths that we ourselves are likely to take. Heaven obviously does continue, and according to the ancient tradition, the gods, (though I don´t deny a prime mover), the gods as represented by the planets are in fact jealous of our mortality, because it makes our lives so much the more precious.

Our lives really are precious, in the case that there is only one life. But, what say, if your life is more like a tragedy? There is no chance at a replay. This is where I get stuck. This is where I find I can´t escape despite my best efforts. In one sense, it should then be our duty to have some faith, that all will eventually work out the way it ought to. Perhaps the fact that it is impossible to know all that a life contains from the start is another small aid in getting through the tough times.

What kind of life is rewarded? What kind of attitude is given happiness? The rewards that come to those that are of the nature of Mars are immediate, they are probably pleasurable and exciting, but they are gone just as fast, and the down side is that of danger. The rewards in life that come to those of the nature of Saturn or Venus will probably not be apparent at the beginning, it looks grim or shoddy, or inadequate, but it probably lasts right until the very end. With this view in mind it does not profit us to look at what other people get in life and compare notes or even try and garner what might be your own fate through similarity of planetary force.

Jupiter trine Venus persons might be incredibly lucky, they might have a permanent party, all of the friends they could wish for etc. etc. and this is cause of much misery for the Venus-Saturn person who must sit next door listening to other people having fun while contemplating the reasons for not being popular, for being a social reject. Bu perhaps in ten years time Saturn-Venus will have someone love them solidly, and permanently and despite all imperfection, while Jupiter is on the next empty and soulless relationship based on appearance and excess.

What does destiny say about the life as a whole rather than the life as viewed from the perspective of someone only interested in the “now”? IT is said that “God created Heaven and Earth.” In heaven we see the stars and planets, which in my opinion are what the ancients believed to be gods, and which in a sense are in fact forms of higher power, demigods perhaps. The final word though, the final word is that if there is a singular thought that runs through everything, then there can´t truly be anything that is bad, or rather there can´t be anything that isn´t pre-destined, or part of the plan and therefor it cannot be bad.

What is the meaning of the suffering that I go through now? Or that I went through two years ago? According to the stars it changed my attitudes in certain ways by being a transit to my third ruler. What was the meanin of that mental suffering? In one sense it was a stretching of the mental muscles. And it is a well known fact that muscles do not grow unless they are trained through the strenuous if not at times painful exercise. “No pain no gain…” A lot of people interested in the stars look at a transit and are glad that it´s over once it´s over and consider it as one would consider a tragic act of random fortune. I´ve stipulated here that there is no random act of fortune, because the stars are put there by God, whoever he may be, benevolent or not.

So what does this have to do with anything? It´s the idea of destiny, the idea of suffering the pains of life by “being good” in order to reap the rewards in the “afterlife” or more to my taste, the life which we haven´t yet lived, but which is definitely projectionable and visible on the horizon. To suffer loneliness will create the appreciation for company, not just the appreciation, but the desire and the need for partnership. To suffer stupidity or to suffer powerlessness will give rise to talent, to adaptability. The idea is not that the FATE of our lives is random, cruel and unprecedented, but that because it comes from one  mind, that there is reason behind the current suffering in whatever from it may take.

The things that are most lacked will be the things that are most compensated. It seems that humanity tilts itself in the opposite direction from where it is, whether it is instant or whether it takes years. It´s the idea that everything is not realised that is important to keep in mind. It´s what we don´t have now, and ask for and pray for that may be ours tomorrow or later on in the future. One of the steps towards this materialization is that of imagination, of thinking and creating a blueprint of what it is that you want to create. Persistence pays, this is why Saturn is associated with achievement, with things that last, with a very moderate amount of happiness each day for the rest of your life.

This dialogue isn´t finished yet, because the full extent of it´s possible realisation isn´t apparent and because the mind that has written it isn´t satisfied with the philosophical clarity which it is meant, or designed to bring. Part of it is a reason in order to have faith that the present time is how it is meant to be as a foundation for greater future things. Part of it is a reconciliation with the apparent seeming randomness of life. There is nothing random, and it is difficult to believe this. When as individuals we strive and struggle, it is impossible to think that those struggles are in fact destined in the same way that other things in life appear to be destined. When you feel pain, you do not accept that the pain is in fact part of the plan. Pain is inconceivable to be part of some divine plan, it´s practically incomprehensible. Though, as an argument it might be said that the birthpains of a mother make her realise that a child is serious business, and the pain is part of the reason for the protection she eventually gives.

There is more to this…