Mundane: The History of the UK

10 03 2009

Many changes have occurred since the 1801 formation of the United Kingdom enterprise, including constitutional, or more specifically changes in what the UK actually consists of. The fact that Ireland was lost in the 1920´s is of no real significance though in comparison to the gains of the 19th century and the losses of the 20th, but the essence of the UK, is I believe still the same as it was in that prime year. All possessions, servants, slaves, and I mean slaves in no coy terms, vassals and colonies belonged to the Monarch, our sovereign, and like pearls and diamonds were lost or stolen without that sovereign dignity losing his life, or his essential nature.


Recent PM´s

One of the reasons why this chart is so clearly still in effect is the synastry with a few of the last Prime Ministers. Tony Blair´s Sun is conjunct 1801 UK´s Mars in house 8, a man who didn´t flinch to defend this nation militarily or to be involved in asserting Britain´s aggressive power in the world in Bosnia, in Sierra Leon, in Afghanistan, in Iraq. In the space of 10 years Blair fought more than enough wars to confirm the efficacy of the stimulation from the 1801 UK natal chart, and peace-loving Taurus is not a sign to commit to war on a whim.

Maggie Thatcher´s chart is even more compelling information. Her Mars conjoined 1801 UK´s Ascendant, with her Sun-Mercury in its house 1. A woman that caused a lot of anger, but a person who as a personality dominated UK politics for a decade without any real opposition. Arguably she in fact benefited the UK by allowing free enterprise and private property, again, her Jupiter conjoins UK´s 4th house Sun; she privatised and expanded British property ownership on a massive scale. With her Saturn in UK´s 2nd house she acted tough with the UK economy being often heartless about unemployment and cutting benefits, tough decisions are Saturn´s realm.

Libra Rising

UK came into existence as a joint partnership, despite all Imperial regalia associated with this nation, it is in fact a conglomerate of nations, an association, a club. UK´s South Node in Libra in house 1 indicates that its inherent gifts were alliance and its founders were Venusian, peace loving, civilised and justified. 1st house South Node shows that they were unafraid to take anything that they wanted, and indeed the people that culminated this nation did so off the back of the late 18th century reaction against Romantic notions of revolution. It was in fact an act of self preservation which necessitated an alliance of sorts. The Act of the Union was created to preserve the life of the nations of the British Isles and Ireland from the threat of Revolutionary Europe.

The destiny of this UK then was tied up in the North Node. A placement in which this nation was meant to become an ally itself with a nation founded on the exact same principles of that revolutionary French Republic: America. In fact when the UK is fulfilling its destiny it is seeking out violent, assertive situations and making bold actions especially in diplomacy and in alliance. The UK´s future is Martian, the pre-World War II appeasement was South Node speaking, being “nice” in order to preserve the self, when Churchill came along and made speeches like “we will fight them on the beaches,” he fulfilled the UK´s destiny, no easy task with natal Mars in essential debility in a house of crisis an death. Churchill´s Mars and Jupiter were in UK´s 1st house, and like Thatcher, he fought a war in order to defend and save, only his Mars exactly trined UK´s Ascendant ruler Venus.

Royalty and Vega

This Venus rules both Ascendant and 8th house. Matters which relate to death, to rebirth and to anything of 8th house crisis is part of the UK. The acquisition of Empire and its eventual loss is signified by this combination, for ruling the 8th Venus is given other´s wealth, riches which are inherited, which are “managed” on behalf of others. In the 19th century, UK converted Indian and American cotton into cloth, and then sold it back to them, resources which were not owned strictly speaking were still used and transformed due to 8th house ruling Venus. In the 20th Century London became a financial capital, (which is now in cathartic transformation). The placement in Aquarius in the 5th is an indication of ego, of creativity, and of children, it might be interesting to think of the Commonwealth of Nations, as the children of the Empire who grew up and left home, though with 5th ruler Saturn in detriment and opposite Venus, they grew up too soon, and became problem children, some of them at least. Saturn rules the fourth also so in fact the idea of UK´s home, parents and lineage is connected to royal blood.

11th house Leo, placed the Monarchy into an association, a group, and into the nation´s house of hope and wishes, and out of the spotlight with this house´s “ruler” Sun firmly established in Buckingham Palace on the IC in traditional Capricorn, conjunct the star Vega.

With Sun: Critical, abrupt, reserved, unpopular, fleeting honors, influential position, insincere friends. If with Mars also, above the earth, and the Moon be with Procyon, death from the bite of a mad dog. [Robson*, p.217.]

The most essentially dignified planet is MC ruler Moon placed in the most public place. Despite having been an Empire, UK has never really had an image problem, and its success and social standing in the world has never really been damaged despite losing actual power. Horatio Nelson the Admiral of the Navy is one of Britain´s biggest heroes, someone who lived a short life but was triumphant at sea. Perhaps it is at sea where the UK´s success really comes from, trading on the ocean, the powerful trine to 2nd house Neptune might be a sign of this.


Venus is the UK chart´s most accidentally fortified planet in 5th house, and is closely sextiled by 3rd house Mercury ruler of 9th and 12th houses. The pride which comes from art and literary creations is large in this chart. Mercury although weak being in detriment has been the most successful publisher in the world ruling the 9th house. Probably due to the contra-parallel to its ruler Jupiter, the expansion in writing and publication in UK took off after 1801. It is in effect the biggest support to the Ascendant ruler Venus and therefore the people of the UK. This nation relies on knowledge and conveyance of information, as a nation that has no real resources of its own except coal, Mercury as ruler of 9th house brings knowledge of the world to its people and whether artistic, religious or in search of “true” finite knowledge, Mercury in detriment has forced UK into writing certainty about universal things (ruler of 9th in 3rd).

Chart: William Blake

25 02 2009

William Blake was a Cancer Rising with Moon placed in domicile in the 12th house of hidden enemies and evil spirits. Four aspects are made by this strong Ascendant ruler. The first is to creative Venus in opposition. The second is a sesqui-quadrate to Mercury ruler of 3rd house, ruler of writing and mental thought. The third aspect is a bi-quintile to Sun second house ruler placed in the 5th house of creativity and children.


The Sun Moon longitudinal connection in Blake´s chart is compounded by a contra-parallel emphasising the importance in expressing the houses involved.  1st house ruler Moon in 12th channels his self and identity into the search for all things hidden and mysterious. If there was something hidden and unknown to society then Moon in own sign and therefore having the highest essential dignity would indicate that it would be seen, perceived and felt in a most emotional, and psychic way. The Moon-Sun aspect connects the first house (reason for being and living) with the 2nd house (house of value and income) with the 12th house of the unconscious and the 5th of creativity. And primarily, William Blake made his livelihood from the most creative of crafts involving poetry, drawing, writing and the most skillful of engraving, the most notable demonstration of this Biquintile aspect.


The second important planet that Cancer Moon contacts in this chart is Venus, placed in the 6th house of work and daily business in Capricorn. The fact that Venus rules 4th and 11th houses is testament to the fact that his home was his workshop and a place of meeting with the people who Blake had political and social intercourse with.

Mercury in this chart is important.  Mercury ruler of 3rd and 12th houses aspects to both Moon within the 12th that gives the ability to write about the 12th house knowledge, but also in aspect to Mars ruler of the Midheaven and Blake´s eventual life´s work. This Mercury, however, is conjoined with a Sagittarius Jupiter, imparting a wisdom, knowledge and awareness from its rulership over the 6th and 9th houses.

The final rulership to be considered in Blake´s chart must be 7th ruler Saturn aspecting both Mars in opposition and Moon through another Biquintile. And to note, his wife was greatly involved in his work being also contra-parallel to MC ruler Mars and energetically linked to him (Biquintile Moon).

Descendant ruler Saturn also rules 8th house and is placed exactly on the 8th cusp. Catherine Boucher his wife would have been a huge support to him and possibly mystical or psychic with regard to having domicile over the 8th. She was also probably a most humane and dignified woman with Aquarius Saturn, the sign of rational understanding and possibly most solid and loyal placements.

The most powerful planet in this chart despite combustion, is Jupiter; placed in the fifth house, and lord over Mars, Mercury, North Node and Sun. It is no surprise therefore that his art and creation (5th house) is inspired by spiritual fire and Religious and Mystical knowledge, with Jupiter having direct rulership of the 9th house of dreams and higher knowledge.


Fixed Stars Bungula (our closest neighbour Alpha Centaury) and Antares, the Royal Star Archangel Oriel and Watcher of the West would have been closely conjunct Blake´s Mercury and Sun. These stars are both bright and strong influences. Mercury with Alpha Centaury is described as pertaining to occult knowledge and philosophy, and the star which denotes the Heart of the Scorpion of the nature of Mars Jupiter and Mercury would have emphasised the nature of the mystery involved.